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S.A.H and H.R.T

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Could anyone get in contact if they have had a S.A.H and are on H.R.T?

I am perimenopausal (sorry) and I have been told due to my brain hemoarrhage I cannot be offered H.R.T. I am really struggling. I dob't need medical advice, just hope.


I do have an appointment with my doctor, so hopefully can have a chat with them too.

Thanks in advance.

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Hi There


No I'm not on HRT but am perimenopausal (don't apologise :-))  I am going to be visiting my doctor in a couple of months to see about HRT, so it'll be interesting to see what they say!!  Please let us know what your Dr says after appointment.

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As another perimenopausal SAH survivor I'm also wondering what my options might be if things get worse. Even before my bleed I wasn't allowed to have most variants of the contraceptive pill due the types of migraine I had so I am unsure what what will be offered.


Crossing everything at the moment that things don't get much worse so I shall follow this thread with interest.

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Hi there, 


just saw your question and I can totally relate! I had a SAH a few years ago and also being menopausal I did ask if HRT was an option. Initially I was told no, not suitable because you have had a bleed in the brain. Fair-dos.


But, decided to ask again last year and I was told I could have HRT because the bleeding bit only applied to whether a blood clot caused your injury- and new research had shown that ruptured aneurysms didn’t have that same risk.


There is a bit of restriction as not every option is suitable but I started HRT about a year ago and well, it’s been fab to be honest! Good luck with your doc visit. X 


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I was taking an HRT when my SAH happened.  Now at that time the cause for my SAH was not found, and those caring for me searched every avenue. 


I asked if taking the HRT could have caused it and they said no.  I was on premarin for probably 9 years when my stroke happened. 


I did a short time later stop taking it as I had been trying to wean down off it prior to  having my stroke.


An added note to this I have found in the last several months that I have several family members that had brain bleeds, so perhaps it runs in my family.  


I do hear you when you say you are struggling, it was a very difficult time for me and the HRT brought relief.  Good luck with your Dr. visit.


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Ok, I have been to my G.P and she is going to talk to my brain consultant and gynaecologist to check again if I still am not able to take H.R.T.


She was explaining that H R.T is evolving alot, so I have everything crossed.

She said tablet form is a big no-no with me but with look at other avenues.


I've explained that I don't have much of a life at the moment and just want to get a bit of happiness and energy back. Fingers crossed she comes back to me with good news 🤞🏻

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  • 1 month later...

Hi there


So I am also peri and have done a lot of looking into this. Yes the tablet form appears to be off limits but I was offered and went for the Mirena coil as it is slow release hormone and no contra indicated effects with having had an SAH, I also was offered the gel but I am not using that at present. I have been on this for a year and feel great.


The main thing though for us as we enter this stage of life is look at the vitamin and mineral intake and make sure we are getting enough protein and the right things for us and our bodies as we change but also for our brains which are still healing,


I now take a protein supplement specifically for the menopause but I also work out and looked at my cardio fitness  , so no high impact exercises for me but rather strength training, flexibility, swimming and walking  and genuinely have seen a massive improvement to my overall fatigue levels, mood, skin.


I am 10 years out from my bleed but am still seeing changes and improvements  

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  • 4 weeks later...

I had NASAH at the gym running 3 weeks ago. Brain stem bleed . On HRT for almost a year. No other issues. I’ve read some peer reviewed large scale studies  that conclude HRT is a risk. It seems a risk for additional bleeds from aneurysm formation in post menopausal women, esp first year of treatment. That’s all I understand so far. I’m talking to my doc who says to stay off and ask Gyne for alternative. 

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I am still waiting to see the menopause 'expert' at my hospital.

Think the waiting list is very long.


I am definitely feeling worse. I have fatigue on top of my usual fatigue, which is just so unfair and all my joints are aching.


I am no longer able to regularly go to the gym like I was but my saviour is walking my dogs, so I'm walking as much as I can.


I'm so grateful for everyone's replies, keep them coming and I'll update as soon as I have an appointment. Stay safe and well x

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  • 3 weeks later...

I’ve just recently had a non-aneurysmal perimesencephalic subarachnoid haemorrhage and had just recently stopped HRT patches (because I had three previous’thunderclap’ headaches and was worried about even the slightest connection. (Also the patches were doing nothing at all for my joint pains or flushes).


Feel like I can’t see the wood for the trees at the moment - what to do and what not. Good to read what others are finding helpful though 👍

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Kate: how long were you off HRT before your bleed? just curious. It’s interesting the thunderclap headaches were not associated with an aneurysm from things I have read. I went off HRT and concerned about weight gain but prefer it over another bleed. 

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@Genie I stopped the HRT patches mid August and had the non-aneurysmal SAH on 1 October. Like I said though I had the previous 3 thunderclap headaches before this time but didn’t seek any medical advice on those as they went away with painkillers after an hour or two. I am currently awaiting the opinion of a neurologist following an MRI on my head and neck. 

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

I have finally had my gynae appointment today with Dr 'Menopause' and he has put me on to oestrogen gel. A low dose to begin with and a review in 3 months. I am so thrilled as I have been really struggling with everyday life.


He explained that HRT has come on leaps and bounds, so everyone suffering please seek help x

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