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Everything posted by jess

  1. Hi Nurianna I would listen to your physio as they are only thinking of your arm and neck your neurosurgeon would of been thinking about your head so they are both right you can swim it won't hurt your head but you can't swim now because of your neck and shoulder. Jess.xxx Hope its better soon
  2. Hi Myra myself personally I am glad I had a clip but obviously the choice is yours I was back at work and pregnant by 31st march 03 had the op on 3rd jan. Jess.xxx
  3. Hi Evelyn welcome to btg. If you need to know anything just ask. Jess.xxx
  4. Hi John glad you got the answers just sorry they weren't very good. Good luck with the coiling I am sure you will be fine. Jess.xxx
  5. Hi Donna I would also have to agree with Tina Janet has said it all. Jess.xxx
  6. Hi Sharon I didn't really have any went to see surgeon one month then at three months after and that was it. Jess.xxx But if she needs it then fight for it.
  7. Hi there welcome to btg if I were you I would ignore your family at the end of the day you have been through an awful lot hope it improves for you. Jess.xxx
  8. Donna I was really glad to get back to work because I hated being stuck at home on my own, but everyone is different I had 6 months off in total that was for rupture and the other side aswell but only you can tell if you are ready or not. Good luck. Jess.xxx
  9. Really pleased she enjoyed the shopping trip hope all goes well with the neuro visit. Jess.xxx
  10. Welcome to behindthegray I hope you mom keeps improving anything you need to know just ask. Jess.xxx
  11. Karen you have done so well you should be really proud of yourself. Jess.xxx
  12. Hi John That is terrible having to wait hope you get your answers soon.Jess.xxx
  13. Yasmin well done you really pleased you did it. Jess.xxx
  14. sorry i can't help either my ns said the smoking probably caused them to grow but i would of been born with the weak spots i still smoke. Jess.xxx
  15. Laura don't worry about the pill it can cause problems but so can paracetemol and aspirin just normal over the counter tablets everything can doesn't mean it will cause side effects if your dr has put you on that one then it should be fine. I take norriday you just have to take it everyday and never have a break, my dr had put me back on microgyon 30 and I read the leaflet inside and I come off that one myself hence Shayne I told my drs I ain't taking it find me a new one after having him because the leaflet inside says do not take is you have had a SAH. Yet your drs should know what is safe another reason they take them off you in hospital is because of the length of time you are in bed some can cause blood clots if you aren't active at all. Just go to your drs and speak to them. And Laura I think your pill is a mini pill the same as mine I think all off those are fine. Jess.xxx
  16. Hi Donna yes I felt like you did too but it does get better. Congratulations. Jess.xxx
  17. Donna I can only agree with Karen but you are right it is so unlikely that it will happen again but please go and get help and I am sure your family love you so much and I know your son does a childs love is unconditional and he needs you so much Donna. Jess.xxx
  18. Yasmin if your drs say its fine then i guess it is I never really worried about it cause it never happened whilst i was excercising as such i was walking to work. Jess.xxx
  19. Hi there Donna I am so pleased that you have managed to get out and about today good for you. See you soon. Jess.xxx
  20. Hi Donna I don't think you will do anything silly you have Jack to think about and just think how he would feel. Donna I really think you need professional help with this one though, but your head isn't gonna burst and your body isn't giving up it's you giving up Donna and you need to fight it for your son if not for you, nothing bad will happen Donna they have checked you and said you will be fine believe them. Jess.xxx
  21. Keith you are doing brilliant well done keep it up and can't wait to read the next part. Jess.xxx
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