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Hi all



My SAH was 2017 and I still worry about it happening again . I had coiling and worry it’s not as effective as other methods. Does anyone else feel like this? I’ve also noticed being irritable and cross about everything .


Best Wishes Josie

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Hi Josie


I was constantly worried about it happening again -as I approach 15 years post SAH, I'm at the point where I have stopped worrying about anything that I can't control.


My irritability and being cross about everything is down to being menopausal; so am taking tablets to try to realign my hormones and, therefore hopefully, my emotions.  Have you had a chat with your GP about how you're feeling?  You never know, they could recommend something.


Take care xx

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Hi Josie, 


I'm literally 16 years on today, since my SAH and the coiling of my aneurysm. My aneurysm still isn't 100% "fixed" as it has a small neck to it ... but I'll take that! I'm still monitored.


My aneurysm wasn't suitable for clipping and probably 30+ years ago I would have died, as there wasn't the medical technology with brain surgery re:coiling.


I'm just very grateful that I've had another 16 years  to be honest.... Clipping is pretty invasive and a longer recovery period ... it brings with it, a lot of other recovery problems.


If I was asked now, as to what I would prefer coiling or clipping? I would go down the coiling route for sure.



I’ve also noticed being irritable and cross about everything .



Josie, we tend to blame everything on the SAH and I had a lady contacting me today and wondering whether it's the SAH, which she had last year or perhaps menopause symptoms. I'm not sure what age you are, but it can be a double whammy with the fallout from the SAH and believe you me, it can be a tough ride. 


I wish you well and all good things. x







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Hi there


I worried for a long time about it happening again, what if the clips moved as time passes this became less of an issue, move forward with it I did best thing...


But if your worried yes speak to your GP or your Neuro doctor...


Wishing you well, stay-safe.


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I used to worry terribly but 19 years later two kids since we holiday every year I have just gone from two and a half days a week at work to six (because of kids not sah) bit I was petrified of going anywhere but since me and my husband split I do it all xxx


Life is for living try not to worry and speak to your dr xxx

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