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Hi all. I lost my mom to a SAH 34 years ago. I was wandering if any knew if is hereditary and is there anyway you can tell if I would be prone to getting a SAH . I have been getting a lot of headaches just latley the same as mom and was thinking of going to the docs to ask.

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Hi Len, welcome to BTG.


Sadly SAH can be hereditary, although not in all cases. My children were offered MRI scans to check if they were clear of aneurysms. Luckily they are.

My advice is to see your doctor, explain about your mum and the fact you are now experiencing headaches and ask for a referral for a MRI to be checked. Any doctor worth their salt should agree.   

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Hi Len,

Welcome to BTG.


Both my first wife (mother to my two boys) and me have had a SAH.  It is best to get yourself checked if you can.  They wouldn't normally do that here but given that both parents have had them they agreed to do it.  Fortunately they appear to be ok.


The wondering would have frustrated the heck out of me if it hadn't been done, so please get it checked - it is best to know in my humble opinion!


Good luck!



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