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getting things to work

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I have noticed that since my SAH I have difficulty understanding instructions or working out how things work. I still haven't mastered our new photocopier at work and even the new mouse on the computer had a different button from the last one and I couldn't work it out until my colleague showed me.

Has anyone else noticed this and how do you get round it?

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Yes, me too!! ..... I just keep reading the manuals!! .... I do get there in the end..... :wink: I only temp at work, so I'm not in for long enough to get to grips with things ...... but have been chucked in the deep end in the last couple of days and have managed to sort the problems ....

Know how you feel Anne and also think that it's a confidence thing ..... I tend to write loads of notes and now have my own work file ..... my short term memory is still pretty shot, so the notes help and they're like a comfort blanket.

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And me it takes me ages to figure out how to do the technical stuff on my computer now. My most frustrating one is the programme for my digital camera it was taking me loads of attempts to load the pictures with it. I have now given up and use the windows programme so much less frustrating.

Karen like you I have to try and read the manuals normally repeatedly and even then can still forget what I'm doing :twisted:

Janet x

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Me too! I used to be the person to whom everyone else came to have their various machines etc explained to them, now I puzzle over something probably very easy, for ages and yes it is so frustrating :evil: I too keep notes,my own interpretation of what to do, as I cannot easily follow the manuals :cry: I have had to learn to swallow my pride and ask too! Not easy, but I suppose a good life lesson :?

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Hi Anne :D I too have to go over things a few times now to get it in my head...and like Karen have post it notes.....i double check everything now, just in case...i think it is confidence xxxxx

Love Tina xx

Keith.....RTFM.... :lol:

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Guest ElaineW

Yes mum has experienced this too, recently had a new tv which caused a few fuzzy screens I suggested she writes it down but she seems to have mastered it now. In saying that I am not very good with change and I think I would struggle so can't be easy.


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