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Getting so stressed..


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Hi Everyone


I had my event(stroke) in June last year but was lucky enough to suffer none of the more serious side effects other than my vision. I lost my total left peripheral vision which was completely weird and I couldn't walk safely never mind drive. 


Fortunately most of my vision recovered very quickly (about 4/5 weeks) but I was left with a blind spot area to the top left of my vision. I had an eye test at my local hospital in October which confirmed to me that there is no way I should drive so I surrendered my licence....I didn't want to risk it, I knew I wasn't right.


Over the next few months, things improved A LOT and an eye test at the hospital in January(Estermann with both eyes) showed I met the standard to reapply for my licence.  I haven't driven in the meantime even though the DVLA website says I can but waited and waited for my little bit of plastic to come back to me.


I finally got a response from the DVLA this week saying I have to pass another eye test at Specsavers. This has got me so nervous and I feel as though I'm going to fail it probably due to false positives because of the aforementioned nervousness. I've met all of the DVLA's criteria to drive so why do I have to prove myself again?


The DVLA's own criteria is that, because I surrendered my licence, if my doctor and I say I'm Ok, and as long as they receive a correct and complete application, that's it, licence back. But that's not what's happening. If I fail this next test I assume they'll revoke it so what is ****** point of voluntarily surrendering ????

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Hi Tony


A very warm welcome to BTG :) 

I know how very frustrating it is waiting to get your licence back !

It took me 2 years because of my double vision.


If you have not already, read through some of the other threads here in this Driving section.

Others have posted their experiences and this may be helpful. Try not to stress too much about your next test. You passed ok last time and i am sure you will this time.


I would send all the information you sent before as well as your new test, just to make sure they have all the information to hand. Good luck for your eye test and please let us know how you get on. I do know the DVLA are notoriously slow, keep chasing them.


Take care and we look forward to hearing more from you.

Tina :) 

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Thanks very much for your reply Tina.


I've been lurking around the Forums for a few months and , in the main ,have taken great comfort from the experiences of others.


When I surrendered my licence I knew it was the right thing to do but was under the impression that, as long as my consultant agreed, I could drive once DVLA had received my application. To be told to go for another eye test is a shock and very annoying but as you say, I should pass it anyway. I'll certainly be back with updates.

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Welcome to BGT. I am sorry to hear of your nervousness but you should take great comfort in the fact that you are way ahead of most 'licence losers' that come here for advice. Many/most of us have had our licences revoked rather than taking the (purely personal) decision to hand them in. I would suggest that you focus positively on the test you have to take at Specsavers (we all had to do it!) and tell yourself that it will be a positive outcome. 


In the 18 odd months it took me to get my licence back I never lost the idea that I would get my licence back at some point. And eventually I did. You have the support of a consultant and you have already passed a test so why do you think you wont pass this one? Nervousness doesn't affect the eyes. Just do the test, focus on the spot in the middle and press the button when you see a light dot. Easy!


Good luck fella and let us know how you get on.



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Thanks Johnnie, I'm not normally a person who gets stressed but for some reason this has got me so wound up! As you say, the choice to surrender my licence was a personal one but, looking at the website and from other legal advice, I shouldn't have to do another test whether it be an eye-test or driving assessment.


The DVLA is breaking its own rules (I believe it's Section 88 of the Road Traffic Act) but reading through a lot of posts on here, I can see it is quite often the case that the goalposts get moved .

As you also say, look at the light, click the button and get licence back, easy !   


I'll be back with an update!

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Just back from my eye test


SMASHED IT!!!!!!!!!!


Only one missed spot in the high left area which the optician said was completely irrelevant. Hopefully that means my licence will arrive soon but I'll wait until that day to celebrate properly. Thank you Johnnie and Tina for your calming words

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Quick update - pretty bizarre goings on but you have to laugh!! I was told it'd take 2-3 weeks before the DVLA sent my licence back but obviously was expecting a delay to that. I telephoned them yesterday (3weeks since eyetest) to check how things were progressing  and they told me they had the results from Specsavers and were waiting for my Medical Records.


Now it might just be me and a foolish way of thinking but why, if the Binocular Esterman test conducted by my consultant at the hospital was not satisfactory proof that I meet the DVLA standards, why is what she's written in my Medical File so important?  Anyhow, I asked them when they'd asked for it and they told me 29th March and again on the 20th April.


I contacted the Hospital and found my original consultant has left however, the new consultant had replied explaining that fact and stating both they and my Opthamologist fully supported my application to have my licence reinstated. I rang the DVLA and was told that it had to be the person named on the letter who replied and they couldn't take the information from someone else.


I asked "So if my original consultant had passed away, I would never be able to drive again?" This was met with "Well that's just stupid and if you continue with that sort of attitude, I'll hang up!" Whilst remaining extremely calm, I asked if they could change the name on the letter to the new consultant's name and resend the request which she said she would and for which I thanked her for most profusely.


I then asked , in the meantime, could I now drive? I was told "That's your decision". I asked " But would I be driving legally as I don't want to break the law and get pulled over?" She replied " I can't tell you what to do, it's your decision".


I left the conversation at that but rang back a short while later and spoke to a different person. This very helpful lady offered to send me a letter explaining Section 88. She suggested I keep it in the car to show the Police if I should be pulled over. So still no licence but at least things seem to be moving on!!!!

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Great news Tony you should get the letter in a couple of days.


l had no vision problems just the normal delays you expect from DVLA.

After weeks of phone calls I eventually got someone helpful who said she look into my case.

Five minutes later she phoned me back and said she would send me a letter to show to police if stopped.

Two days later the letter came, two days later my license arrived.


Funny thing is the lady was called Karen, the girl assigned to me at the job centre who’s father had a SAH and was brilliant was also called Karen, then I find this site and another fantastic Karen.

So I think if you need help try to find a Karen.

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