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"Neurogenic Bladder"

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It took me years to find out the medical name for something I had been experiencing since my SAH; I have a "neurogenic bladder.'  ("Oh that's what that's called!")  I think knowing this information sooner, albeit sensitive, would've helped.


I've often wondered why I had to frequent the loo so often, and I learned that if I waited for a bit, my bladder was sure to empty properly, and I wouldn't be back there every 10 minutes!


Here's a link to describe it:




I hope this information helps somebody.  For a while I thought that everything that was going on for me physically would get back to normal; I was wrong.


Susan :)

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Sue, there may be other reasons why your bladder acts as it does. The SAH may just be coincidental.

Self diagnosis is not always a good thing. I suggest you see what your doctor says.


Thank you for the link anyway, as you say it may be helpful to others.


It wasn't self diagnosed; if I gave that impression, it wasn't intended.



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It wasn't self diagnosed; if I gave that impression, it wasn't intended.



Thank you for clarifying that.


As an explanation, there are too many folk out there who are inclined to self diagnose from the internet. The internet is a wonderful tool but one can get false answers from it as not everyone's symptoms are exactly the same. One should see their doctor for anything causing concern, not depend on getting an answer online.


On another note It is far too easy to blame ensuing problems as being caused by a SAH, when in fact they are not related at all.

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I can not stress enough on the importance of Super Marios advice to not put symptoms down to SAH, I've read her wise words about this many times and I wish I'd listened.

I've been putting some symptoms down to the aftermath of SAH when in fact I was shocked to the core when I found out at a hospital appointment last Thursday that I need a joint reconstruction due to severe arthritis.

Always always listen to your body and seek advice from GP.

Take care,


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That's really interesting , I had that problem for a few years post SAH, I had put it down to having a catheter in while they kept me in a coma for a couple of weeks and consequent shrinking of the bladder.  It took years to get some control again.

One of my lowest points of the early days post SAH was about 2 months after when I was in tesco and trying to use one of the scan yourself machines, I was getting in a bit of a muddle so a member of staff came to help me and as she was explaining it I suddenly starting wetting myself.

I got out of their ASAP and it was a real low point accepting what my life had become.  However I still use the same tesco regularly and I often look at that same self scanning machine with a mix of pity for the me of those days and a sense of how far I have travelled.  Sorry if that was more detail than required!

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Interesting to note that this may have been down to something other than SAH.  Sometimes it seems we are looking for something to blame when in fact it isn't the SAH, but is something else.


That's why it is important to keep things in perspective and be rational and deal with issues we have with an open mind.


We shouldn't be drawing conclusions too quickly.  Doctors are professionals, we are not.  They aren't always infallible and are human and can make mistakes just like the rest of us, but it is best to take their opinions into account, in my opinion.



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I know having a catheter in situ was the cause of me keep going to the loo, I was told by the Brain Injury Team alias BIT.


I had to strengthen my tummy up  (My words) as I had UTI where my catheter wasn't emptied regular enough and that caused me a

lot of illness while in hospital, my Daughter asked for it to be emptied and a helper said " it's been done"  and said to her friend "Jesus"


Her attitude upset my Daughter as she was worried for me as I was her pal xx still am.


I notice at bedtime I go about 3 times before bladder is empty but that way I get a good nights sleep.


I stop drinking at 9 pm ish that helps me get a good nights sleep but always up at least once in the night.    Better than wetting bed.!!


Good Luck All

Win xxxx

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