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What Happens at the follow up appointment

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Hi Myratas

I have been clipped, so cant help you on what to expect, but write down any questions or worrys you may have, if you are like me you will forget to ask something :roll: Hope all goes well.

Love Tinaxx

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Hi Myratas

I had a 30 minute follow up appointment with neurologist three months after my SAH. I made out a list of questions but really I didn't get specific answers as he didn't know whether my symptoms would improve. He seemed to be a man of very few words so it was a bit of a non-event. I then went on to have my check angiogram a few weeks later.

Hope yours goes well.

Best wishes


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I think all follow up's seem to be different, although writing your questions down is a great idea, my first one was a bit of a none event really, got myself into such a state not knowing what to expect and it was few questions frew me little from him lets organize an angio and that was that I knew about my appointmen 3months in advance not a good thing.....

Take care


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Hey there

I saw my neuro guy in March 07 after my first follow up MRI in February 07. I took a list of questions and asked him each one - he was very good and answered them all the best he could. He did some balance tests on me and hearing/sight tests to see if anything else had been affected. After my MRI in the Feb I received a letter saying that they were so pleased with the way the artery had healed that they were delaying the MRi I was due to have in August last year until August this year.

I think every consultant will have a different way of assessing/advising etc, prepare some questions to take with you - it can't hurt to be prepared.

Let us know how you get on

Take care

Sami xxx

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