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Everything posted by Tina

  1. Hi Kelly A very warm welcome to you and thank you for sharing your story. Hope to hear from you again soon. Take care Love Tinaxx
  2. Hi Kelly A very warm welcome to you.....you will find many friends here, who will understand and support you. I had my sah 10 months ago.....and i would not be where i am today if it was not for this wonderful website and all the special friends i have made. BTG has been a Godsend to me....thank you Karen, Keith, Chris for all the hard work and effort words cant express my gratitude. Take care Kelly and look forward to hearing more from you. Love Tina xx
  3. Hi John I too suffer from short term memory...and it drives me mad.....just hope it will get better! If i get distracted...quite often forget what i was doing or leave something half done and find it later I have to double check myself on things a lot now....never did before! Take care Love Tinaxx
  4. Hi Evelyn I am a lot like Janet...and this is my first winter....definitely will have to wrap up! Hope you feel better take care Love Tinaxx
  5. Hi Joanne It is good to hear from you......so glad that your Dad is showing improvement and you certainly don't need to apologise for not being on line.... it is totally understandable you are exhausted. I really hope you are feeling better, remember to take care of yourself as well Joanne. Love Tina xx
  6. Myra, Good luck...will be thinking of you...and as Yasmin has said it will all be over and you can look forward to Christmas, take care love Tinaxx
  7. Hi Sharon Sending you a big hug....so sorry you are so sad......and your Mum so ill....bless you both...take care, thinking of you.xx Love Tinaxx
  8. Hi Dawn Really pleased about your news...but can understand your concerns....but as the others say....if you are worried i am sure they will be on to quickly, you take care....really good news Love Tinaxx
  9. Hi Myra I seem ok so far.....but i do feel very tired, and before always had so much energy....but hope in time it will come back. Myra can you go and ask your GP about the flu jab...just a thought! Might help you. Take care Love Tinaxx
  10. Hi Caroline I still dont know where time goes......and i now have some sort of routine in my life, even if it is just housework and going for a walk......cant believe it is nearly Christmas Take care love Tinaxx
  11. Hi Donna I am the same....10 months down the line i still have the spinny feeling most of the time...it is something i am just getting used to......dont know if it is my eyes or Brain still mending. I agree with Karen though everyone is different and recovery can be slow....just keep living everyday and hope. Take care love Tinaxx
  12. Hi Nurianna Great to hear how you are doing......all sounds good.....you are listening to your body Good luck with your appointment. Take care Love Tinaxx
  13. Hi Evelyn Yes i still do sometimes but have been told it is nerves and muscles all mending and reconnecting...just feels weird and painful sometimes. All part of recovery i think. Take care Love Tinaxx
  14. Hi Elaine Really hope you enjoy your holiday.....take care love Tinaxx
  15. Hi Karen...here are my responses (1) Do you think that members of Behind the Gray should play an active part in the medical forums of the BTG message boards and provide support when needed if they can? I know i do if i can answer, sometimes i don't know, so don't reply, rather than give wrong info. (2) The Green Room forum was set up for members that participated in the support of others on the medical forums of this message board and not purely for social networking? Yes i agree, i found the green room very supportive in my early days and still do. I also like the fact we can see how we are all doing and keep in touch on a daily basis. Sharing good and bad times. (3) The Green Room forum is also for those that are unable to find day-to-day support and need to find a friendly ear? Yes i agree again....sometimes family and friends , even with the best will in the world do not understand how we feel and there is just not the support out there...well not in my area. So glad i found BTG...thank you (4) Behind the Gray was set up, to support other SAH’ers /Stroke survivors and their carer’s? Agree totally.....we are there for each other....survivors and carers. (5) Behind the Gray is friendly? BTG is very warm friendly and caring......BTG is a very important part of my recovery and life and always will be. (6) Do you feel intimated to post in the Green Room or have you ever felt excluded? Never intimidated, was scared when first posted, but everyone so friendly and no one judges you if you make mistakes.. I try and answer everyone and include everyone, 'you know who you are' comes to mind (7) Are you put off from joining in with the Social Meets? Yes /NO NO, have been to two and really enjoyed both. ( Do you think that we’re striking the right balance? e.g. Over friendly, not friendly enough or not offering enough support? Yes, i think you have the perfect balance .....i just think BTG is amazing......all credit to you Karen (9) Any other comments? No other comments apart from....keep doing what you are doing.....a huge thank you to you Karen and Keith and Chris.......i do appreciate the hard work that goes on behind the scene, and all the time and effort you have to put in. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.......without BTG i know i would not be where i am today.......thank you xxxxxxxxxxxxx Hope this helps,Love Tinaxx
  16. Hi Karen I just wanted to say my thoughts and prayers are with you.....i am also a survivor......thinking of you and your Mum, stay positive, Take care, love Tinaxx
  17. Hi Sharon my thoughts and prayers are with you.......i cant believe what i have just read, i cant imagine what you are going through, wish i had a magic wand......God bless you, take care, Love Tinaxx
  18. Hi Myra Pleased to hear you have made your decision...so hard...but hope you can sort all your problems out and be back to good health.Take care,thinking of you , love Tinaxx
  19. HI Shiree I have blurry double vision....the double vision is only at night and when tired now....but no floaters....i agree with Myra...have you been to have your eyes tested, might be able to sort it out for you hunxxxx Take care Love Tinaxx
  20. Hi Nick Welcome to behind the gray Glad you managed to get on 'behind the gray'......i have found this website a Godsend, hope you find it as helpful. Well done, you have done very well with your recovery so far Sorry i am not in your area, but have spoken to you in the chatroom. Take care Love Tinaxx
  21. Hi Keith Very interesting...thank you Love Tinaxx
  22. Hi Nurianna I know is disappointing, but i agree with Jess.....they are just thinking of you....things will get better, take care, Love Tinaxx
  23. Bless you John .....sorry i have been clipped so cant help...but wish you well...and hope you get your break away...you both deserve it. Take care Love Tinaxx
  24. Hi Evelyn the brain is an amazing thing.......hope it gets better in time for you.... Take care love Tinaxx
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