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And So it Goes On

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Hi All

Just an update on my saga. I typed a letter to the Manager Directorate at my hospital and he rung me a week last Tuesday and agreed that it would appear that the two clinicians have totally different opinions ( one said I needed recoiling as it was dangerous to leave, the other told me to live life as normal). The radio neurologist that did my embolization was on holiday till last Monday so he was going to show him my letter and would let me know an answer this week after they discussed it. Guess what NO ONE HAS CALLED ME!!! My wife rang this afternoon and was told that that the clinician's secretary was off duty and they didn't know where the Manager was but a message was left, NO ONE CALLED. We have now been told to ring on Tuesday next week, all the secretary can confirm is that I'm listed for a further embolization. My patience is wearing pretty thin now and my headaches are creeping back. I had built myself up to go into hospital this week as I was told they had beds available. I really think I need to take this matter further, any suggestions?

At least the sun has come back to cheer us all up.

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Hi hun,

So sorry to read of your plight. I really feel for you, and feel your frustration.

When you receive the information, and help you need, I'd recommend you fill in a Triple C Form, this form is available in all N.H.S. Hospital Patient areas, often in little sleeve boxes posted on the corridor of wards. This Form stands for Compliment, Complaint and Comments.

After filling out the form you then will receive a letter back, from the head of the department, stating what you have stated in your form, and that it has been passed on to the relevent people. And believe me it does get passed on.

If you don't get satisfaction there, you can contact the Independent Advice and Support Service for NHS users (IASS). They are a part of the Citizens Advice Bureau, who give independent advice on any healthcare concerns.

Hope you receive the help that you so deserve.

Take care,

B x

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Hi Holly

Thanks for your quick reply. I am going to give them until Tuesday and if I don't get a satisfactory answer I have found the details of the person to complain to on the hospital website and I fully intend to complain. My only worry is that the person I will be complaining about is the person who will probably be doing the embolization. I know they will do it professionally but it could be embarrasing for me still I've got broad shoulders. I just cannot believe they can treat people like this.



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Jiohn, that is so hard for you, I too would suggest PALS as it looks as though even the 'right' person is not co-operating as they should. It would be a good idea to have someone support you who is not as closely involved. I shall keep thinking of you, remember I shouted it seems to have worked;-) but for sure it need to be the correct person, don't worry though the Complaints Officer should not ever be someone who is a clinician, so not very likely that it will be the guy who does you embolisation, if by chance it is then you could ask for someone else.

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Hi All

Thankyou all for your replies. Unfortunatley Wales does not appear to have PAL but I have got details online for making a complaint to an independent person through the Welsh Assembly Government so it probably is a similar system. I really do not want to go this far as being a retired police officer I know what effect complaints can have on an individual whether they be false or proven but I now feel enough is enough both for Barbara and myself so I have definitely set the deadline for Tuesday as you have up to one year to register complaint and I last saw a clinician on September 6th last year. I will keep you all updated and hopefully my threads will be a bit more cheerful.

Again thankyou.



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hi john

i had problems with lin i emailed the clinical director of neurosurgery at lins first hospital sent it at 0430 his secretary rang me at nine new consultant was heading lins way at 1230 i think holly is right but if you are being messed around go for the boss i think you could go through the web page through contact us head it for clinical director of neuro surgery it worked for lin hope you get a response take care

Edited by paul99
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