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Everything posted by Tina

  1. Hi Everyone, me too, i have put on weight since sah, i think mine is boredom and not being very active, plus my age...... but working on it and hope to loose the stone and a half... like Jess i was always sinny and able to eat anything....those were the days !!! Sasbo....i did mean Skinny but yes sinny as well...love choc, chips.....all the healthy bits
  2. Hi John Hope you are feeling better today, you are not having much fun, hope things improve for you. It is 8 ,months ago for me, so still mending, but have noticed my teeth ache sometimes....and get bad neck ache, but put it down to sah!! Who knows. Take care,chin up. Love Tinax
  3. Hi Donna I am the same as Janet, feel very tired and heady today, sure it is the weather xx
  4. Hi Donna Stop worrying, they would have told you if you had another one, like Jess said..... relax and concentrate on getting better....both your scans were ok, so nothing to worry about Take care Love Tinaxx
  5. Hi Janet Good for you, you need to do what is right for you, and have a balance that you can cope with. I wish you luck on Monday, take care xx
  6. Hi PaulG A warm welcome to Behind The Gray, so sorry you have had such a rough time. This web site has been a God send to me.... such lovely warm caring people that support each other. As Karen has said, we visit the Green Room, where we can laugh or cry, we are there for each other, you are not alone. Take care Love Tinaxx
  7. ARrhh, thanks Skippy...glad we cleared that up . ..... so what about Sazbo???
  8. Hi Skippy Thanks for the tip Now you guys are going to have to let us know the stories behind your nick names.... please Love Tinaxx
  9. Shiree, i know you wont believe me at the moment, but i felt the same in the early stages. I looked ugly, my face all paralysed on the right hand side. I had tremors and i felt like a freak...I did not like what i saw in the mirror. 4 months was my worst downer, then i just thought pull yourself together, you can beat this, and i never looked back, always wake up smiling, especially as i can now. My face has returned to normal, even though my sight and balance have not....but they will... i am determined to grab my life back. We are so lucky to have this second chance, it could have been so different. Hang in there Shiree, you have done so well at such an early stage. There will be times when you feel like this, and i know we all say on here it will get better, we will always have good and bad days, but you are still here. Take care, lots of love to you, you can beat this . We are always here for you Love Tinaxxx
  10. Hi Donna Sami is right, talk to your councellor, and dont worry, you have done so well, be proud of what you can do, and take things slowly, take care. Love Tinaxx
  11. Hi Shiree As Donna has said, i think we will always get headaches from time to time, i asked for a scan at 3 months to make me feel better, that all was ok inside my head, but my NS would not let me.. too risky, and would have to be an angiogram again... dont know why. Think it is different if you have been clipped. As for questions, i wrote everything down, so i would not forget anything.... most annoying, especially when you have to travel so far if you do. Mine were, when can i drive, when will my sight return to normal and my hearing, and my paralysis,my tremors, we are all different. I am sure others here will think of some important questions for you, sorry not much help. Good luck and take care. Maybe you have been doing too much, a headache for me means i have and get very very tired. In fact i am going back beginning of August, and want to ask about painful lumpy scar, pins and needles in face, tightness round eye, all mending i am sure, and about the dentist. Love Tinaxx
  12. Hi Donna ,yes i did in the early stages, still do if i move too fast. Dont think it is anything to worry about, just your brain working a little slower than it should Love Tinaxx
  13. Hi Shiree I have been lucky and not suffered a seizure, but was warned could happen at anytime in the first 3 months because of trauma due to surgery. Told also to avoid bright flashy lights and tv. Seem ok now, but do look away if flashing lights, but dont think about it now. Hopefully wont happen!! Love Tinaxx
  14. Hi Laura Sorry cant help you, but really hope they work for you, take care Love Tinaxx
  15. Hi Anne I am exactly the same, but on the right hand side.... drives me mad... keep bruising myself. I also had 3rd nerve palsy, and think it is just the brain not reacting as fast as it should, also possibly still my eyes and balance not helping... dont know sorry!!! I really can sympathize with you, Anne. Take care Love Tinaxx
  16. Hi Yasmin I agree with Shiree, and exactly what i said to you when i text you to say your story was on. I cried too, it is amazing, well done Love Tinaxx
  17. Hi Anne Sorry to hear about your news, i am also very dissapointed for you. Maybe you could still try a hearing aid, i know they said they dont think it would help... dont know till you try... just a thought. Take care Love Tinaxx
  18. Hi Shiree Hope you wake up today feeling better and brighter. I also cannot drive, and i hate it, stuck in all the time, feel a burden asking for lifts when i really have to. I have a walking stick that has helped me with walking, but i dont go far, i have double vision, blurryness, and balance all over the place sometimes. We are all here for you, as the others have said, glad it makes you feel a bit better. I know that this web site has been a God send to me, dont know how to put into words to thank everyone here for there support. I hope we can help you as much. Take care Love Tinaxx
  19. Hi Donna Yet again i have to agree with Janet, yes it is very early days for you, and things will improve, keep positive , you have done so well. Love Tinaxx
  20. Hi Donna I agree with Janet, the only difference i was on paracetamol and ibrufen [spelling]. Listen to your body and rest up, you are doing so well Love Tinaxx
  21. Hi Everyone...Joan,Janet, Lesley, Jane, I had 3rd nerve palsy etc and was much like Janet, my eye is open now, but when tired feels very heavy and tight. I had to manually open and shut at the beginning, but seems ok now, but still early days and mending. I have an eye appointment next week, will mention it, because my eye brow still is paralysed and worried will drop, not sure it will ever mend, think they cut the nerve. My eyes look in the right place now, but my right eye was down and looked weird. Will let you know what eye specialist says. Love Tinaxx
  22. Hi Lesley On the whole i have been very lucky, my good friends were there for me, and still are, plus others that really surprised me that have come forward and been understanding and fantastic. There have only been two 'friends' that i have known a long time, who have stepped right back, and no contact, but as Yasmin has said maybe they dont know how to react, or what to say. I am not a needy person, in fact quite the opposite, and if they were real friends they would know that. I hate asking for help, try to do what i can on my own, my friends know that and just say they are there if i need them, and they are! I know what John means about boring people, i just dont mention anything unless asked, and then i am brief, if they are genuine they will ask more. Lesley it is a time like this when you find out who your friends are . Perhaps thats not a bad thing!! Take care Love Tinaxx
  23. Hi Everyone I did not know that a SAH is a stroke, i was never told , you learn something new everyday I also have a metal titanium plate and screws in the right side of my head, where they went in to clip my ruptured aneurysm, a basilar tip i believe! I am lucky my hair covers most of it and the scar just in front of my ear, looks like a small crease, my surgeon was superb Love Tinaxx
  24. Hi Yasmin Hope you are feeling better today, i know what you mean about the sun... it does it for me I dont know anything about under active thyroid, sorry, but i know i was checked for that as well as the change. Mine is the change Good luck with the blood test, i will call you anyway in the week. As for coffee morning, count me in, that is if i can get a lift sorted over to you, will ask my Mum or Lynn. Any date in mind yet? Take care honey Love Tinaxx
  25. Hi Elaine Sorry your Mum is feeling so sick, but i was exactly the same, i would go back to your Doctor and see if he can prescribe something else, if continues. To be honest i felt sick for a while after,and could not eat much at all. The hospital said it was brain trauma, it did get better for me about 2 months later and at 6 months, i dont feel sick, just have balance problems due to my eyes and ear, which hopefully in time will also get better. Just had a thought my Doctor gave me Domperidone suppository, not nice , but if your Mum cant keep tablets down like i couldnt, it may help. Wishing both all the best, take care Love Tinaxx
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