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Everything posted by jess

  1. Hi welcome to btg look forward to chatting sometime. Jess.xxx
  2. Hi welcome to btg. I had two clipping ops one on the one that ruptured and one on the other that hadn't. The one that hadn't ruptured was easier I went in on the Thursday op on Friday and was sleeping in my own bed the following Thursday. Hope it goes well. Look forward to chatting sometime. Jess.xxx
  3. Hi bill welcome to btg look forward to chatting sometime. Jess.xxx
  4. Hope it alĺ goes well next week keep us updated. Jess.xxx
  5. Hope alĺ goes well with anyone having ops. Jess.xxx
  6. Welcome to btg look forward to chatting sometime. Jess.xxx
  7. Hi there welcome to btg look forward to chatting sometime. Jess.xxx
  8. Hi Kate I suffered with terrible panic attacks they get better with time. But never let them stop you doing what you want or need to do. I did an online course 6wks just for about 2hrs a wk and it really helped. Hope it alĺ goes well at your appointment. And the course was. Epp online. Jess.xxx And welcome to btg
  9. Welcome to btg look forward to chatting sometime and hopefully you will have the op soon. Jess.xxx
  10. Hi hazel welcome to btg. You need time to recover but yes I too felt like you do. Listen to your body and rest when you need to and drink plenty of water. Jess.xxx
  11. Thanks for letting us all know I won't bother asking for one though but it is interesting let us know how you get on. Jess.xxx
  12. Hi there they should go in time but my seven yr old often used to talk to my uncle at night and his great grab he never seemed phased by it. Try talking to your dad one night and telling him all the things you wanted to say but never had the chance. Maybe that will help. Sorry I don't know what else to suggest, maybe subconsciously thats what is really bothering you. Jess.xxx
  13. Hi john go back to your doctors if you are worried. I haven't heard of anything like this happening before. Hope your ok now. Jess.xxx
  14. Hi Caroline welcome to btg. If you don't feel ready to return to work then don't, only you can decide when your ready. Hope to chat soon. Jess.xxx
  15. Hi there welcome to btg. Yes I used to suffer alot of headaches but my neurosurgeon told me the more I worry the worse they will get it took a while to stop worrying however I did and I don't get them as often anymore. Hope they go soon. Look forward to chatting sometime. Jess.xxx
  16. Hi welcome to btg look forward to chatting sometime. Jess.xxx
  17. Hi Simon welcome to btg look forward to chatting sometime. Jess.xxx
  18. I also was sarcastic with my reply I wrote " woohoo so I can smoke 40 fags a day and drink beer as long as I avoid coffee and blowing my nose" lol articles like that go straight over my head cause it really is rubbish. Jess.xxx
  19. Hi there I had a rupture that was clipped and another aneurysm clipped the other side hope your results are clear. Jess.xxx
  20. Hi there its only looking back now feeling how I feel that I realise how depressed I must of been I actually now enjoy going into work again now ( when I get there ). And I must say it as all been because of my children that it lifted because yes I nearly died but it wasn't my time and when my time does come I want my kids to remember lots of happy times which is the only reason I dragged myself out of that hole and I very rarely feel down anymore. I hope you come out the other side soon too. There is an online course you can do called Epp online It really helped me. Hope your feeling better soon. Jess.xxx
  21. Hi I still get it on occasions I just don't worry about it anymore. Jess.xxx
  22. Hi suzie welcome to btg. Your doing really well. Look forward to chatting sometime. Jess.xxx
  23. Welcome to btg it is really early days for your friend just be there when they need to talk. Look forward to hearing the updates. Jess.xxx
  24. Welcome to btg look forward to chatting soon. Jess.xxx
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