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Wisdom tooth extraction! Ouch!!

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Anyone had a wisdom tooth extraction post SAH?

I’ve had a date for mine – 21st February and to say that I’m dreading it is an understatement.

I was diagnosed with anxiety last April and so it is advised that I have my procedure under general anaesthetic, despite the extraction being quite easy.

I am anticipating that the general anaesthetic will aggravate my issues with fatigue, plus the healing of the wound itself is likely to exacerbate fatigue. My family are already putting a plan in place regarding childcare, so I have plenty of help on hand.

People assume that given my medical history that having a tooth out is something I will be fine with, but it’s really not. I even hate check -ups, so having a tooth out is way out of my comfort zone. Plus, not looking forward to my cheeks resembling Marlon Brando’s in the Godfather for a few days afterwards either. Unfortunately, my dentist has also made me an offer I can’t refuse; either have the tooth out, or face agony in a few months.

Anyone else hate going to the dentist as much as me? I can’t help think I’m losing some perspective, but it’s going to take more than ‘tree pose’ during yoga to keep my mind balanced over this one!

L xx

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Lin, Poor girl!

I hate the dentist more than anyone in fact just got back from there an hour ago! But I know many that have had their wisdom teeth out with not one issue! I had a molar out before my SAH and it was a breeze! I was thinking it was going to be awful as I have many root canals and crowns. I also by the way take a muscle relaxer and a pain pill before I go for a cleaning and I am as big of a dentist baby as they come. I would go as far as to say I would rather have a biopsy in my naughty bits without an anaesthetic than go for a cleaning!!!

Good luck! Mary

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Hi Lin,

I had all four out at once and did not look like Brando from the Godfather. This was pre SAH. There was some nasty breath for a few days following. I would not get too close to folks while speaking. :). You will be just fine. Honestly, a root canal is worse.

Mary, your last comment made me chuckle.


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Hi Lin,

I have major anxiety about the dentist chair. My anxiety was present pre-SAH and has been heightened post SAH. I have a cracked tooth that will need extracting at some point, but my dentist is just keeping an eye on it at the moment as he wants to get as much time between my SAH and the extraction as possible.

My GP offered counselling to assist with my dentistry phobia, but as the technigue adopted is to make you face your fear - I declined.

Having said all of that, when the day finally dawns I realise I will have to take a very deep breath, hold on tightly to the nurse's hand, and go ahead with the procedure. I am sure you will be fine Lin, quite often the fear of an event is much worse than the reality of the situation.

I am sure all will go well for you, try not to stress too much between now and Feb 21st.

Take care,


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After what you have been through SAH/childbirth, having a wisdom out is like a walk in the park.

Have it done by injection you will recover quicker than the other way.

Just before numbness wears off take a pain killer and all will be okay then when dentist says gargle with warm

salt water.

Trust me I have been there, got the gap to prove it lol

Good luck

Win She who lost her Wisdom xx xx

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Thanks for your replies.

Win and Jess – you are very brave ladies! Having a tooth out awake is way beyond what I could cope with. My mother had a tooth out with just local anaesthetic and I’m utterly amazed that people can do that!

That said, I see from Mary and Wem that I’m not alone with hating appointments at the dentist! I am like Wem in that I had anxiety re the dentist before my SAH- but it’s skyrocketed after the SAH. Re your future tooth extraction Wem, can you request sedation and emphasise your anxiety as being the reason? I hope it all pans out well for you.

Thank you Iola for your reply. It was comforting to hear that root canal is worse because I’ve had that and survived!

I do foresee that this is a procedure that I’m likely to look back on and think that it wasn’t that bad, after all, I will be asleep for the duration. I’m glad I’m having general anaesthetic as I don’t think I could walk into the hospital otherwise; but Win is correct in saying that the recovery under it will be worse than with local anaesthetic. I am prepared to take the hit however, because my emotional state before the procedure will be heightened if I undergo the procedure awake.

Thanks again for replying, they were all helpful.

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Weirdly, my utter terror of the dentist has evaporated since sah...it's one of the good side effects for me! It's great because I've wanted to have some minor cosmetic work done for years as I had a very brown tooth right at the front. It wasn't a stain and it wasn't dead and it was all I could see in any photographs taken and in an effort to hide it, I haven't smiled properly in years but I was way too terrified to be going to the dentist for non-essential work. I've been able to have most of the work done without any anaesthetic at all which is nothing short of astonishing.

However, I've found being in the dentists chair extremely exhausting. As part of the cosmetic work, I had a large old filling replaced in my left incisor. When my dentist drilled the old filling out, he discovered that I needed root canal treatment even though there had been no pain and so a 20 min appointment turned into 70. My point in all this rambling is that although I was not anxious at all (I used to have full blown panic attacks at the dentist) when I got up to leave I felt very weak and dizzy and ideally probably should not have been driving. Luckily, this was booked on my day off and there was nothing else to do that day. I couldn't have managed it on a work day at all.

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  • 4 weeks later...


Have not replied to your post before due to sheer fright! But have been thinking about you and hope you are OK. I had my impacted wisdom teeth (strangely only 3 there!) out years and years ago under a general anaesthetic in hospital and came out like a very sorry and bruised Marlon Brando in The Godfather! But they were deep and well impacted so hope your procedure has not been so bad.

I'm bound for the dentist this coming Monday and he is going to grind away one tooth and build me a new one. Like you, I have a terror of that chair. Tim, my dentist, is truly kind and knows my terror - I travel for over 2 hours to get to him because I won't try any other dentist. I know he will make it as least awful as possible but I am still dreading it.

My only consolation is that I will stay and spend some time with my daughter and my lovely one-year old grand-daughter as a result of the journey.

If you read this, think about me on Monday - have booked the appointment at 8.30 in the morning in the hope that I will not be fully awake and alert!


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hi lin lin

You could ask the dentist to sedate you if they will do it explain how you feel terrified. its not a g/a but it sends you off to sleep and you wont feel a thing but one problem you will need to get someone to go with you to bring you back home and be with you for a couple of hours good luck hugs and cuddles

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Hello Paul and Victoria and thank you for your replies.

My procedure did not go ahead on the 21st. I developed a cold (more like man flu, really!) and the dentist was very reluctant to proceed. It made sense not to, after all, it would have been a lot for my body to recover from surgery, general anesthetic and a cold.

Given that the tooth isn't hurting me, it seemed more appropriate to reschedule. It's likely to take place in April now.

Victoria - I will be thinking of you on Monday! I find trips to the dentist very tiring post SAH so I hope you'll have opportunity to rest afterwards. (I used to fit appointments in my lunch hour!? How on earth I managed that, I don't know!)

Paul - thanks as always for your hugs and cuddles, they always cheer me up! I asked my dentist about sedation, but because my anxiety is at such a high level, sedation may not work. My dentist said he doesn't want me 'thrashing about!'

Will let you all know how I get on after my procedure.

L xx

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.................! ...............! Really didn't want to say anything about my experience with the Marlon Brando thing before your procedure - so hoped you had already had it done. Sewing buttons for lip as I type - there's a thought - multi-tasking in our condition!

Thanks for saying you will think about me on Monday - a thought that will help me. I have numerous methods of trying to relax there - maybe I will mentally chant your name - so if you hear it early on Monday morning it will be coming from deepest Hampshire!


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Victoria - Ha! Please don't worry, I found your post funny! I'm well aware of the chance of bruising, which is more likely when the patient is under. I daresay the dentist can give it more welly when the patient is asleep!

You didn't put your foot in it at all!

Win - Hello and hugs.

L xx

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I have survived! Have rebuilt tooth! I did use your name repeatedly to help - and, something really endearing from my little grand-daughter, who has picked up saying "uh-uh" - so "uh-uh, lin-lin" kept me relaxed as far as possible - along with clutching my inhaler! So many thanks for your help!

Don't think my name is of much help in this respect. But you could try thinking that to my wee grand-daughter, I am "Ma-ma" - same as her own "Ma-ma". It is sweet that, despite the fact that I don't see her as often as I would like, she still recognises me as someone special - always has done.

So, when your time comes -try just thinking "Ma-ma"

Victoria "Mama"

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