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at last eye open

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had my sah 30 sept pleased to say my eye seems to be opening fairly well now,(but now finding back to more dizzeness could it be because that eye is now being used more.)the eye is still not perfect, but a lot better,still got lots of strange feelings in my head , but i suppose is to be expected,(i am also now getting lots of odd pains down my spine ,i did read one of (karens letters about blood draining from the brain down the spine,)does any one know how long that takes? is it quite common? be glad of any advice.love pruexx

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Hi Prue

When my eye finally opened completely I also suffered with more dizziness until the blurriness and double vision had gone. The strange sensations in the head take a quite a while to ease off mine used to creak a lot still does now and again.

Janet x

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hi janet thanks so much for your reply,(all of these strange feelings are so strange and so frightening)i keep thinking im going backwards,(especially with the heads and not sleeping very well,and because of my age,)what would we do without,this channel.(and karen to talk to plus every body else)as you can guess by my mail(not having a good day)i think i was better at the start, untill all these effects started to come in,(plus all this internet to me is all new i never went on it )it was my husband now he hardly gets the chance when i came out of hospital i just did not know where to go to find out anything ,my consultent told my husband to go to the (the british brain and spine foundation)but gave no other advice(so we had to all to sort out for help)once again forgive for any mistakes i am still a big learner thanks again for your help love pruexx

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Hi Prue

It can be a viscious circle sometimes all the weird sensations and head pain can make you feel very anxious which then makes everything seem worse. You are still very early on in your recovery and what you are feeling now is quite normal but very alarming as well.

I know that you like to keep yourself busy but just remember to be kind to yourself as well and sit down and put your feet up in between doing things. Hope you start to feel a bit better soon take care.

Janet x

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Hi Prue,

Think that the traces of blood can be found in the CSF or spinal fluid for about 3 - 4 months after a brain haem. so it's a fair old while ... I was told that the blood irritates the nerve endings of the spine and hence the back or leg pain. If it's really persistent Prue, then get yourself checked out. I had pain for probably 2 - 3 months.

Yes, the dizziness after the eye has started to open can be pretty bad. I was told that the eye can be slightly out of alignment at first and the brain has to learn to adapt and cope with your wobbly eyes at the minute ..... It should get better Prue ..... keep it patched if the dizziness gets too bad.

As Janet has said, good to keep active, but put your feet up too.... your brain needs time to recover and repair.

Prue, you're a little marvel ..... learning to use the computer as well .... there will be no stopping you soon! xx

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hi karen it is always so lovely,(to hear from you all)it is so amazing how much better we all feel just knowing some one is out there to talk to,(why they dont give a leaflet at the hospital to tell us about this web page)there must be hundreds of people out there,suffering wondering (what comes next)we would be so lost without you all cant thank you enough,for how you have all helped me,and i am only just at the start really 7 weeks,(its a goodjob i am learning on this computer,as i used to curse it ,when my husband learnt to use it ha ha )now he hasnt a chance to get on it ,(only when i dont know what to do, next)or put me right(still stops me thinking about myself)thanks again for reply hope you are having a good day.lots of love pruexx(did this without any help i wonder if i will be to old to get a job when i am better,ha ha )(ive learnt to day how to space the words when i make a mistake ha ha)love pruexxx

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Hi Prue :D I was exactly the same as Janet and karen....i still have blurryness now and my balance not always good. I had constant double vision for quite some time and my eyes were out of balance and my right eye kept wandering...a very weird sensation. As the others have said you are doing amazingly....but Janet and karen are right you must remember to rest up!

Take care

Love Tina XX

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Hi Prue

You are doing fabulously well at 7 weeks. Just using the internet is very tiring don't forget, especially if it is a new skill that you have learnt. Concentrating can be very wearing. I do a volunteer role which has an element of listening and I still find that listening carefully and intently totally wears me out, as does researching things on the internet.

Like you, I think most of us feel that we take one step forwards and two back at times and it can be very frustrating.

Like everyone says, listen to your body and rest, both physically and mentally. I know it is easier said than done when you are such an active person but otherwise you will be left with no option because if you get overtired your body and mind will not allow you to carry on, it will make you stop. Very clever mechanism really I suppose.

Remember, you are a star, your progress is amazing.

Poor hubby is probably secretly delighted that he can no longer get on the computer because he wil be very proud that you have learnt a new skill whilst in early stages of recovery!

I have said the same as you a number of times about all SAH'ers should be given this web address on leaving hospital, it is definitely the best source of information around.

Good luck with the eye


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Guest Beth1957

Prue, I'd never have guessed that you were new at using the internet; you've taken to it like a duck to water! As Ann says though, using the internet can be surprisingly tiring; I find it so these days & I've been using it for years! So, be kind to yourself; you're doing brilliantly with that & with your recovery xxx

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i dont know about a duck to water (its all done with one finger i sure will never make a typist ha ha)but i used to kick up when my husband was on it (saying what are you doing/)it seemed he was never off of it,but he is much faster than me, i honestly have never spent so much time up on this computer.i dont go on the rest not my scene,thanks again beth catch you again love prue xx

Prue, I'd never have guessed that you were new at using the internet; you've taken to it like a duck to water! As Ann says though, using the internet can be surprisingly tiring; I find it so these days & I've been using it for years! So, be kind to yourself; you're doing brilliantly with that & with your recovery xxx
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hi ann thank you for your reply, my 7 weeks have seemed like 7 years i am always more of a active person,always looking for somethig to do, ive never found time to sit still, ive loved walking my dog, as we live near the fields it was a big shock to me ,i always thought i was quite fit,so i most certianly did not expect it still shows (we never know whats in store)any way thanks ann for your reply,will speak to you again love prue xx

Hi Prue

You are doing fabulously well at 7 weeks. Just using the internet is very tiring don't forget, especially if it is a new skill that you have learnt. Concentrating can be very wearing. I do a volunteer role which has an element of listening and I still find that listening carefully and intently totally wears me out, as does researching things on the internet.

Like you, I think most of us feel that we take one step forwards and two back at times and it can be very frustrating.

Like everyone says, listen to your body and rest, both physically and mentally. I know it is easier said than done when you are such an active person but otherwise you will be left with no option because if you get overtired your body and mind will not allow you to carry on, it will make you stop. Very clever mechanism really I suppose.

Remember, you are a star, your progress is amazing.

Poor hubby is probably secretly delighted that he can no longer get on the computer because he wil be very proud that you have learnt a new skill whilst in early stages of recovery!

I have said the same as you a number of times about all SAH'ers should be given this web address on leaving hospital, it is definitely the best source of information around.

Good luck with the eye


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[hi mutti thanks for your reply I really am having a bad day (like you say i seem to be dizzy most of the time )ihave felt worse since my patch is off even though my eye has opened really well (not perfect but pretty good)(like I am now suffering with my spine and shoulders )it sure is a very frightning time (it sure is very scary.(fatigue to day is very bad ) but it seems most people have been through IT SO IMUST CARRY ON ,will close for now catch you later pruexx

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hi ann one question you had your sah 9 months before me (i seem to be getting more things coming in now )the heads seem to be weird ,did you go through this stage at 7 weeks (or what were you like at 7 weeks) would like to know how you felt is it normal what im going through (Im sure it all is.) await your reply love prue.

Hi Prue

You are doing fabulously well at 7 weeks. Just using the internet is very tiring don't forget, especially if it is a new skill that you have learnt. Concentrating can be very wearing. I do a volunteer role which has an element of listening and I still find that listening carefully and intently totally wears me out, as does researching things on the internet.

Like you, I think most of us feel that we take one step forwards and two back at times and it can be very frustrating.

Like everyone says, listen to your body and rest, both physically and mentally. I know it is easier said than done when you are such an active person but otherwise you will be left with no option because if you get overtired your body and mind will not allow you to carry on, it will make you stop. Very clever mechanism really I suppose.

Remember, you are a star, your progress is amazing.

Poor hubby is probably secretly delighted that he can no longer get on the computer because he wil be very proud that you have learnt a new skill whilst in early stages of recovery!

I have said the same as you a number of times about all SAH'ers should be given this web address on leaving hospital, it is definitely the best source of information around.

Good luck with the eye


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Guest ElaineW

I know my mum is taking one step forward and six back at the moment and feels very disheartened but like you say I think that is the way it wil be. Mum is six months post SAH and at the moment her legs, hands and memory have deteriorated somewhat since the last month or so. Mum has had a few falls too. No two days seem to be the same I find so I nenver really plan anything. Mum is very tearul at the moment too because she knows she has gone back but I have told her to be positive and she will pick up again and I just generally try to keep her going.(and me too)!!!

As you say no-one knows what is round the corner so I think we will all get those good days followed by the bad. I say to mum at least she is with us but when you have been so independent it comes hard.

Take Care


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hi elaine thanks for your reply all of it is much , more worrying as we get older,(like your mum i have allways been so independant) never still ,my husband was in the navy so I spent a lot of time,(just me and my son)so i had to do everything, hence why Iam never still, so this has really hit me hard,(Ialso did a job all hours now when we could be taking ,it easy ,(we get this) so looks like its quite A journey ,AHEAD WE WILL GET THERE HOPEFULLY give my regards to your mum ,love prue.

I know my mum is taking one step forward and six back at the moment and feels very disheartened but like you say I think that is the way it wil be. Mum is six months post SAH and at the moment her legs, hands and memory have deteriorated somewhat since the last month or so. Mum has had a few falls too. No two days seem to be the same I find so I nenver really plan anything. Mum is very tearul at the moment too because she knows she has gone back but I have told her to be positive and she will pick up again and I just generally try to keep her going.(and me too)!!!

As you say no-one knows what is round the corner so I think we will all get those good days followed by the bad. I say to mum at least she is with us but when you have been so independent it comes hard.

Take Care


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Hi Prue and Elaine,

I found that recovery in the initial stages was one step forward and three back. It does feel extremely distressing at times .... I'm not sure why it happens .... perhaps we try to do too much and then the brain kicks in and tells us to stop. It needs time to recover and repair ....after a SAH recovery certainly doesn't happen overnight. It takes time to come to terms and adapt, but it doesn't mean to say that you're going to be stuck this way. Time is definetly a great healer and recovery is individual to us all.

It's taken me over 3 years to feel like I do now ..... the first year was definetly the worse .... the 2nd was better and I was more accepting of the fact, that for me personally, that progress was going to be slow. Peoples recovery rates vary and no two SAH recoveries mirror each other. However, most people find that recovery continues for many years and that there is no cut off point.

Prue, I would advise you to read Alison Wertheimer's book called A Dented Image ..... it may help to answer many of the questions that you need to ask. It's been written by somebody that has had a SAH themselves and features other SAH'ers and their experiences of recovery.

Love K x

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Hi Prue

I have been looking back in my diary and at 7 weeks I was trying to do too much and had a major setback. I thought I would get better very quickly and was determined to do so. Mine happened on holiday in Majorca and I was in hospital there for 2 weeks then flew home. I was so relieved to be home that I wanted to do things around the house etc and return to normal.I went for walks every day and tried to go further each day, but on more than one occassion my elderly neighbour saw me from his window and escorted me home as I could not walk another step, however hard I tried.I just had to sit down on the pavement then I couldn't get up again!!!!

Afetr 3 months I started to show a big improvement but then at about 6 months I seemed to hit a plateau and have not improved much since.

I must add that we are all very different and recover at different rates and I am only saying how I was because you asked that question directly, not as a comparison.I had major surgery after another life threatening illness 5 years ago and because I beat that and made myself recover quickly I thought I could do it again after SAH but I was wrong. I seem to have no control over recovery this time, my body or rather my brain, is definitely in charge and sets the pace.

I still get very tired, I have been volunteering as telephonist athe Hospice this afternoon and now I am fit for nothing this evening, I find it difficult to find the right words and even to speak when I get too tired!

Just recover slowly, winter is a dreary time at the best of times, listen to your body, don't feel you HAVE to do anything, just do what you feel you can do, however frustrating it may be. All the best, I enjoy reading your contributions to the site.


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hi again :lol: thank you for post (yet again i am having a bad day)I think i am trying to hard to fight it all,and its no good pushing yourself to far (it does not work)must admit my arm is giving me a lot of discomfort which is not helping,had physio yesterday at hospital(what a struggle it was)i really was exhausted at the end ,my eyes are not good to day,so i am taking it easy to day,thanks again karen ,will catch you later love pruex

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hi ann that was so good of you , thanks so much i think like you did i am trying to hard ,as i had a cervical laminectomy only in march and got over that pretty good (again by pushing myself) only to go down with this in sept ,(my trouble is i am so strong willpower,i dont ever give in ,when i know i should) like you i have been walking trying to go a bit further, (then wonder why i am so tired )when i left hospital (the consultant did say on good days you may think you can go further, dont do it ,(as one day you wont get back) how right she was, i tend to forget my age ,(but i will learn very fast )anyway thanks again ann hope you are going on ok love prue

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Guest ElaineW

Hi Prue -I agree with Anne's comments and have printed off all your entries for my mum to read as I think she will be able to relate to a lot of it. Hope you have a better few days ahread. (but don;t forget that rest inbetween0


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Hi Prue

Not been on here for a while been very busy.

I'm just had my 1 year SAH anniversary. (I'm 62 next Feb - so no spring chicken). And whilst not totally back to my old self I'm nearly there.

Like many on here I had an eye patch on for about 4/5 months I think before I could use my right eye properly. Like Karen and the others are saying: its very early days for you in your recovery.

12 months on, my right eye is fine (although it does get tired at the end of the day). I've been back driving for about 6 months. (Not good driving in the dark though). My balance got better once the eye patch was off and I was using my right eye all the time.

I spent hours and hours on this website once I'd found it and there is a wealth of information on here.

Good luck with your continued recovery.

Big hug


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hi shanty thanks for post ,(i was 70 in oct )I to am no spring chicken ,and suppose as we are older(very scary) still i try not to think about my age (hoping it will help ha ha )really you have done well for 12 months,(i am only 8 weeks since sah ) i to find at the end of the day it closes a bit ,but by then im ready for bed,i would have been lost without everybodys help and this channel you did well to be back driving, so soon ,(i hope i am) it really seems a long and winding road to follow , (just hope i get there) thanks again ,will catch you again love prue

Hi Prue

Not been on here for a while been very busy.

I'm just had my 1 year SAH anniversary. (I'm 62 next Feb - so no spring chicken). And whilst not totally back to my old self I'm nearly there.

Like many on here I had an eye patch on for about 4/5 months I think before I could use my right eye properly. Like Karen and the others are saying: its very early days for you in your recovery.

12 months on, my right eye is fine (although it does get tired at the end of the day). I've been back driving for about 6 months. (Not good driving in the dark though). My balance got better once the eye patch was off and I was using my right eye all the time.

I spent hours and hours on this website once I'd found it and there is a wealth of information on here.

Good luck with your continued recovery.

Big hug


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It is a long winding road and you are doing brilliantly and yes you will be still here next year, you sound and look like a very strong independant lady.

Listen to your body (so should i Ha) and rest up, you are doing really brilliantly.

Hows your little dog Sophie doing.

Sending lots of love and hugs

Michelle C


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hi michelle thanks for your e mail (I DO TRY AND LISTEN TO MY BODY) but I really am a shocker ,I will not give in and i really am my worst enemy I can never sleep in the day,which is so stupid really and wonder why I AM SO tired . yes my little dog has recovered well, and now is sure it is me,with the patch off he was not sure about the patch on my eye,(he really has been a super dog, and loves everybody) he is now14 and a half , (so he is getting old too) ( like his mum ha ha )well I BETTER go and do some work so i will catch you again ...........love pruexxx[

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