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On April 15, 2021 I suffered a sub arachnoid hemorrhage. I was very lucky mine was small I spent four days in ICU And was discharged home. I am very fearful of this happening again, will my head ever stop hurting? I know it’s only been a short time not even three weeks, I’m so tired folding a load of laundry requires me to take a rest. Just looking for some support.

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Hi Tracy,

Welcome to BTG, so happy you found this site. 


I also had a SAH and also was very afraid of it happening again.  My doctors assured me it was unlikely but It took me time to feel safe again..Time seemed to be my key, the brain is slow to heal.  I found this to be unlike any other illness I had, it insisted upon being given time.  With time and learning to be patient with myself I began to see things get better...


The head hurting...well there is a lot written on this site about head aches and pain.  I encourage you to look through what others share.  I personally never really had post SAH "headaches" but did have a thunderclap headache when it all began but...I do have some head pains which were worrisome to me but after 4 years I try to not give them too much attention...


Tired, yes yes yes...but again time made it get better...I would walk in and out of the kitchen making a meal to sit and rest....I have gotten so much better...


As Jess wrote time, relaxing when you need to and yes the water does help..




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Thank you so much. I also had the thunderclap headache, it brought me to my knees.  My neurosurgeon said we will never know why it happened, he said a small blood vessel burst and closed itself back up. Now I am just waiting for the blood to reabsorb. Patience is not my virtue 😁


thank you


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Hi Tracy


warm welcome to the site glad that you found us..


Everyone is fearful of it happening again your not alone in that...  it will ease as time passes honest...

keep well hydrated - it helps with the headaches, and do a bit and rest is ok thats listening to your body........


take care...

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