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Hi all, Just going to bed, but I popped on whilst having my hot chocolate, yum.

I had a fantastic time today out visiting my friend. The traveling was grand. My back is only now at the end of the day giving me some jip. Anyway, that's not what I wanted to ask. Do any of you sometimes come over all lightheaded, or get a giddy feeling out of the blue? I don't understand this, maybe it's just when I perhaps exert myself a little too much.

Well, after my long journey today I arranged supper back at home for the family, and now I've just came in from helping decorate our church tree tonight, which I must say I really enjoyed.

I was standing helping along with the others and then I suddenly felt I needed to urgently sit down. So, I slowly slipped to sit in a pew hoping know one would notice, and thank goodness nobody did, as I felt lightheaded.

I had to mention this because I have felt this on a few occasions, the feeling can come out of the blue, often when I'm in shops. I've always managed to deal with this, in a similiar way as I did today, but I just wondered if this has happend to other peeps. As yo can imagine it can be slightly alarming for myself, hoping not to hit the "deck" as so to speak.

Och! I'm just a moan. ha!

Feeling slumber coming on, so I'll bid you all good night and sweet dreams,

H xx :)

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Yip, thanks for all of the replies. I think I have to listen to my body, it's giving me tell, tell signs. I never had that feelings before my SAH. That's why I feel so alarmed about it when it happens.

Bless ye all.

Not long until Christmas now. I'm so excited. I feel like a kid this year. ah! I always enjoy Crimbo, but it feels kinda humbling this year for me.

H xx

Take care all xx

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I have been feeling dizzy a lot lately, firstly when I got a cold, it seemed to knock me for six! and now I am under a bit of stress ( A wayward daughter) I am feeling very dizzy, and more confused than usual. I don't seem able to process things in my mind like I used to, although seven months on I am definitely a lot better :)

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Hi Vivien

Know how you feel wayward daughters are very stressful I have three all in their twenties now and still really capable of coursing a great deal of stress. I have found the last few days I have had a return of dizzyness I think some of it is with overdoing it last week but the changeable weather in't helping either.

Hope things ease soon for you.

Janet x

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  • 8 months later...

Hi Donna,

I have the odd one, but not like I did then. I realise now, if it did happen that I must be overdoing things.

Mind you now that I've been back to work for 8 months, I still have to tell myself to slow down. I have, and always have done, thought that I must get everything done, now!!

But, until recently I believe I learned to say No!! Meaning that it can all wait until tomorrow, or another day.

It's a whole new world to me the word .....No.

Crazy, but it's only two letters, but we all feel it's hard to say.

Take care, Hun,

H xxx :D

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  • 2 months later...

trying hard to be without my patch double vision has been a little better,but did try a little walk,(not to bad )still feeling strange and miles away,(quite fed up with myself to day)had not a good day yesterday,my bad arm is still playing up, and my neck and shoulders are quite bad,have got physio on monday ,for my bad arm, im in more pain with my shoulders as well (what a state to be in)especially with all else going on ,if it still continues at the weekend i might go (bungy jumping )ha ha still i suppose it still is very early days for me 42 days since sah 30 sept 2008(will be afraid to have a drink at xmas)what a shame,still i only drink asti so it wont matter, i will be the only one sober,just hope some of my dizzyness goes away before then.will any one else be having a drink at xmas .love pruexxx

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Hi Prue,

Sorry to hear that you're having such a bad day......

I felt "miles away" for a long while ..... as I used to say "not all there and nobody at home" ..... it's a horrible feeling.

If you're feeling really dizzy then leave your patch on ..... don't struggle, be kind to yourself....you can't expect to deal with everything at the same time, especially if you're also in pain.

Feel for you Prue ...... hope that the physio will start to help your other problems ...... it must feel like a nightmare for you at the minute.

Yes, it is very early days for you and you will improve, but that probably doesn't help what you're enduring today.

Thinking of you xx

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Yes sorry to hear your having a bad day Prue, but it is very early days for you dont run before you can walk as the saying goes..... :roll: or expect too much, it gets better really.....

I used to drown my drinks in juice when I first started to drink again although never a lot anyway everything in moderation Yes I'm the boaring one at things but hey who cares..... :roll:


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Hi Prue

Sorry to hear you're suffering with your shoulder arm hope it gets better soon for you. Karen is right maybe leave the patch on if it helps with the double vision.

I can't drink very much at all since SAH more than two and I have a bad head almost instantly now.

Janet x

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thanks karen and louise,really having a miserable day seems all has been one thing on top of another i really was just getting over a (cerviacal lamenectomy)which i had in march 2008 was just feeling a bit brighter and doing things again,when bingo down i went with sah so now im battling again,(it seems non stop) but never mind i must battle on, and hope it comes right will catch you all later thanks so much for your post what would we do without you all.love pruexxxx

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Prue, with everything that you've suffered, then it's bound to have taken its toll on you .... you're allowed to feel miserable and fed up ..... this time of year doesn't help either...

It will come right for you again and I think that you're one marvellous lady ...... tell yourself how well that you're doing and give yourself a pat on the back, because at you're stage I couldn't even come onto the computer, let alone deal with the other problems that you're having to endure.

Anytime you need to have a moan or let off steam, then you know where I am.....xx

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thanks so much karen,the operation cerviacal lamenectomy done in march was on my neck they open up the neck (and that is suppose to take about 12 months or more )but i was doing really well,untill all of this it is so annoying,(what with the neck sah and my arm it really is nasty) after the neck,i fell down tripped down the stairs my handbag was at the bottom and i caught my foot in the handle and went flying, tried to save myself but feel on my arm ,now i can hardly move it at all.so iwas having physio,but of course then came the sah so that finished me right off, so i hope that is all 3 things done.anyway i will plod on again get myself together,bye for now pruexxxx

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Sorry to hear your feeling a bit down Prue, hope things improve soon. I can't help re patches because I never had one.

Don't worry about alcohol, I'm 29 and 2 wine and lemonade is the limit, as you can imagine my mates take the mick but I don't care they don't have to live with the headaches and dizzyness

Love and hugs


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hi laura,many thanks for your reply,ive yet another bad day(bad night with my arm)plus the restwe go through as you can tell ,im only just getting use to this computer ,its only since i found btg that i have used it,its my husbands really (so pleaseforgive if there ,are lots of mistakes)as long as you can understand me it will be ok as he is out at the moment, and cant rectify all my mistakes.ha ha (it takes me ages to put a letter together,all with one finger(but i am trying to go a bit faster ha ha.normaly i dont go near the thing,anyway i shall try a drink at xmas just one as i really am scared to try it well i better go and do something(before he comes back and looks at all my mistakes.)lots of love pruexx

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hi janet im sure i wont dare try a drink ill be to afraid as beforei could not drink much as i really suffered badly (so as it is still very early days still i had better leave well alone) ive enough to cope with as it is (never mind everybody says it does get better so im waiting for it to happen) love prue xx

Hi Prue

Sorry to hear you're suffering with your shoulder arm hope it gets better soon for you. Karen is right maybe leave the patch on if it helps with the double vision.

I can't drink very much at all since SAH more than two and I have a bad head almost instantly now.

Janet x

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