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Headaches after SAH

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Hi I am new to this my husband suffered a SAH 3 weeks ago ago and thankfully so far everything seems to be okay other than the headaches. He is still on his nimodopine every 4 hours. My question is how long is it to be expected that he will keep getting headaches. Took him to the docs today and he has now being given amytriptyline for the pain.


Thank you. 

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Welcome to BTG.


As for asking how long the headaches will last is like asking how long is a piece of string. Everyone's recovery is at a different rate, may be weeks, months or years. Recovery is an individual thing.


A way to alleviate or diminish headaches from a SAH is to drink lots of water to keep well hydrated. This really does work.

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Hello and also a warm welcome to BTG.


So sorry to hear that your husband recently suffered from a SAH.


While we do not provide medical advice, you will find much help and support from the members of BTG and from reading the personal recovery experiences within the various Forums.


It is very early in your husband`s recovery and during those first few weeks and months, the extent of any post SAH issues start to become apparent. This will depend on the severity and positioning of the bleed. As you read the Forums you will discover that there are other side effects such as fatigue, memory loss, personality issues and low tolerance threshold. Please be aware that should he display some of these, time and patience are so important to ensure a best outcome.


SAH recovery is likely to have many challenges and few survivors make a complete recovery.


You mention headaches, and by coincidence, the Forum below this one has a current discussion on the subject which I am sure you will find helpful.



Please ensure that you also have plenty rest and support as you take care of your husband in these early months 







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Hi sorry about your husband however I still get headaches 16 years after not as bad but if I don't drink enough water out in sun to long struggle with shopping. 


Try not to worry and drink plenty of water and try to relax and rest when he needs to xxx

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Thank you. I think my husband has been very fortunate after his SAH in that he does not seem to gave any significant disabilities other than the headaches, fatigue and a slight change in his hearing in the fact that certain sounds such as our fridge beeping sounds different to him. He is still my mild mannered placid husband whose memory is fully there.


Even after surgery he was telling the nurses how long we had been together and how long we were married (I’m terrible at remembering these). I just want him to have one day where he isn’t in any pain due to his head. I will try and get him to drink more.


Thank you. 

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He will get there slow but sure Dm.


I got headaches and used to think "Could this be another one" I was so scared then my Daughter found this site and I saw lots of people who were getting on with life after an SAH.


Keep him away from stressful people or situations when possible.  I found singing and laughter helped me but it didn't go down to well with my hubby lol xxxx He took me out for coffee and breakkies some mornings and getting out was good for me but not midriff !!


Be patient as we can be pains but we and our loved ones have gone through it together, you watching and worrying  and us in cuckooland as I called it xxxx 


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