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Everything posted by Vivien

  1. Hello Kelley and thankyou for sharing your story I still haven't written mine, not sure why, maybe I don't want to go back to that time, plus there are large missing bits I don't remember. I think you are doing really well. Vivien x
  2. I think with anti depressants you stay on them for 6 months and then get reviewed, thats what happened to me anyway I now don't need them, Vivien
  3. Welcome to this site Kelley You seem to be doing really well so far, but as the others have said it is still really early in your recovery. Good luck at the doctors. Vivien x
  4. Hello John, I agree with the others, go get yourself checked! But I find that if there is too much going on or I am tired then I get more clumsy and forgetful. Christmas is a busy time and I forgot loads of things ( where I put presents, if I had actually bought them, food and peoples names!) I also spilt a few drinks. Vivien x
  5. Sorry to hear that Adam, hope you get it sorted Vivien x
  6. Hi Debbie I was sent to a counsellor to see if I had post traumatic stress disorder, because I couldn't sleep and my memory is terrible. The counsellor did not think I had PTSD but thought that I did need some counselling, and I found it very helpful in accepting the way I am now, and I am sleeping a bit better, but my memory has not improved! Vivien x
  7. Hello Debbie and welcome to this site Vivien
  8. Welcome back Celia Hope your recovery goes well. I was under general anaesthetic for my coiling Mel Vivien x
  9. Hello Anders and welcome to this site I have a dog who keeps me busy too! a labradoodle, she is a year old. Sorry to hear that you are still having problems, this is a great site for people who experience similar problems. Vivien x
  10. Welcome Jackie Thanks for telling us how you have managed and progressed Vivien x
  11. Hello Debbie Welcome to this very helpful site Vivien x
  12. HGi Ern and welcome to this very helpful site. I have flown since my SAH and was fine, I did use those funny little blue earplugs though to help with pressure changes, I think they are called earplanes, they did work but I looked a bit strange I also have had trouble adjusting to the person I am now, and am no longer working, I found meditation helped me, probably similar to the stuff you do in yoga. Vivien x
  13. Hi Laanka Glad you made your decision Enjoy your family time and I hope all goes well with your coiling Vivien x
  14. It must be so frustrating for you when you see the mistakes, I really hope things improve soon. Take care of yourself. Vivien x
  15. Good news John Hope that puts your mind at rest, and hope all goes well with the biopsy Vivien x
  16. Yep I remember those headaches! I also just remembered that the nurses kept giving me jugs of water to drink as they said it helped with the healing process. Glad to hear that Mark may be home in a couple of days Vivien x
  17. Hi Ali, well you are getting it from all sides, worry about John and finances! I hope both improves soon Vivien x
  18. Hello Helen I can only echo what the others have said, tis a bit of a rollercoaster ride, and whatever you are feeling is normal Vivien x
  19. Hello and Welcome to BTG Hope your husband continues to improve, and take care of yourself as well Vivien x
  20. Welcome to BTG Lyn Can't think of anything new to add, doh! my mind has gone blank, I understand the frustration and anger of not being able to do the things you once could, but I have had counselling and it definitely has helped. I do still get annoyed and upset at times but mostly I just laugh I compare my mind now to an old computer which has a processor that takes time to process information and sometimes crashes! I think being a partner of somebody who has had an SAH is just as hard, sounds like you are doing really well and are a loving and caring partner Vivien x
  21. Great to hear of your Mum's brilliant progress Hope you are keeping well yourself, must have been a trying time for all the family Vivien x
  22. Hello Paul, I was in touch with Headway and they are very helpful and reassuring. Someone came to see me and talk to me about what happened and then I was asked to go to group meetings once a week but they were too far away! They still phone me to see how I am and offer advice about things that are bothering me. Hope this helps Vivien x
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