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Not sure if my query really appropriate for the forum but thought I would ask anyway. It was a real struggle for me to start back at work after my SAH, I was off for 6 months. I am now being made redundant from my job after 13 years. (nothing to do with my health or recession) I feel that having a SAH has made me much less confident about looking for another job and coping in a new environment. Just wondering if anyone on the site has experienced anything similar?

I feel I was doing really well after the initial first difficult year post-SAH and was getting used to all my "deficits" and now this redundancy problem seems a bit overwhelming to cope with on top of everything else.

Best wishes

Anne x

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Hi Anne

sorry that you've been made redundant.....least its not to do with your health, I was made redundant 3mths after my SAH it was indeed to do with my health....

Maybe have a word with your GP, see if you can speak to a coucellor, I do understand how you feel tho....

take care

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I definetly lost a lot of confidence after the SAH ..... wasn't sure what I could cope with and also the fact, that I struggled with learning new tasks and keeping that information in my head. More to the point I suppose, was that I had totally lost confidence in my brain and didn't trust it any more.

However, I now do the odd bit of temping for the firm that I used to work for and practices there, change like the wind, as do the Personnel and at times, it's been hard going, as every time I've gone in to work, there's something different to learn.

It's been a good learning curve for me and has restored some faith and that my brain can now cope when it needs to, as long as it doesn't get overloaded, it's okay. Saying that, I have to take notes and write everything down and this file goes to work with me and helps me to feel less panicky, if I've forgotten how to do a particular task .... it's a bit like a comfort blanket ....even though I don't need to use it too often now!

I'm sorry to hear that you've been made redundant Anne ..... would imagine that the stress of learning that and the changes that it will bring to you, is probably making you feel a bit uncertain and raising doubts in your mind about your capabilities. Which to me, would be only natural, especially after a SAH.

Will you be looking for a similar job to your old one, or are you thinking of having a change?

Wishing you the best of luck and I'm sure that things will work out okay. xx

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Hi Anne...so sorry to hear about your redundancy :frown: a very stressful and worrying time for you. Not surprising you are feeling as you are. I really hope something sorts out for you. Wishing you lots of luck...take care love Tina xx

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Hi Anne,

ive only just gone back last week after 6 months post clipping and have been told that if i have to have any more time off for more surgery etc then they will prob let me go and after 30 yrs that is hard. I sort of know what you mean about panic starting something new as i wasnt sure if i could go back to my job as it is very stressful ( i work in a pharmacy making up prescriptions etc) but you start to ask yourself what else can i learn now?? all i can say is little steps one at a time. Could you ask at the job centre if anyone on the disability side could help you?? ive heard they are pretty good and can also tell you what help money wise you can get. hope all goes well

love caz x

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Hi Anne

So sorry to hear about the redundancy I really emphasise with the confidence thing. I know that if my present employers get fed up with the amount of time I have off sick with my head problems I would be in the same situation as I find it extremely difficult retaining any new knowledge I do learn.

I really hope that you can find another suitable job soon wishing you the best of luck.

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Thanks everyone for your comments. Your support's much appreciated and it's helped me feel a bit better and encouraged me to take action. I got back in touch with my OT at the rehab hospital and she's referred me to a type of employment agency which deals with people who've had SAH and other illnesses so I may get a mentor to help me through it all. I think a lot of it boils down to confidence. I get a bit overwhelmed as I sometimes don't see things (nothing wrong with eyes, more things don't register with my brain) and hearing poor and when I'm a bit down I focus on all the things which are wrong with me.

Anyway, thanks again and I'll let you know how it all goes.


Anne x

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Hello Anne, you know why I have said nothing about your redundancy before now:-D You also know that I feel so sad for you, but I'm so pleased to hear that your OT has been able to refer you on, it is not something any one of us should have to face alone, a very scary situation, do keep us posted on how things go:-D I'll be thinking of you too, but that won't get you a job!

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