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Frequency of control scans

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I had my surgery on the 20th of last May and while I was still in hospital had two or three TAC's (a sort of scan and that's what we call them in Spanish, not sure in English). They revealed nothing abnormal and I was eventually released when I could more or less fend for myself. I had my last TAC on July 22nd. Today I was informed that my next appointment to be scanned will be around the end of April 2009. This is the Social Security. Paying, I could have one today if I wanted to, of course. Before I go ballistic, raise hell and say something to someone I will end up apologizing for, I need to know the suggested program of recovery and I have no idea. Every month, 3 months, 6, once a year.......How often after the operation should scans be made? At least for the first year. I still think my appointment is not good enough and ought to be improved. What do you think and have done regarding yourselves? Have I reason to complain? Please note I will not be seen by a neurosurgeon until April 30th. Seems such a long time.


lots of love,


Thanks a lot


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Hi Nurianna

Am I right in thinking that your Anuerysm was clipped. If so they don't usually perform any scans after you are discharged from hospital unless they think there is a problem.

I had my clipping in Nov 2006 but due to a really bad bout of head pain in January 07 they carried out another scan that showed everything was fine. My own G.P order a further scan in May of this year because I suffer from intense head pain this also was clear.

I would not have had another appointment at all after my discharge in Feb 07 with the Nuerosurgeon if my G.P hadn't referred me back to him because of the constant pain.

So it's not at all unusual that you don't have another appointment til next April. I think it is only when the coiling procedure is used that they monitor more frequently.

Janet x

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Hi Nurianna

When I had my SAH in August 2006 I was scanned before and after surgery ( I was coiled). After that I was was scanned in February 2007. The scans were clear and everything was healing so well that instead of having another one in August 2007 as planned, they said they didn't want to see me until August 2008. I'm now waiting for the appointment to come through. I've been told that if everything is Ok with this scan then they will discharge me completely - which means I won't have another scan at all unless I have problems.

Hope this helps.

By the way, where do you live? I don't know if you said in your intro, so forgive me if you have.

Take care

Love Sami xxx

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Thanks for your replies. They have been really helpful. I was envisioning myself having to be scanned every month or so.....and I was really feeling "abandoned" and panicky. I did have a titanium clip inserted. I live in the Canary Islands, in Lanzarote though my surgery was performed in Gran Canaria, in this massive hospital called Dr. Negrín apparently quiet advanced in neurosurgery and one of the best in Spain. I suppose they DO know what they are doing.

Lots of love,


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