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Everything posted by Tina

  1. Hi KeithH Wow...what a journey!!! You really should be very proud of yourself for what you have achieved and do to help others! Inspirational indeed and will help many that read your story Thank you for sharing it with us Well done Keith! Take care Love Tinaxx
  2. Hi Evelyn I have to agree with Jim as well....find a hobby, something that you enjoy....... bless you and take care love Tinaxx
  3. HI Evelyn Yes that is fantastic.....well done you ...you must feel very proud of what you have achieved.... Take care Love Tinaxx
  4. Hi Sharon If you e-mail it to Karen, she can put it on for you....i struggled to..e-mails on home page...i think. Love Tinaxx
  5. Hi Evelyn A very warm welcome to you.......i am sure you will find this website as wonderful as i do. There is always someone here that can help or support you....or just listen when you are feeling low. Hope to hear more from you. Take care Love Tinaxx
  6. Hi John great news for you...about time to !! Take care, love Tinaxx
  7. Hi Donna Janet just said everything i would have said......you are still very early stages..... keep positive...you will get there! Take care Love Tinaxx
  8. Hi Keith Very interesting...thank you...did not know that about sodium....... Love Tinaxx
  9. Hi Elaine Really pleased for you both, it is so good to hear how things are improving Good luck with the appointment, hope all goes well. Take care both, Love Tinaxx
  10. Hi Sharon A very warm welcome to you, so sorry to hear about your Mum. I hope things will improve. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. We are here for you, this website has been a Godsend and there are lots of lovely people here that understand and can support you. Take care, Love Tinaxx
  11. Hi Nurianna Good luck with the physiotherapy...i am sure it will help you a lot...it did me...take care Love Tinaxx
  12. HI Karen Karen, thank you for sharing your story.....you are an amazing lady, and a true inspiration to all! Thank you I quoted the above, because that is also my way of thinking.....and you are proof that no matter how long or short the journey is to recovery...it does get better! I think coming to terms with what has happened and accepting that your life might have to change in certain ways is also just another important part of recovery. Karen, you have taught me, not to be so hard on myself, when i get so frustrated that i cannot be the person i used to be........but working on getting back there....always positive Thank you again, for everything Take care Love Tinaxx
  13. Hi John I agree with Cal, take care, and hope all can be sorted on Monday, i think it is disgraceful. Love Tinaxx
  14. Hi Deb I agree the mind can be a dangerous thing.......but you have done amazingly......it is good to hear that your confidence is growing again and that you can put your sah behind you and even completely forget it some days.......i hope to be there very soon, thanks for sharing your thoughts they have helped a lot. Take care Love Tinaxx
  15. Yasmin As i said on the phone well done you, hun Hope you are ok...and your arm feeling better.......one day soon i will come with you....but will have to be when i can drive....not fair Still positive thoughts...wont be long.... Take care Love Tinaxxx
  16. Well done you Nurianna.....being a non smoker i cannot begin to imagine how it must feel........but know people who are having a hell of a time trying to give up....you are doing great...take care, Love Tinaxx
  17. Oh Myra, Bless you.....try not to stress about it...i know it is so easy to say, i do feel for you. It must be so hard not being with your husband......i think you are amazing, dealing with this on your own. Try and keep your mind occupied, maybe making the jewellery that you love to make....24th Sept will soon come round and hopefully you will have some peace of mind. We are here for you hun .Take care...lots of love and hugs to you...love Tinaxx
  18. Hi Shiree Glad your blood test were all ok, great news hun ...but yes you must watch your blood pressure....i am sure it did not help waiting 3 hours Take care, Love Tinaxx
  19. Hi Leo Thats great news...really pleased for you As for the pill...i too was taken off it straight away...even though i have low blood pressure.....but was told there are other possibilties...i am sure your GP will be able to help you out there...good luck, take care, love Tinaxx
  20. Hi Yasmin Well done you......just take it steady and see how you go. You should feel very proud of yourself Take care Love Tinaxx
  21. Hi Nurianna Look at you eating pizza.......returning to your art class......well done you ...dont be so hard on yourself as Karen would say....it is very hard if you are the strong one...having to ask for help and support...i know...i hate that too.....you will get there....it is ok to have good and bad days......hang in there...take care Love Tinaxx
  22. Hi Donna I cant really add much more than the others have said....my heart really does go out to you.... wish i had a magic wand to make everything ok again . You must not give up...you are alive...you can get through this......you have come so far.....you are nearly there hun You can do this..... Keep smiling...keep postive......and yes think of your gorgeous little boy and hubby Big hugs to you and lots of love..... Take Care Love Tinaxx
  23. Hi Keith I wish there was a support group where i live......nothing. You do a wonderful thing......bless you. take care Love Tinaxx
  24. Hi Lisa Mine is improving, but if tired or stressed...then yes it definitely is a lot worse.....a lot of us use post it notes to help us....and also just adapt to having to double check sometimes.......but like Jess has said ...if worried , go and see you Doctor. Take care Love Tinaxx
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