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Super Mario

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Everything posted by Super Mario

  1. GG, take no notice of those jealous folk. They don't know your financial situation, for all they know you are on a decent occupational pension. No business of mine so please don't say. Just be aware that you have to tell DWP about the holiday if you get ESA. On a sad note, don't be surprised if someone reports you for going away, that is why you must tell them so you are in the clear. Happened to me once when I forgot to report my holiday. After that I made sure I had said I was going away but kept it quiet amonst folk I knew and others as I never found out who had reported me. I would just go and no one was any the wiser.
  2. Pleased to hear positive news of your dad. There will be lots of baby steps along the way and sadly some back as well but it sounds as if he is going in the right direction.
  3. Gill, talking about spelling, I used to be pretty good at it, so much so, that the science teachers in our department always used to ask me how to spell words. Now I often struggle to spell even the easiest words. Until it is brought to mind one just accepts it and carries on. Another thing I have just thought of is I can go into a shop, get what I want and put it on top of my walking frame then totally forget I have got it. The number of times I have almost walked out of a shop without paying is scarey. I have now got into the habit of looking at my frame before exiting the shop. I often wonder what would happen if I did walk out without paying, would they take brain injury as a reason or would they call the police and I be warned or prosecuted? Quite frightening really.
  4. I think is is too easy to blame the SAH for every ensuing problem we get. This clicking could be something totally unrelated. For instance, my neck clicks but it is because of age related spondylosis, nothing at all to do with my SAH. If you are concerned please get medical advice as none of us here are medically qualified.
  5. I also have concerns about memory issues which, to me, appear to be getting worse rapidly. For example, I can't remember names of people I have known and come into close contact regularly for years, they just fly out of the window. I seem to spend half my life looking for things I have put down and have no recollection of even putting them down. I do wonder if a SAH does bring on memory problems at an earlier age than would normally occur if the SAH hadn't happened.
  6. Very interesting reading Daff. I can identify with many of the points given but did manage to pull myself through eventually. With help I think that timespan would have been much shorter.
  7. Before my SAH I was at work doing all the usual things. On the Monday of that week a pupil had thrown a ball of ice at me which hit me on my left temple leaving me with a violent headache that persisted over the next couple of days. Continued going to work in spite of the pain and on the Wednesday evening just after tea my head exploded. I will never know if the blow caused the annie to change form and burst as it has been suggested or it was just coincidence. If I had gone to the doctors with the headache after the bang on the head it would not have made any difference because all I would have been told was to take painkillers.
  8. You need to contact DWP regarding that, it is not unknown for them to get folk mixed up and you need your record putting straight. You will have to attend work focussed interviews at JC+ but you were lucky to get ESA at all without an appeal. So many people have their claim refused and have to go through the rigmarole of appealing. You could appeal the decision to try and get into the support group where you will get no hassle until the next time you get an ESA50 which could be much sooner than you think. Tough decisions. Good news of sorts for you.
  9. Welcome to BTG. I am guessing rightly or wrongly that you are not UK based but there is support here for all. We have members from all over the world. What you are experiencing is generally common to us all. On saying that everyone's recovery is different and over a varying period of time. Some have a full recovery and others are left with deficits. No one can predict their outcome. Counselling is a good move as it should help you come to terms with what has happened. To alleviate any headaches you may have make sure you keep well hydrated. In the UK, I don't know about elsewhere, SAH is termed as a type of stroke, an haemorrhage stroke. Read around the forums and you will find a mine of information but please be aware that none of us are medically qualified so there are some questions that only a medical practicioner can answer and advise upon.
  10. Daff, if you manage to attend it would be very interesting for you to give us feedback. My shunt doesn't act like a barometer, not as I have noticed. When it is cold the metal seems to burn through my head, the same happens when it gets hot in the sun. I always wear a hat in both conditions. It doesn't help that my hair is extremely short and offers no protection.
  11. I was coiled and came home with Ibuprofen, Tramadol and Paracetamol to take together for pain. I also take aspirin to thin my blood and 3 drugs that lower blood pressure although for a reason other than high blood pressure and continued to do so along with those. I think it depends on what your neuro thinks is safe and they all have different ideas or it could be the location of your SAH that makes a difference. Each patient has different needs so you really must check. Can you get in touch with with the Rehab's secretary and see if she can find out any information for you.
  12. So pleased that things are progressing for you and you will have a date in the very near future. One thing that has struck me is the fact that you seem less stressed about it and the panic that you were in seems to have subsided a little. May I wish you all the best for your treatment. Please keep us updated on your progress.
  13. Gateford, sorry. Put 2 and 2 together and made 5, typical. I was thinking of an area in a N Notts town called Gateford.
  14. Welcome Gateford, I was also treated at RHH Sheffield but 9 years ago. I suspect from the forum name and area you live close to where my mother lived and I worked at a school in the area until my SAH. I have lots of friends and relatives who live round there. Is it the newer houses?
  15. 3 things I miss 1) Driving 2) Being able to cope with form filling 3) Ability to follow even the simplest instruction book 3 things I don't miss 1) Going to work although I did in the beginning 2) Early morning rises 3) The ability to watch tv
  16. Scarlett, the recovery time is different for everyone. Who will look after your son whilst you are having the procedure done and the ensuing time in hospital? That will vary as well. Have you thought of contacting Social Services and arranging for him to have respite care whilst you are in recovery? Surely, as he is disabled he already has a care manager. On another note, everything we do in daily life carries a risk. Your refusal of being treated where the docs want to treat you is totally irrational. I know I sound hard but I am a great believer in calling a spade a spade. I hope that your GP will be able to alleviate your concerns and counselling is a very good suggestion.
  17. Scarlett, read the article that has not long been posted on the home page titled TIC TOC TIC TOC. It may give you some inspiration for positivity.
  18. Hi Scarlett, you are not going to like this but in my honest opinion you are being your own worst enemy. Yes I know that your scans were misread and you had another in London which showed up the aneurysms but you now have several agencies working against each other which could be delaying treatment. Plus, why turn down the lumbar puncture, the csf that is drawn off can show traces of blood if you have had a bleed that was undetectable on the scan. It does happen. And, the stress you are putting yourself under will be making you feel extremely ill and raising your blood pressure which is no good whatsoever for you. Please try and calm down and look at things logically. Many people have these aneurysms and they know nothing about them, they live life without them ever bursting. There are many things that can be in our body that we don't know about, the saying "ignorance is bliss" is very true. Yes I can understand why you are extremely worried, a natural reaction, but you need to try and tamp it down a little, do other things to try and take your mind off it somewhat. It has taken over your whole life, don't let it. Please do not take this as a slight against you, it isn't, it is just how I see it. I myself live under the threat of sudden death, do I let it worry me, no. I have accepted that it could happen at any time so I live life to the full and enjoy it. I often travel abroad on my own and think "what will be will be".
  19. My thoughts as well but I did refrain from posting anything. Scarlett needs all the support she can get at the moment. It is a very scarey time for her. Hoping she can sort the angio out asap.
  20. Sadly there are people who are getting repeat forms after a few weeks so you have been lucky with a few months. Get help to fill it in from a Welfare Rights Advisor. Good luck.
  21. I have had several heart and brain angiograms and have never had a problem although as with anything there are risks which the doctors have to make you aware of.
  22. Donna, I have said before that I live with permanent dizziness. I have learnt coping strategies like fixing on one point at a time whilst I am moving about. If I don't I become nauseous as the whole world spins. My balance is poor too and I use the frame all of the time but that is no guarentee that I won't fall, I do, even out on the street. I don't care anymore, let folk think what they will. About 12 months after my SAH I decided I had to get on with it come what may, I was still here and that was a blessing. I now look for the +ve in everything. As you may know I travel abroad lots, 4 or 5 times a year, and on my own. Flying gives me no problems at all, just like sat on a bus but smoother. I take each day at a time and don't worry about the future. If there is one thing the SAH has taught me is life is for living and enjoying. We have been given a 2nd chance so I make the most of it.
  23. Have you Business Link in your area, they help with legalities etc and give you advice. Can't you claim job seekers allowance instead of ESA? See a benefits adviser or a welfare rights officer who will be able to tell you what you can/cannot claim for and point you in the right direction and also help with any claim. You may find one at your council or county council and definately at CAB.
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