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Hi All,


Really grateful to find this site, the contributions have been really helpful.

I’m a 50 yo male in NZ, generally fit and well. 


I had my PMSAH on 2nd April, was about to go and play football when the headache came out of nowhere, went to the ED, where I vomited, they assessed me and flew me to neuro ward in Wellington. I was in ICU for 4 days, then on a high dependency ward for a week, discharged after 2 weeks. 

I still have a constant headache, but it’s relatively mild and managed with paracetamol. My main concern now is not sleeping, I really struggle to get more than 2 hours a night. Is this a standard post bleed symptom?


I’m back in work on 15th May so hoping to get into a routine before then. My follow up MRI is also on 15th May, then a meeting with the consultant at the end of the month. I’m hoping he’ll give me the green light to phase back into my previous life, gym, running, playing football and the occasional pint. Am I being a bit ambitious?


Kind regards 



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Hi Gareth :) 


A very warm welcome to BTG, glad you found us.


To help with the not sleeping at night, can you have nap during the day at all ? I found i needed to sleep during the day as well as at night in the early stages. Dont rush back to work, as much as we know you want to get back to normal. Most go back on a phased return to see how they cope.


I hope all goes well on the 15th May and you get the green light. From experience, just pace yourself and see how you feel. I found if i pushed too hard too fast my body let me know. Wishing you well with your recovery and we look forward to hearing more from you and how you are doing.


Take care

Tina xx

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Thanks Tina,


I’m meeting my manager this week to discuss my hours, I can’t drive until early July and my job has a fair bit of travelling involved, only locally though.

I’m obviously going to be office based for the first couple of months, in that case, we don’t have much office based customer interaction so might ask for alternate work from home days, at least until the Dr signs me off to drive again.


Kind Regards



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Gareth, welcome to BTG.


Please do not rush back to work, your brain has taken a massive knock and takes a good time to heal. If you do too much then you will send your recovery backwards which is what you don't want. The same with getting back to your previous activities.

To help with the headaches, make sure that you keep well hydrated, it really does help.

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Thanks Super Mario,


Just taking baby steps at the minute, the balance of knowing when to, and having the confidence to do things for the ‘1st time’ again I think I’ll find quite challenging.


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Hi Gareth


I agree with the others - don't rush back to work.  Personally I think even 15th May is too soon.  Think of your brain haem like a broken leg - it needs to rest as much as possible - and bearing in mind it can't ever completely rest, it's not like putting your leg up whilst the bone heals.  If you really have to return to work so quickly, see if you can work from home - at least then you can rest when you need to - and your body will definitely tell you!!


Plenty of water to help the brain heal too!


Please don't rush back too quickly - there is a saying that fits us perfectly "I look well from afar, but I am far from well" 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Steady does it. Your brain will let you know what it needs, sleeping maybe you are finding hard to switch off, mine did for ages, like it’s ‘wired’ so try relation techniques, things that settle and calm you, have a good night routine and take naps throughout the day. You know the cranky toddler that can’t switch off , that’s your brain right now so you’re going to have to learn some new sleep hygiene.


Pacing is good, and impatience is fine, it drives you but know and heed your red lights that you’re pushing too hard. And we all do, but there’s a better recovery with slow, self kindness , the other stuff can wait a bit


daff x

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