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Neurovascular Appontment

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Hi all,

I was wondering if this has happoned to any of you, i had my yearly mri in April and was told rescan in 1 year. (there is a remanent left)Since then i have been ill twice with bad headaches.When i went to see my neurologest in my local hosiptal he told me he had spoke to my brain surgen and that he wanted me to see the neurovascular team in London can any one tell me what happons at these appointments as when i have been before i have always seen my surgen. I just dont want to go up to London to be told the same thing again.The appointment came through next day and is for 16th July

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Hi Ursula

Sorry I can't help either. Obviously the neurovascular team must look at your blood vessels/veins/arteries, blood pressure etc. Other than that, I'm not sure.

Personally I'd ask my GP, because I think he will have had a copy of their letter and perhaps his version has more information.

Also, if it was me, I would definitely attend the appointment on 16 July - its so hard to get these people to see you - I wouldn't want to miss an opportunity for more info on my case.

But first of all, yes, I'd speak to my GP.

Big hug

Lesley xxx

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Hi Ursula

Sorry, I cant help either, maybe they are another specialist in the field. I agree with Lesley, have you tried to contact your surgeon, or could your GP explain? Take care, hope all goes well on the 16th

Love Tinaxx

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Hi Ursula,

Sorry, but can't help you with this one. I would imagine that individual cases would differ depending on where you lived and which neuro hospital was treating you etc .... If I was you, I would definetly attend the appointment, especially if you've been concerned with your health ..... as Lesley has already said, ask your GP to explain why they want to see you ..... Is travelling difficult for you?

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