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Gill C

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Everything posted by Gill C

  1. Hi kaz, this site is realy a life saver. I had my clipping in June & felt so low & isloated & scared at wgat had ahppened to me until I foud it. I now know what I went through is normal & in the early days expected far too much of myself! I am now 6 months post op & feeling much much better although my eye 8s still a problem as is the tiredness. Next month I wil be seeing my neuro phsych & ateending some Hedaway sessions to help with areas I have problems with (relarionships etc) & now I feel my futuer is looking good. Just keep coming on here & talking as it will def help
  2. I ahve found it difficult to deal with the emotional side of things & sked in August for a referral for a nuero Physch. I am eventaully seeing one on 11th Jan s the waiting list is huge. She si only goign to deal with mood management as far as i knw (anxiety etc) but hopeully may address dealign with what happeneed to me. I'll let you know how it goes
  3. Brenda I am a really big wuss but found the angio not as bad as the MRI from the poiint of view of stress levesl! It went quickly & was painless apaprt from the odd flashing & taste in my mouth when they injected dye into my blood vessels in my head but it didn't hurt. I think with most of these thigns we imagine them to be worse than ehy actually are most of the time. Maybe you could try some relaxation tapes or CD's which might help. Fingers crossed for you lthough I am sure it will go smoothly (())
  4. Lynee, i have my assessment next Mon but have recieved notification of a 6 weekmodule working on relationships starting in Jan so it looks like this is one that most people attend. I will be going to see what they have to say but not sure it will help with my very short fuse these days bu you can hope hey? Will let you know how it goes xxx
  5. I asked my registrar at my review 2 months post clipping (well almost 3 months) & she said any form of excercise was fine including swimming but not to overdo it. My Gp expessed more caution & siad not to do anything areobic as she was worried about my BP (although it is only slightly higher post op). I really think you hae to excercise some caution & start off gradually & build it up. I was told i had no more chance of another anni than the nect person of having one. Hope that helps
  6. I think the best way is to start gradually & increase it as your stamina increase. YOu msut listen to your body tho when is says it's ad enough & stop. 'd advise you to consult your GP about what sort of excercise he recommneds but wlaking is one we can all do, I want to start swimming again in the New Year as I'm not really a walker!
  7. Hi bay, you feelings are very familiar to em. I cna totally empathise with you on the feelign down. I go throuhg phases of feelingok & then dip suddenly & drastically. I am seeing a nurophysch in Jan for help with mood management & the emotional side fo the operation. As for the headaches lots of rest is key as well s drinking lotd of water. I only have one child so I take my hat off to you with three. Take care & keep talking on here xx
  8. my eye was squinty before the op as I had a 3rd nerve plasy, the anni was prssing on the nerves to my eye. I hda no muscle contol of my eyelid & my pupil was very dilated & didn't move with my left eye at all so I had double vision. I can now open my eye & it is beginning to move in some directions but the pupil still doens't repsond to light & is dialted. If you check out the gallery both Sally & Tina have pics of their stplaes/scars in there. i was too horrifed by my appreance to take a pic of it but now I widh I had taken one just to show other people what it was like!
  9. Hi Jo, I had clipping but ws very lucky to ahve very little scarring or swelling after the op. I had 38 sples in from the midle of my forehead to my ear & the one by my ear was the most sore, plus the msucle in your jaw healing back was sore too. I don't get scar pain really but I do get an itchy scalp & tickling inside my skull. If you are having pain from rhe scar itsefl it may be worht hving it checked out to make sure you haven't got an infection. It might help with the swelling/bruising to take arnic tablets as this can help relieve the bruisng faster. I think because of the situation of my anni there wsn't a lot o pushing or pulling to get to it hance the lack of bruising. Yes the look of the scar & the stplaes is hoeeible, I refused to look in the mirror for ages but it does heal suprsingly fast & now my hair hsa grown back it's hardly visible. Hang in there hon it does get better ut if you ahve any concersn speak to your GP or neuro nurse xxx
  10. So pleased it wsa a help to you Lin & I know what you mena about seeing people looking & doing so well & then finding out they had brain injuries to deal with. I met a guy who had had major injuries after a car crash but he was amzing! I have my assessment with them next week so looking forard to that & then the sessions to help me deal with things. the nueor phsych I am seeing in jan is also involved in Headway sessions so it will be interesting to see how they rok together. I love the anaology about the burst pipe, how true but we don't see it as being help in the fist instance I guess?
  11. Hi neil another 'victim' of the wonderful Mr Sparrow! So glad to hear your news, it's great that he has given such a definitive reassurance. I have great faith in him as he fixed my noodle too! onwards & upwards, enjoy life to the full now xx
  12. I had an anni but without the bleed & was clipped on 6th June 2010 although the anni popped up in April. I found myself very tearful in the months after the operation, I thought I was coping ok but when asked how I was coping emotionally I frankly butrst into tears over my friend! I found that any sympathy would make it worse but now I cry at everything sad, X factor, adverts for childrens charities, today it was the click sargeant film on This Morning! I think it's perfectly normal after an SAH to find problems emotionally but if it's getting you donw or happens too often you should seek help via your GP or your neuro nurse & maybe Headway could offer you some support too.
  13. Hi lynne, I have hd one iniitail meeting at Headway & found it reallyrefreshing to meet other brain injury people. My first emeting was with a couple of mentors who have brain injuries of one osrt or another & a member of staff. We eent through & discussed the common factors of brain injury (tiredness, lack of attention, changes in mood )etc. I ahve my assessment with them on 20th where they will look at specific areas to help me (such as cooking, mood mangement etc) & then there will be a programme of modules of help. They also run drop in sessions but I don't know much about them yet. A friend whose hubby had severe injuries after a motorbike crash has found the social side very good. OUr unit has a garden where they do planting & looking after veg, then they cook stuff for bbq's etc 7 go bowling, have wii activities. I was very hesitant about joining but I found it very useful to mix with other people who go through the same things as us. I am looking forward to getting involved more & eventually would like to be a mentor for others in the future. Give them a call, I'm sure you won't regret it. yOU have nothing to lose hon xx
  14. Many thanks Lynne as always, great advice. I am thinking i am likely to fail although based on the form I filled in I exceed the 15 points! Headway have said they will support me so hopefully after my assessment (which is just after the medical) they will be better placed to advise me etc.
  15. Gld it went well Kel, hopefully you can relax now & not worry about it (()). I too have only had one angio when I was admitted to Wessex befor my clipping.
  16. I have medical for my ESA on 16th Dec, any tips?
  17. I very rarely used to remmeber dreams pre SAH but Ihave had more since clipping. I have dreamt full long dreams all about the same thing & pretty realistic. I never slept too well per SAH & used to feel tired a lot & found out when I was in HDU that I have sleep apnea so I don't get long periods of REM sleep which is when you dream. If I take something to elp me sleep then I do dream a lot & ahve dreamt episodes of tv prograames. HUbby is alos wierd has vivid dreams which can continue for days/nights in a row & he dreams episodes of programmes too:lol: i don't really get nightmares but hubby does ocasionally. I am more of a nice vivid dream type!
  18. I think Karen is right, my angio was done in the right groin & I had a massive bruise on my tight for about 6 weeks afterwards so if I'd chosen to be coiled they would have had to go in through the left. Because of the bruising/bleeding from the angio site I cose to be clipped as you don't need 6monthly angio's afterwards
  19. i had a missed cal on my mobile the other day from Atos so it los like they want me to do a medical although they didn't leave a message. I now have my neuro phsych appointment for Jan & hopefully an assessment wiht Headway before then. So basically the more info I can provide the better?
  20. I think thye only do it on hte left if they want to look at your heart. I had mine done on the right & they def looked at all 4 stems of the brain from there. She counted them off as she inserted the dye & I know they recheckd my left side after my review appointment
  21. I do get headaches particularly when tired but they are niggly rather than painful. I take paracetamol or ibuprofen & sometimes both together & that normally sorts it out. If it's worse than that I woul def go & see your GP. I do get eye pain (Liek Karen) & sometimes it's just achey & other tmes its stinging & others throbbing but not hugly painful. I also suffer with skull tenderness/tingling/ pressure like feling/ itchy scalp but that is really minor & just irritating!
  22. I also had the sparks across my vison (red & blue for me) during my angio but it wsan't the same as my migraine aura, I also got a tingle in my tongue but they had warned me that I migh experince this. My migraine aura is the same shape as my floater, wishbone shaped & it vibrates acrosss my vision obscuring one area of my sight.
  23. Hi & welcome to BTG, look forward to hearing more about you Pat
  24. Nita keep that fighting head on, never give up hon.
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