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Gill C

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Everything posted by Gill C

  1. I emiled my registratr & got this reply Yes, of course you may have a massage. You may have a head massage as long as they are gentle and know that you have had brain surgery so that they don't upset the scar or the healing bone underneath. A body massage will be excellent for you as all forms of relaxing therapy will aid in your recovery so it looks like I cna give t a go!
  2. I've put IE in compatability mode & that now works!
  3. I think I will ask her tomorrow as need to get some eye drops as my eye is still streaming & it's really annoying me now so if I can getan appiontment tomorrow I will ask.
  4. Thanks Karen, my search facility doens't seem to be working at the moment. I have the box but my profile & settings are over the box so even when I type a search in & press return nothing happens:shocked:
  5. I usually have a head & shulder massage when I have my hair cut but haven't been brave enough to have one since my clipping. I also have seen some good deals online for full massages & head massage but have been put off because I don't want anyone touching my head. Has anyone had a massage (either head or full body) since their SAH & did yu feel ok afterwards???
  6. I didn't feel nauseous so mcuh as queasy & still get it now & agafn. I can't eat breakfast as soon as I get up as I have to wait until I feel less queasy. Some days I would eat very little 7 on bad dasy go to bed wthout any tea. It doesn't coincide with a bad head though it jsut seems to happen on it's own although a bad head puts me off food too. I have found i comes & goes so I don't think it's anything to be concerned about
  7. Phil you have done amazing in8 weeks although on the inside you might not feel 'recovered'. I too have the 'you look we'll so you musst be well' kind of attitude from peopl. It's almost like most people have forgotten what happened to us. The mental recovery is a hard on, heading for 6 months post clipping & metnally I am much better but still not quite there yet. Everyone is different but if you need help with things you should peak to your Gp or your neuro nurse for advice. Coming on here & sharing your feelings has ebeen a huge help for me & I am sure you will find the same
  8. I agree with the others it's better out than in. I agree though I am more tearful post SAH than before & have more downs which seem further down. I have to say you have good reason to be tearful with all that lot on your plate, even per SAH it is lot to cope with emotionally. People at work are probably concerned about you more than anyhitng else & i'm sure they understand what you've been going through is tough
  9. John thank you for psoting this very eloquent update to your story. Indeed we are very lucky to be here & it's thanks to all the medical staff & surgeons to the wonderful hospitals that we are still here. It's an amazing journey & as I approach my 6month anni I can see my 12 month one in the distance & know from you have sia it's something to be looked forward to & embraced. Thanks again John xx
  10. Yes I feel very emtional when i am due get very tired & hav hot flushes. AS I am 44 it's quite possible to be peri menopausla but i had my levelschecked at my last clinic review & they are fine. I have now had the coil fitted which I am hoping might level things out bit for me as I get horrible period pain & heavy persods which doesn't help the tiredness. I am also taking a multi vit & iron just in case I'm borderline anemic. Huige (()) to you I found post SAH hormones much harder to cope with but do get checked out as it's possible your hormones are out of kilter
  11. Sally I could have written your post myself as this is exactly how I feel. I haven't applied for DLA though as I am sure I won't get it being abl to go out on my own & now having my licence back. I do feel tht the ESA form is a minefield for us as it's deisgned towards physcial diability. I still haven't had my neuro phsych appointment so I do worry about applying ofr a job I have no idea that I can actually perform. I am sure I have some cognitive problems like you have no idea what they Are or how bad they might be. I look forward to seeing the replies you get as I am sure they will help me too. sorry I can't offer any advice in this respect as I as confused as you.
  12. Di not sure of advice to offer but to say my Dad had a severe stroke years ago & his language was completelty changed (he lacked the inhibition not to say rude/inappropraite things in public) & I heard him say words I'd never have heard him use before. It was prurely the damage done to the area of the brain which meant he couldn't censor himself. Anger is a very common emotion post SAH & unfortunately it's the closet the anger turns on as you are most often there. The only advice I can give is to speak to your GP & try & get him some help to handle his emotions & anger. You do need support in this & you have to proect yoursefl & your family so o please speak to someone (perhaps the neuro unit where he was treated) & maybe someone like Heafway could offer you more support too. I do feel for you Di as it's very hard to accept the change in personality that cna come post stroke
  13. Welcome to BTG Chrystal. I hope you get lots of info & support on here & encouragement for your Mum when needed, thinking of her & the rest of your family
  14. I am almost 5 months post clipping & thought I was gettign mcuh better as far as fatigue went but I still ave a limit of 4 hours after which I grind to a halt. This can be 4 hours on the beach or like last week 4 hours at Paultons Park when I jsut have to rest, my brain turns to sludge & i cna't process any more infomation (brain crash!). It has got better but I'm certainly still very tired a lot of the time & I had a coversation with a work colleague last night & she said ' you're still tired even now?' . I think it's something other people really can't understand, fatigue like this is hard to explain!
  15. I don't think you can claim contribution based ESA but you could claim the jobseekers part of it if you're looking for work. Other than tha I think you could claim carers allownce.
  16. Gill C


    Ash great that your mum is a hospital you are ahppy with, it muxt be a huge weight of your mind. It sounds liek she is mking huge progress & with the right treatment shoudl come on leaps & bounds. It is very tiring visiting every day so it being a fair way away from you is hard so make sure you & your Dad take some tme out for yourselves.
  17. Thing is I have no ide where to start with my CV which is pre SAh & doesn't contain info from my last job (Sage & Export/import etc) but I'm loath to sell myself as I feel I my come short of how I used o be in work! I know medical questions are a no no during an interview but I have always been honest on my CV & don't want to chnge that now. As for voluntary work I would give it go but would need something office based as I'm not good on my feet all day. Is there somewhere specific to find voluntry jobs? how do the job centres behave if you are doing voluntary work as a phase in to 'normal' work?? It's all so bloomin comiplicated post SH isn't it??
  18. Thanks so much lin, lots of info there just what I needed. Our locl DIAL has an office which I used for my DLA form filling but you hve to make an ppointment & they are really busy so you hve to wait a few weeks. I am thinking bout going back to work but it does worry m that it might be too soon but I feel pressurised to try at the moment. PLus my car is on it's last legs so to buy another I need to be working, but I want to work around school hours (I don't want to work only during term time though) so I think there will be lots of interest in that type of work. I have visited a few websites today looking but nothng suitable so far.
  19. Just got my ESA medical form through, is it better to get some help from CAB or DIAL to fill it in?
  20. Great pic Julie & a lovely piece in the paper too, good for you both for highlighting this
  21. anything tht brings about more awareness of SH hs to be a good thing, hope it goes well xx
  22. Hi & welcome to BTG Tina You have done incredibly well to be gong back to work after 8 weeks, recovery does take a long time both physiclaly 7 metnally & the tiredness is killer on some days. I have learnt the hard way that I have to rest when my body tells me to or I pay the price. I hope you find lots of support & help on here xx
  23. Yes I hve had what you are describing, I get feeling like my head turns to sludge or if I'm sufferinf informtion overlaod it feels like a balloon about to pop in my hed because I can't take any more noise or stimulation. I find the best way is to have a rest as often as possibl befoer it gets to tht stage really helps.
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