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hi all

just wondering, my bleed was on the right, i get those strange sensations on that side the ones we all talk about, but get more pain on my left side of brain, do you think that is connected or just the normal kind of pain we all get anyway? wouldn't have thought anything of it before but as we all now every little thing....

kelly xx

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hi kelly

im sorry i havent welcomed you to the family the pain you are having in proberly the left side of the brain recovering when you had your sah in september blood did cover the whole brain and because its an irritant to the brain it complains it takes the body up to three months to reabsorb the blood out the brain back into the body with no side effects as such as it is very early in your recovery you will get all sorts of feelings and nobs of pain if it gets unbearable then you should see the gp or the consultant when you go back for a check up i hope this helps a bit again welcome to the family take care

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hi there thankyou for the welcome :-D i had my bleed in march but the OT did tell me that it takes around 2 yrs for the brain to heal. the pain is not unbearable so i do feel abit guilty as many people seem to have unbearable headaches. think i should just mention it to g.p anyway, think it just makes me anxious when i feel it probably had it before but did not take any notice :roll:

kelly xx

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Guest reme_1

Hi all, Just kind of a comment/question along this line. I had a SAH in 2/92 and still have piercing pain in my temple several times a year-- like a seizure. The pain level is over the top and I am completely under its control. I am just glad it only lasts a few minutes and then I can get my life back. My 81 year old mother saw it happen for the first time this year and really got scared. Oddly or luckily enough it never happens when I am walking, driving, or doing anything that takes concentration. It only seems to happen when I'm watching the "boob tube". AH... that's what causes it. The mind numbing garbage on the tv is is eating my brain.

Seriously, any one else have recurring pain this long after a SAH? i've had severla MRIs since and nothing shows but should I be looking for something in particular?? Thanks.

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Hi :-D I am not as far along as you...but did get piercing pains the first year...i now just get pains when the weather is extreme....my Consultant says it is nerve pain....mending pains. I have tried the pain killers given to me but they just knocked me out rather than deal with the pain. I would go back to your Doctor if persists just for peace of mind.

Take care

Love Tina xx

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Reme 1

I had my SAH in Sept 2005 and was clipped, it was my left side I and now get "electric shock type sensations" right temple. Was getting these at my left temple a few months prior to SAH, really really painful. So when they started at my right side earlier this year I was really scared. Went back to my GP who referred me back to my neuro surgeon, had an MRI but nothing seen. I have had no real explanation.


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