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Everything posted by jess

  1. Donna I still get headaches now but if I take 2 annadin liquid tablets they go for the rest of the day. However go to your drs to put your mind at rest and check that any medication that we are on that you want to try is suitable for you. Jess.xxx PS hope they ease soon.
  2. Hi nita sorry your ill, but your a fighter you will fight this and you will win. It upsets me when I hear one of us are giving up it is gonna be hard but you have us, and we will help you through. Jess.xxx
  3. Hi well I haven't had any scans since leaving the hospital. Jess.xxx Ps drs aren't allowed to keep anything from patients so they won't be
  4. Anne so sorry to hear the news hugs and prayers to the family. Jess.xxx
  5. Gill can i suggest that you first check with a doctor because it isn't wise to do anything that you don't fully trust yourself. I mean if your asking you must be unsure so please check, however I can't see the harm in them. Jess.xxx
  6. Hi there pat welcome to btg. Hope you find it really useful here. Look forward to chatting sometime. Jess.xxx
  7. Hi Jane firstly welcome to btg feel free to come here to share your sadness, frustration, and anger that is what we are here for. I know how angry and frustrated my husband used to feel at times. Try not to let it get to you as his brain and emotions need time to recover, but talk to him suggest counsiling which may also help. Hope things start to improve for you soon, and look forward to chatting sometime. Jess.xxx
  8. Phil it is hard for people to understand when they can't see anything wrong, however the only way they will ever know is if you tell them. The headaches will get easier in time it's still early days. Jess.xxx
  9. Hi Rhiann yes I used to get that too don't worry to much. It is horrible whilst you are feeling like it I know but anxiety makes it worse. Jess.xxx
  10. Congratulations John. Hope you had a great day. Jess.xxx
  11. I get terrible headaches at tht time of month now but my mom thinks it's becuse i've had kids, she started suffering headaches instead of stomach cramps after she had her first child. Jess.xxx
  12. Yes i have one person was declining every holiday i put in but i got there in the end, don't let them get you down. Jess.xxx
  13. Hi talk to him and don't think your uncaring or selfish cause your not. Jess.xxx
  14. Hi there welcome to btg. Your still very early in your recovery it will get better in time. Look forward to chatting sometime. Jess.xxx
  15. Yes i still get that now sometimes when i'm really tired. Jess.xxx
  16. Hi there 1% chance was about right i think try not to worry, i know that is easier said than done, however the likely hood of any of us dying from a bleed is very slim. Jess.xxx
  17. Hi james welcome to btg yes i do get those feelings went to the dr with them just a couple of weeks ago. I was told it was tension, and it seems to have gone again now. It seems to come and go. If i were you i would go and see your dr, it probaby is just anxiety/tension but pop aong anyway to put your mind at rest. Jess.xxx
  18. I sometimes go funny when i get my dizzy spells but not often. Jess.xxx
  19. Grace ask them if you could work closer to home if not wait until your ready to return and change job if need be, don't work somewhere if it is gonna make you anxious. Goodluck whatever you decide to do. Jess.xxx
  20. Hi tina welcome to btg hope you like it here. You have been very lucky. Sorry you and your chap split up but glad your ok. Look forward to chatting sometime. Jess.xxx
  21. Hi yes there is minimal risk of rebleed, just like someone who has been operated on. Welcome to btg hope you find it helpful. Jess.xxx
  22. Welcome to btg look forward to chatting sometime. Jess.xxx
  23. I get pins and needles but think its if i've been on a nerve. Jess.xxx
  24. Hi yes i used to suffer that alot, it has started to come back which is why i bought tickets to the haloween party at karate club cause this time I ain't gonna let it get me down I'm just gonna carry on. Jess.xxx Ps don't let it get you down
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