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2 year MRI scan

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I recently had my 2 year MRI scan and assumed everything would be ok and that I wouldn’t need to see the consultant. However I have received an appointment. Does this mean something has been seen on the scan? Tia x

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No, not necessarily.  They may call you in just to discuss your result and reassure you all is going to plan.  On the other hand, if they have spotted something, then far better to know about it and tell you what they propose to do about it than to just leave it!


I am eight years out and every time I had a scan I saw the consultant.  There was nothing to worry about.  My SAH was from an irregularly shaped (rather than the usual berry shape) bleed and I was coiled and kept an eye on for longer than is normal.  Nothing was wrong and each time I had a scan I was ok and the consultant told me so.


So don't panic. If it had been urgent they'd have called you in sooner!


Best wishes,



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