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Body spasms

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Hope everyone is doing well.

Had a question to ask. When Jim sleeps he sometimes has body twitches. These occur mostly in the morning when he is in a deep sleep.

Was wondering if anyone experiences these.

Other than that things are going well. :)

Take care



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Hi there

I have a big twitch before I go to sleep - it's a real jolt and is not very pleasant, quite painful in fact. Apparently I twitch a lot in my sleep, far more than pre-SAH.

Conincidentally I had an appointment yesterday with my brain surgeon and mentioned this to him. He said he hadn't heard of this kind of thing being associated with SAH before. It has most definitely only developed since SAH though.


Sarah :wink:

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Hi Cal,

It's not unusual to have twitches, but if Jim's are abnormal for him, then you need to speak to the Doctor. Seizures are not uncommon after a SAH/stroke... I experienced seizures during the first few days of the SAH and I was on medication for about 10 months after. I often wonder whether I do have the odd one at night time, but I can't be sure.

Good luck and it's probably just one of those things....

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Dear Cal

I have had big twitches just as I'm going to sleep which wake me up with a jolt but this was pre-SAH and not had one for a while. The only thing I noticed for a couple of months post SAH was that I had restless legs in bed (I think it's called Restless Legs Syndrome) when you need to move your legs all the time but this seemed to have fizzled out. I had it years ago though for a while so maybe just a coincidence.

But yes it can be very hard to tell what's what sometimes and if things connected to SAH or not.

Best wishes


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:wink: Thanks for all your responses. Jim has been going to PT and the twitches seem to be better.

They said he was bedridden for so long that his muscles really need to be strengthened again.

Hope all is well with everyone.

Spring is finally here! :D



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  • 2 months later...

Hi Cal

How are Jim's twitches now? Mine have returned and I've had a big one before I fall asleep for the past few nights. I was seeing my GP today about something else and mentioned them and she thought that because I am anxious in general that I am noticing things more but doesn't think the twitches are anything sinister. I am going to try to forget about them! I remember having them years ago and they went away eventually. Hope Jim continuing to improve.

Anne xxxx

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Hi Anne,

Jim does still have the ocassional twitches. Some nights much more than others. What Linda stated could very well be the cause. Jim also was once very active and since he suffered his SAH his legs tire very easily. He is however making a slow but steady progress as long as he does not over due it.

Stay well.



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