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Not home yet


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Mark my hubby did not come home at the weekend. He sat out yesterday to be told he should not be sitting out and should still be on bed rest.

Mark his still having temple headaches that are just lying there, on a pain scale of 1 to 10 they are a 1ish to 2. Has anyone else experienced temple headaches? As you can imagine my mind is starting to tick again. I try so hard to be positive that hopefully he will be home soon as he feels well in himself and he is getting bored.

I know if there was any bad news i would be getting calls from the hospital.

Mark has been in nearly 3 weeks noe and had nearly finished the nimotop medication.

bye for now Diane xx

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Hi Diane....sorry Mark did not get home....hopefully very soon . I had headaches and pains for quite some time after.... mine was mainly at the back of my head, neck and right hand side...i think this is all part of the healing and depends where you had your bleed ..... i was in hospital for nearly six weeks. Wishing you both well...Take care love Tina xx

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Hi again, i think Tina is right Merrill had headaches,thankfully not now but her were in the front of her head and she complain still about all sorts of feelings in her head i htink it's par for the course but i can understand that it would be different for everyone,Iknow it's no good saying try not to worry too much because we do and we will again, i think at the moment (Merrill is 8 months on) there still seems not a week go by without something new raising it's head, you do learn to take it in your stride as time goes on, I feel sorry for your frustration and wish you both better times soon, Rod

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Hi Diane,

Sorry to hear that Mark couldn't come home at the weekend .....

I had a constant headache for many weeks after the bleed, even with taking painkillers. I had a weird assortment of head and facial pain after that .... sometimes, it would scare the living daylights out of me, but am presuming that it's the brain trying to repair itself, as we all seem to suffer similar.

Try not to worry too much Diane ..... if Mark is still at the scale of 1-2 on the pain barrier, then it would seem as though it's fairly normal. It's a good sign that he's getting bored! :wink:

He's in the best place at the minute and it definetly sounds as though they're keeping a good eye on him. Hopefully, it won't be too long before he's home again.

Wishing you all the very best....xx

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I saw Mark this morning and he may be home on Wednesday all being well. He has sat out in the chair today and is walking unaided to the toilet.

The headache is getting him down a bit now but i have told him they will be around for a bit and at least they are not like the one you went into hospital with.

Thank you all for listening, i read you morning and night.

Love Diane

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Hi Diane,

That's great news! ....:-D

I had to "prop" myself up in the bed, for quite a while after the SAH, as lying flat, seemed to induce an even worse headache and the hospital pillows were pretty awful ..... as in lumpy and thick, without much neck support ... If you get the chance to pick up a "V" pillow for Mark, for when he comes home, then it's definetely worthwhile and I found that it helped with the headache .... I still use them now and wouldn't be without one.

Yes, the headache will probably be around for a while .... it can take up to 3 months for the blood to fully dissapate, so the irritation that the blood can cause to the brain will probably result in headaches ..... I'm not a medic, but can only pass on, what I was told.

In the early weeks of recovery, I would use an ice pack or a bag of frozen peas, wrapped in a tea towel to help with the head .... along with the pain killers.

Keeping my fingers crossed for you and hope that Mark can come home on Wednesday ..... It sounds as though he's doing well .... xx

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Hi Diane

I agree with Tina and the others the headaches are part of the healing process. I had a crainiotomy on the left side so most of my pain was located in that area in the first few months. Really hope that Mark is allowed home soon for you and its a really good sign that he is starting to get mobile again.

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Hey Diane

Good news that Mark may be home soon - I didn't feel that I started getting better until I was in familiar surroundings with my own creature comforts.

Scale of 1 - 2 on the pain front is very good at this stage. Make sure he's drinking plenty of fluids too - this helped with my headaches no end in the early stages and I knew instantly when I hadn't had enough to drink.

Sending my best wishes to you both

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