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Everything posted by Tina

  1. Fantastic news Donna, must make you feel so much better about everything, relax, take care. Love Tinaxx
  2. Hi Cal I am the same as Karen, and agree with the others, it is when you over do things, it is your body telling you to stop! I can really relate to the frustration part of not doing what you used to, but it will get better, slowly but surely. All the best to you and Jim. Take care Love Tinaxx
  3. Hi Ursula Sorry, I cant help either, maybe they are another specialist in the field. I agree with Lesley, have you tried to contact your surgeon, or could your GP explain? Take care, hope all goes well on the 16th Love Tinaxx
  4. A warm welcome to you Chills Wow you must be very proud of yourself, to have done so well and got so far,after such a life changing hiccup in your life This is a wonderful website, i have 'met' such lovely people that have given me so much support and advise. There is always someone who will be able to answer your questions that have been there and can advise you. I wish you all the best for the future.... keep doing what you are doing.... well done you Take care Love Tinaxx
  5. Hi Donna At first i always took pain killers, then i stopped and only took when really bad, but thats me.I still get headache and neck pain, and if really bad would go back to hospital. I have found it is telling me to rest and i have done too much when i get the neck and top of back pain. You will know if the pain is really bad, because you cant fuction at all. It is still early days for you, do as your Doctor advises, it will get better! Love Tinaxx
  6. Hi Anne I am lucky i have not lost any friends, or had any fall outs, but i certainly would say how i feel , instead of maybe thinking oh well let it go, and not be happy about it. I am a great believer in talking about things. Life is too short, i really hope you can sort things out with your friend, and as the others have said, show her this and i am sure she will understand. Take care Love Tinaxx
  7. Hi Marie I get really bad pain in my neck, well it is more the bottom of my scull, down my neck and across the top of my shoulders. It is like a burning searing pain, i have it now, but i think it is using the computer that has made it worse. Althougth at your early stage i had it alot and was not on the computer. I put it down to my surgery and where my clip is and where they bashed me about to get in there, dont know Marie. Pain killers dont touch it, i think mine is also nerve pain, just dont know, sorry. If in doubt go to A&E like the others have said, i wish you good luck, cos if it is like mine and constant it really hurts! Love Tinaxx
  8. Hi Keith Thank you!!!! I have not laughed so much in ages, my other impression is 'The Rock', but still working on the body!!!!! love Tinaxx ,
  9. Hi Donna I am the same as Karen and Anne,and Jess, my shakes were awful, at the beginning, i could not control them. I still get them but only slightly when i am tired or stressed or upset. I was told it is brain truma. My annie was the right Basilar Tip, i had a right subtemporal approach and clipping of Basiler Tip Aneurysm.I have 3rd nerve palsy due to dissection next to the 111rd nerve intraopertively. my temporalis branch facial nerve has also been damaged, hence no movement in my forehead. I only just got these notes yesterday, i asked the hospital to fax them to me so i could personnally hand them to my GP. 6mths later!! Love Tinaxx
  10. Hi Donna Yes i had a drain, like Jess it was dangling behind me if i remember correctly!! It really hurt when they removed it, i do remember that bit!! I also have a pin mark scar on my forehead , i think that was another one during surgery, but was removed before i came round, cant see it because my fringe covers it and it is only small now! My forehead is still abit numb, especially on the right hand side where is it still paralysed and i cannot move it or my eye brow.... i can do a James Bond Love Tinaxx
  11. Hi I am seeing my consultant 6th August, too far away, and not much help now, but will ask him for information and hope he can help. Will post any findings. Love Tinaxx
  12. Hi Yasmin How are you honey!!! Love Tinaxx Just read your other post about your car.... oh no, hope no one hurt, what a pain Hope you get it sorted, will phone you later.
  13. Hi Donna It is 6months down the line for me and i thought i would be able to go back to work, i am S/E, and my job is quite intense, deadlines etc. I know i am not ready yet and that does frustrate me, financially we are struggling, my husband is wonderful, but i still feel guilty. My eyes still have a long way to go, and my balance and memory and now my hearing not right. You will know when you are ready as the others have said, take your time dont rush,you dont want to go backwards!! Love Tinaxx
  14. Hi Donna I agree with Cal, what a lovely response Sami....... you said it all beautifully, bless you Love Tinaxx
  15. Hi there I get a clicking/ creaking noise, I think it is the bone and scars mending, but dont know, just summising, it is a little strange, but it doesnt hurt. dont know if that helps Take care Love Tinaxx
  16. Hi Donna I had that at the beginning and had physio, they came out to me, did exercises going up and down bottom two stairs, this did help, just did a few 3 times a day, with my eye and face exercises, ask your GP about Physio. Love Tinaxx
  17. Hi Marie Sorry, same as Jess had clip and no scans, but follow up at 3mths and 9 months one coming up in Aug Sounds odd, i thought with coil you had to be checked more often, Take care Love Tinaxx
  18. Hi there I seem to be to be completely the other way, I cant sit down, get really really tired, but get so frustrated I cant do things, it makes me try even harder. Dont know why, always been one to rush around like a headless chicken,and very determind. My family are always telling me off for doing to much, and when I get bad heads etc, I have learnt to listen to my body. and have to rest up. Just so very frustrated. Hope you feel better soon, take care, lots of love Tinaxx
  19. Hi Donna It still worries me , but I try not to think about it, you have to try and not think about it, or you will never get back to how you were, and I am determind to get back to how I was, as best i can. Take care Love Tinaxx
  20. Hi Donna Sorry I dont know about those tablets, but really hope they help you. Take care Love Tinaxx
  21. Hi Myratas I have been clipped, so cant help you on what to expect, but write down any questions or worrys you may have, if you are like me you will forget to ask something Hope all goes well. Love Tinaxx
  22. Hi Jackie and a warm welcome to you So sorry you are feeling really low at the moment, but not surprising really, twice is alot to cope with physically and emotionally. I had my SAH 3rdDec 07, just coming up for 6mths, and I found the friends I have 'met' here on BTG so supportive and caring, and dont know how or what I would have done without them. Really glad you found BTG, Karen and everyone here are wonderful, and I am sure there will be others that have been through what you have that will be able to help you and offer advice. Sorry I cant, apart from take care, rest, be positive as much as possible...easy to say I know...and when you are feeling low we are here for you I always pop in the green room most days, hope to chat with you. Love Tinaxx
  23. Hi Leonie I hope all goes well on Monday for you, and that you have a great weekend Take care Love Tinaxx
  24. A warm welcome to you Sara You are doing very well to be working a bit already, well done you So young... I do feel for you. But as Jess says it is very early days, just keep doing what you are doing My SAH happened about the same time, 3rd Dec, because of complications and the bleed, they could not operate until the 17th Dec. I had seven hours invasive surgery, and was clipped same as you and have a metal plate and screws. They went in on the right hand side of my head, they had to remove my cheek bone because my annie was at the stem, right in the middle, and clipped the nerve to my eye back for over half an hour, caused them alsorts of problems.....but miricle workers they are I had 28 staples from the top of my head to down in front of my ear. I am very lucky, my hair covers most of it. I still have problems with my eyes, my right eye brow appears to be dead...I can only be half surprised balance and ear, short term memory and the dreaded tiredness But nothing serious like you, and nothing that hopefully wont repair with time I really hope you can get back to practising properly, but things do take time, as you have found, but you have done so well. Glad you found this web site, I cant tell you how much it has helped me, with all the information and all the friends I have made, giving me support and just knowing how you feel and that you are not going mad, means so much. Take care, look after yourself, remember to rest! Love Tinaxx
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