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Hi All,


I just got home from an intense hospital stay after suffering a NASAH. I have 3 children and I am 35 years old. I am struggling and looking for words of encouragement. The headaches are so terrible. Everything feels terrible. 





















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Hi Megan hang on in there, it will get better! You are very young to have suffered a bleed are you happy to tell us more about what happened and your hospital stay.


First few days of being at home are daunting, I hope you have plenty of support in the way of a partner and family. How old are your children? You must try and rest as much as possible and not do too much. Hopefully your children are old enough to understand that mummy has been very poorly and needs time for her brain to get better. Try spending quiet time with them, maybe reading books together, colouring or watching a good film (with the volume low - I couldn't have it loud for quite some time. 


Drink plenty of water and be kind to yourself, just baby steps to get back to as near pre bleed as you can get. Things may never be quite the same again, but they can be as good or even better - just different. If you need painkillers for the headaches, take them as they were prescribed, don't suffer. Hopefully they will settle in time. I had terrible headaches to begin with but took Paracetamol and rested in the dark until they subsided.


Let us know how you are getting on. We've all been there so know how you are feeling and understand the


Clare xx



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Hiya know you wont believe it just now, but will get easier... 


Keep well Hydrated and try not to do too much - know that'll be hard with a family...


keep us updated take care...

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Hi Megan

I was 35 when I had my SAH (18 years ago today infact). My only child was 9 at the time.


It was a tremendously scary time and, like you, I was looking for encouragement and understanding. This site was a Godsend to me.


It definitely does get better with time, and that's what you have to give it.  At the moment you need to get as much rest as you can, with small ones this is going to be hard, so get as much help as you can.  


Sleep when your body tells you to, keep hydrated - this helps massively with the headaches - and baby steps; if you do too much too soon, you'll feel it.


We're all here to support and encourage you on your recovery journey. I always say its a long road to recovery, but you can make as many pit stops along the way as you like.


Take care and look after yourself.

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Hi Megan it does get easier with time I was 23 when mine ruptured 22 years ago xxx


Just rest when you need to drink plenty of water and try not to worry xxx

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Megan, I am so sorry. You have so much on your plate with young ones and recovery. How old are your three? However, you are obviously a fighter and got this far! Don’t be afraid to ask for help ~ family, friends, faith community. I was always more exhausted by the end of the day so meals dropped off was nice. Ask for help with laundry ~ I had a few ladies pick up full baskets and bring them back folded.


Relax expectations for house order at this time. Kids can help with general pick up. Use paper plates and bowls if easier! If you can ~ learn to use grocery shopping services. I am a perfectionist and didn’t want someone choosing food items but my daughter started it for me and it did help ~ especially with stable items. Keep routines simple with your children. Remember this is a frightening experience for them as well.


I agree with others ~ keep well hydrated and take daily naps. Even if 30-40 minutes right after lunch. Your brain needs to rest to heal. We understand how hard it is and we are all so proud of you and your determination to seek help and encouragement. It does get better. Remember the airline message ~ give oxygen to yourself first then assist others.


You may need to politely explain that you can’t be “super mom” right now but how happy you are to be here to cuddle and rest with loved ones during this time. The first year is the most challenging. You will learn to read your body cues and adjust to a new normal. Be kind and patient with yourself. 
Big hugs, Kathy (Denver, Colorado)

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