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Help, I need ideas fast, my dad!

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My dad had SAH back in 10/08/08. He recovered well but did have aphasia and needed a walker to get around. He turned 80 this week.

Last Friday (Aug 3rd) week ago, he was admitted to the hospital with seizures. These seizures lasted for one full day eventhough the seizures became milder within 3 hours of entry to hospital. The DRs did scan to determine one of his exposed metal plates attaching the scull flap has broke thru the skin is causing a infection pipeline going to the brain. At first, the Drs was afraid to obtain spinal tap due to causing infection source at the point on the tap. Yesterday, since my dad's condition has changed to to worse, they unsuccessfully tried to extract fluid via the spinal tap. Late yesterday afternoon, they extract fluid from his shunt. As of now we do not have the results of the brain fluid study.

His current condition is he has fungus and fluid on the lung, Pneumonia, assumed Meningococcal disease in the brain. he constantly run fever of 100 -101 degrees. His normal temp is 96.6 Degrees. He as been non responsive since Sunday morning (august 12) which was his 80th birthday.

The Nuro Dr said we must remove the plate and cover the skin back in order to stop the infection. We went to see Plastic Surgeon (PS) Dr. at UAB medical center on month ago today. He described how he would pull the scalp back, remove the skull plates screws, clean and cover back the skin up. He said we will do it within three weeks. The three weeks ran out last Wednesday while my dad was in the hospital. UAB PS Dr appearantly does not want to perform the surgery due to his current condition. They really been nonresponsive there at UAB. I am not blaming them at all.

He's where we stand, he is declining daily, and will not make it much longer. The good Drs here in Panama City, fl do not have the expertise to deal with this situation.

Any Ideas???

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Like Mary...I have no idea either...perhaps someone will pick this up later ....in meantime ask Docs again and again...keep at them..

Good luck...everything crossed for You and Dad xx

Best Wishes..Keep chin up if possible

WinB143 xxxx

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Update: UAB has agreed to accept him. He may fly out today. They want to get the lung problem clearer then move skin over the opening on the head to stop the pipeline for infection. Today, he's breathing better. Since the fluid was taken from the shunt and tested, Dr are able to apply the correct AB to the problem.

Thank for all the help!

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Hi Panamacane, welcome to BTG.

It must be frustrating to watch what is happening with your dad. When I had my SAH I'm certain it was harder for my husband then me. He felt panic and so helpless standing on the sidelines unable to do anything. I was drugged up on codein and morphine and in a haze of pain and nausea. It's harder on the loved ones than those going through it.

All you can do is be there for your dad. Be by his side and help him to be comfortable. Cool cloths on his head if he's hot and hold his hand. Tell him you love him. All of that helps, even if he's unconscious.

Hugs to you

Sandi K. Xoxox

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Update: UAB has agreed to accept him. He may fly out today. They want to get the lung problem clearer then move skin over the opening on the head to stop the pipeline for infection. Today, he's breathing better. Since the fluid was taken from the shunt and tested, Dr are able to apply the correct AB to the problem.

Sounds as though you're Dad is very much a fighter! At least there is some positive news today with his treatment plan and I wish you're Dad well again.

What does AB mean?

We don't have any medical professionals on this site and all that we can offer is support and personal recovery advice post SAH/Stroke.


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My dad is waiting on a bed to open up at UAB ICU. As of yesterday, UAB told me there is no beds available since the last 3 days.

Last yesterday, he had a constant temp and his heart rate spiked to around 160 bpm. The heart rate leveled off at 120 bpm. The local ICU team gave him meds to bring HR down as we were leaving late last night.

AB = antibiotics. Sorry for confusion.

Thanks for all help/prayers/concern

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My dad had a bad day yesterday. He had a constant temp with high heart rate and % oxygen in the 80's. I called UAB and was told a bed is still not available. I ask the person on the phone if this is normal to be full - she said yes. I am worried we are losing him fast although he did open his eyes for approx 10 minutes.

Please Pray.


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hi panamacane

welcome to the site i understand the concerns about dad the infection needs to be dealt with before anything else can be done to dad with the phyiso he should be getting hopefully the infection on his chest should clear up if i remember the anti biotics take seven to ten days to clear infections and takes a day or so to kick in your dad has more problems than normal but hopefully he wil improve over the next few days and be in a better situation for uab icu's are always busy no matter where you live in the world there are never enough beds ever but hopefully dad will carry on the fight the fact he was strong enough to open his eyes for ten minutes show's he hasnt given up i wish you both well and the news improves daily take care hugs and cuddles from across the pond

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