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Help needed re criteria to reinstate driving licence under exceptional circumstances


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My husband lost his licence in 2014 after a stroke impaired his peripheral vision - quadrantanopia.  We're applying to DVLA for it to be reinstated under exceptional circumstances, but we don't know where to go to get confirmation that he meets the criteria. 


Can anybody help with this, please.  Our GP says he can't do it.  We've had an Estermann test and have a printout to send them but they seem to need to know a fair bit more before considering reinstating his licence, ie the criteria for exceptional circumstances.  We're floundering here - can anyone please help? 


Thanks in advance.

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Hi there


welcome to the site, I dont drive so sorry cant help, hopefully someone will come along that maybe able to help..


But, if your Husband has impaired periphial vision isnt that a bit wrong wanting his licence reinstated, sorry just dont quite understand that...


Hope you get the help you need from somewhere.


Take care.

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Hi Gail and welcome.


As you've discovered, driving after a stroke is a bit of a minefield and can stretch your patience while the cogs grind around. Largely it's a case of being open and honest with the application, laying out the reasons that you feel there should be consideration, that is, what are the exceptional circumstances then crossing your fingers.


I didn't have any residual sight issues after my SAH but still had to wait for the assessment panel to make a decision. For me, it's still a bit scary as I'm aware how my reaction time has changed post event and I find that I'm happier now to be driven than to worry that the changes in my driving is putting other people at risk.


Good luck with your application..


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On 28/02/2022 at 13:31, Louise said:

Hi there


welcome to the site, I dont drive so sorry cant help, hopefully someone will come along that maybe able to help..


But, if your Husband has impaired periphial vision isnt that a bit wrong wanting his licence reinstated, sorry just dont quite understand that...


Hope you get the help you need from somewhere.


Take care.



Louise, thanks for replying. I understand what you’re saying but it was the DVLA who suggested this route so we thought we’d follow it up. Unfortunately, they’re very sparing with their information and advice. We’re beginning to think along the lines that we may not bother and that it’s be as well to keep off the roads. 


DIGGLY DOG  thanks for your reply. I’m not working out how to reply to people at the moment!  But I appreciate your comments, thanks. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Gailpz. Have you actually received a letter from DVLA explaining the exceptional case rules? When your licence is taken away from your husband (because of the stroke) you need to send it to DVLA. They should then send you for an Esterman test at Specsavers (or some other optician nominated by them - they pay for it too).


Once they have the results of the test they will probably send a letter detailing what is required to get them to agree to a driving assessment (not a driving test as such). If you look through my posts in the Quadrantanopia thread you will find the criteria that DVLA sent me. 




Your husband can apply for his licence back under the 'exceptional case' rules, about 8 weeks before one full year after his 'stroke event'. If he had the stroke in 2014 he passes that criteria already!


As to the question of adaptation, I have sent you a message direct.


I hope this helps.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Good morning.  I'm relatively new to this site  and still unsure how to navigate this site. But if you search my username  you will be able to read my experiences with dvla. All I can really add is once you have confirmation of adaption to the visual loss. They will issue you a PDAL license which will allow you to have some refresher driving lessons with a driving instructor like  I did prior to my assessment at the hospital. 


My instructor said in my support letter I exceeded the actual DVLA test standard for the full blown driving test that new drivers undertake.. . Remember  it's an assessment not a test... 


So yes it is possible to drive with a visual field loss. I came across a few people with a similar just give up because it's not possible attitude. 


Trust me sister.. It is!! I did it with a lower right quadrant visual field loss.  Any questions ask me. 


Cheers David. 

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  • Tina changed the title to Help needed re criteria to reinstate driving licence under exceptional circumstances
  • 1 year later...

Please can anybody advise me whether you have to retake your driving test after a practical driving assessment or is the practical driving assessment the last stage in this process (if you previously had a licence before it was revoked for a visual field defect). 

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As far as I am aware, if you are passed as being able to drive safely during a driving assessment you do not have to take a driving test. The assessment is the last stage.

Others may be able to give you more information.

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Hi Catlaura :)  


I had to have lots of tests to check my vision. The DVLA wrote to the Consultant that had approved my tests were ok to drive after 2 years. I did not have to re take my driving test. The DVLA after lots of polite phone calls chasing, returned my licence.


Good luck :) lets us know how you get on.


Take care

Tina xx

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  • 2 months later...

SuperMario is quite correct Catlaura, if you are using the exceptional case process to get your licence back then the final part of the process is to take a driving assessment. If you pass this then you get your full driving licence back. No limitations, no regulations. Just as if you had never lost it. You definitely do not have to take a full driving test.



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