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Infundibulum Update

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Hi Everyone,

I finally managed to see my neurosurgeon yesterday exactly 8 weeks after my angiogram for the results. I could have seen one of his registrars earlier but considering the conflicting information I was given at the time of the angiogram I decided not to (see my earlier post).

So the thing is this. Apparently an infundibulum is a abnormally shaped blood vessel. Mine is on the carotid artery on the left side of my brain. It is a funnel shaped vessel which on its own isn't dangerous. So the neuro-radiologist was right in telling me not to worry about it and the registrar was incorrect in telling me that it could change and grow into an aneurysm.

HOWEVER, behind the infundibulum the angiogram revealed a small aneurysm (1.5mm) which the previous CT scans missed.

My neurosurgeon said it will probably be monitored on an annual basis by angiogram as the infundibulum makes it impossible to see with the less intrusive CT scan.

Although the angiogram didn't hurt it was not a pleasant experience and not one I'm looking forward to repeating but needs must and all that!

Hope you all have a great week,

Leonie x

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Ta Donna.

I must admit I was slightly unnerved at first and it took the whole of yesterday evening to digest it but then I realised that really I am just in the same position I was in last year this time only now they actually know what to look for and where to look now. So you are right, that's progress!

Thanks for the support,

L x

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Leonie, as you rightly say, they know exactly where to look now and hopefully, it gives you some peace of mind that they will continue monitoring you.

I know that when I was told that I still had a neck left on my aneurysm, it took a while to get my head around it all ..... but with time and realising that they would monitor me, it's got easier and I've felt more confident.

Must admit, that I wouldn't look forward to having another angiogram either, but as you said, the CT scan didn't pick up the aneurysm, whereas the angio did ..... so yes, I suppose it's a necessary evil! ....

Take care and wishing you well....xx

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Leonie 'tis a bit of a worry, but as you rightly say at least you and they know what is going on and where to look to check. I have reached that conclusion too as after my angio, ( see update post of mine on Sub Arachnoid Forum) I too have now, after seeing the neuro consultant, been told that I have not only lost some of the coils and having mini bleeds as a result,the coils are to be replaced, but apparently I too have an aneurysm elsewhere in what passes for my brain which they are not going to treat at the moment as it is only small and not showing any changes so there you go two of us on extra angio's! I don't mind the actual angio, it's the disruption to one's daily life that is a nuisance, but definitely better that, then another sah :shock: Good Luck and shared thoughts :)

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I'm sorry Perry. You have had horrible news. Funny isn't it? (in a non-humorous way) how "well" we all look and how much is still being affected by our SAH's.

To quote my dear old dad, I look well from far but am far from well! - we could all use that saying!

Any idea when the coils will be replaced?


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Thanks Leo :) Great to know we have support isn't it? I think ( hope) that the recoiling will be either at the end of August or early September ( Swine flu permitting) No! I haven't got it, but just hope the hospital beds don't fill up as I'm sure elective surgery will be the first to go :(

I like your Dad's saying very, very true, obviously a wise man :wink:

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