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Everything posted by jess

  1. Hi welcome to btg. Look forward to chatting some time. Jess.xxx
  2. I don't take anything for it either speak to your dr. Hope your better soon. Jess.xxx
  3. I'm the first as far as i know hopefully the last. Jess.xxx
  4. Hi speak to your dr and find out whts going on. Hope it all goes ok. Jess.xxx
  5. Pam welcome to btg look forward to chatting sometime. Sorry you have to be here and about your eyes. Jess.xxx
  6. I thought it could only happen for a few wks after that is why they give you that nimpodene (spelling) tablets i would check. Jess.xxx
  7. I used to feel like that it does get better with time though. Jess.xxx
  8. Coils and clips are fine my stomach was in knots the first time as i hadn't had the chance to ask nyone we just upped and went whist on holiday in this country to the scilly isles been to turkey since and was fine both times. Jess.xxx Ps have a great time
  9. Welcome to btg grace i had two the me s you but my right side had ruptured look forwrd to chatting sometime. Anything you want to know just ask someone will know the answer. Jess.xxx
  10. Hi kath welcome to btg. Look forward to chatting sometime probably after i come back from turkey now, cause i got loads of ironing and everything to do bought all new stuff but its all creased. Anyway glad you joined us here, and yes the nurses do a fab job only can repeat what everyone ese has said. Talk soon. Jess.xxx
  11. Hi diane i quite often get that. Think its more as i'm drifting off though. Take him to the doctors and tell him not to worry to much aand happy anniversary. Jess.xxx
  12. My bank do know the company i travel with don't they don't need to as insurance would go up and i am already covered with bank lol
  13. Hi there i never mentioned it to my travel company as ii am covered with my bank it costs me 17.50 month but that is for lots of other things aswell and my two children are covered too. I really don't know where to get it from sorry. Hope you find some. Jess.xxx
  14. Hi teri sorry your husband as had a sah but glad you found btg it was a great help to me well still is. Look forward to chatting with you sometime. Jess.xxx
  15. Hi there lynne i would phone the hospital aswell and ask them to explain it to you, it never happened to me either butt i am sure ssomeone will be able to help. Hope you get some answers soon. Jess.xxx
  16. Hi tracey i get that alot but i just don't worry anymore. Try not to worry. Jess.xxx
  17. Hi Maddie welcome to btg hope you find it as helpful as i aways have. Look forward to hearing more from you. Rest alot drink lots of water and you will feel better but it does take time for the tiredness to go. Jess.xxx
  18. Thanks i read it and put my comment on not up yet though lol.
  19. Hi there i m sure they would have you in sooner if they were concerned, i haven't had it happen but i am sure someone will be along to help shortly but stay calm and don't worry to much. Jess.xxx
  20. Hi lynn sorry to hear about your sister look forward to hearing more from you. Just be there for her and listen when she wnts to talk. Jess.xxx
  21. Hi Noah well on my yr annieversary i was 8 months pregnant and really can't remember if i did anything but have fun whtever you decide to do. Jess.xxx
  22. Hi there i still get them occasionally i think its muscles relaxing dunno though but i've had it for 8yrs so in my case can't be to serious but if your worried go to the doctors. Jess.xxx
  23. Hi zoe i still smoke, however i don't have aneurysms anymore. And if your going to leve him better to do it sooner rther than later, however my opinion is he sounds like he is gonna get better. Jess.xxx
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