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Hi I'm new to this site.

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Hi all,

I was looking in the web for a forum like this, and I'm so pleased I have met you guys.

I had a Subarachnoid Haemorrhage on the 17th July.

I thought I was having a migraine headache. I have never felt pain like it. I have only ever had a migraine once in my life, I can only thank my husband who came in and found me on our toilet floor, he thinks I was trying to be sick. Next thing I knew I woke up in hospital, nearly four days later. I'd suffered two burst aneurysms and had a third one coiled!!! I can't believe that I didn't know I had such things happening in my head, it is quite unbelievable.

I am truly thankful for the care I have received, in hospital and since coming home. :D

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Hi Holly and welcome to the site.....

It sounds as though you've had quite a time with it ....

Anything that you need to ask, or if you need a moan, or just need a chat, you know where we are .... as Scott has said, we're a friendly bunch...

Can I ask how old you are?

Glad that you managed to find us ....


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Thank you everyone for your replies. It has been a shock more than anything else, I know by reading this forum, you'll all know what I mean by saying that, but I'm getting there. I don't seem to be affected, weakness etc as some folks, thankfully. I am however very tired, seems to come on out of the blue.

Oh! by the way I'm from Scotland, Aberdeenshire, bonny Scotland, ha! I'm 43 years old - young.

I want to thank you for your replies it will be nice to be in touch with people who have experienced this, bless you all.


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Hi Holly

Welcome to the Site.

I'm your neighbour here in Aberdeen. Glad you are on the mend. Its miserable here at the moment. What part of the Shire are you in? Don't need to answer that till you get settled in if you want.

Weather here's awful at 2day.

Good to have another Quine on the site. :lol:


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Hi ya,

I'm from Fraserburgh. Thanks for your reply. Everyone has been very friendly. Thank you.

Ha! the wither here is afa bad too. Gosh! ye need yer wellies, or a boat. Hope you can read some of the Doric words I have included. :lol:

Very nice to hear from you,


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Aye Fit Like?

I'm Irish but love the Doric. Have you been on the brainhelp website? Walter from Aberdeen. Thats how I found this one.

Have only been to Fraserburgh a couple of times. My fav place is the lighthouse muesum (hope thats not Peterhead) :oops: The coffee shop is great!!!

Aine xox

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Fit like?

You are at the right place, the Lighthoose is grand and the museum. But, Peterhead, you mentioned is about 20 miles away from me, it's always cold, there brrrrr. Well, I always think it is, ha!

Ah! home is always best, eh? hee. :lol:

I forgot to mention I looked at the site you mentioned, I think it is very good. Thank you for telling me about it.

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Hi Holly

Welcome to the family hun.

I've been on the forum for just over a year now and have made some very good friends and have been given some excellent advice.

Anything you want to know or are unsure about - just ask away. - we're also good shoulders for crying on and moaning into :wink:

Sami xxx

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Hi Holly

Welcome from me too! It's an excellent place, here, for all us SAH-ers; all questions and queries can be answered by at least one person who will have experienced it and there're some great discussions to be had! Loads of humour too which is always welcome.

Cheers and stick around

Sarah x :lol:

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