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Everything posted by Tina

  1. Hi Quokkagirl, A warm welcome to you If there is something I have learnt from everyone here on this site, is not to rush things, listen to your body and look after yourself. I am still in early stages and could not go back to work yet, even though I find it really frustrating, but realise now that my health comes first and that is the most important thing Take care and listen to your body, you will know what to do. Love Tinaxx
  2. Hi John That has not happened to me yet!!! I still have really bad short term memory and have to double check everything and also say things or words that I am not thinking sometimes!! It is going to get better, as time goes on I know, because like you I am perfectly sane!!! People just dont think sometimes, unless they have had a brain haemorrhage and hopefully they wont, they will never understand..... John you are perfectly sane Take care Love Tinaxx
  3. Hi Cal I still have pressure everyday, it is something I am aware of , but can cope with, but when I get tired or overdo things it gets quite bad. I am still in my early days, my SAH happened 3rd Dec 2007,so still taking pain killers as and when required and resting alot. Wishing you well Love Tinax
  4. Hi Laura I was 45 and still am until October, when I had my SAH, you are very young going by the average statisics, bless you. Love Tinaxx
  5. Hi Diane Sorry you have had a set back, sometimes we just want to run before we can walk and it is so frustrating, I know how you feel. I hope you are feeling better, take care Love Tinaxx PS I have just ordered one of the brain injury survivor cards that Vivian was talking about, I must admit I was worried in case I could not speak and not with anyone,to say that I have a clip and metal plate and screws in my head. What a good idea
  6. Hi Marie A warm welcome to you, my SAH happened 3 dec 2008, I am still in early stages like you. Everything you wrote about how you feel is how I have felt, and all the lovely people here have told me it is normal and will get better. I had a very tearful anxious time a few weeks back, after being so positive it just hit me from nowhere. But I am glad to say I feel alot better, alot to do with the support and kind words from everyone here, and knowing that I was not going mad!! I too have problems with my eyes, balance and noise sensitivity. I have double vision and blurriness, which effects my balance and gives me major headaches, just trying to concentrate.Also the dreaded short term memory, that just drives my insane!! Have learnt not to run before I can walk, as over doing it just sets you back and makes you feel awful. I had terrible nerve pain with my eyes, Karen helped me alot with her advise. There is always someone that can help, it is wonderful. Marie , take care rest alot and listen to your body, things can only get better Like you I more or less look back to normal and people say the same, you look well, but they cant see the mending that is going on inside. Thats why this site is so wonderful, it lifts your spirit and helps you cope. Have a great weekend Love Tinaxx
  7. Hi Louise Thank you, and here is to let the healing get on with the job! Your a star! Take care Love Tinax
  8. Hi Louise You are a great inspiration! I know it is silly getting frustrated, I am realising now that it does not help. Like you I am a fighter and determind to get my life back on track. And as you say we are here and survived! One step at a time Take care Lots of love Tinax
  9. Hi Cyberhorse Mel A warm welcome to you. You are in the very early stages at 6 weeks,things can be very hard. I have found this site so friendly and helpful, it has helped me so much. Things do get better, slowly but surely, sometimes going backwards a bit. Everyone has told me to take my time, rest alot and listen to my body, and it is all true! My SAH happened nearly 5months ago, I am on the mend, still problems with sight, balance and headaches. A few weeks ago I went from being really positive and up beat, to feeling low tearful and anxious. The wonderful people on this site, told me this is quite normal and made me feel human again! Any questions you only have to ask and someone will have an answer!!! Take care, look after yourself Tinaxx
  10. Hi Karen Thanks for advice, I will do as you advise and alternate eye patch , because now my good eye is nearly as painful as bad one!! Will keep using eye drops , Like you I am not blinking properly and wont shut properly. Had really bad afternoon eve yesterday, took 2 piriton last night as well as pain killers, I actually got a bit of sleep. Dont think will hurt to do occasionally when bad. Well it helped!! Till the pain woke me up again. More pain killers!! Never liked taking them but have to at moment. Thanks Karen, hope you are feeling better. Onwards upwards things can only get better Louise, things must have been just awful for you,dealing with everything and menigitis, I went to Dr and he said I am trying to do too much, causing more problems. So resting up but find really hard and frustrating. Tiredness causes more eye pain so thats what it must be . How you managed all that time without the support of this wonderful web site I dont know. You are obviously very stronge and a fighter. Ellen, I hope you feel better really soon, it is scarey when you come out of hospital, because many of us do not get told anything, I have found this site very helpful, there is always someone that can help or give advice from personnal experience. Gives an insight to what is or can happen and help us to cope better. Take care everyone Love Tinaxx
  11. Hi Leo Nothing wrong with that!! Roll on summer, the sunshine always makes things better, and might be able to get in the garden without being rained, hail stoned, or thunder stormed on Take care Tinaxx
  12. Hi Leo My scar is a bit lumpy, but I have a metal plate and srews there also, so could be why it feels strange. I am lucky because it is from the top of my right side of my head, finishing in front of the bottom of my ear. My hair covers most of it. I am glad you have an appointment to check this out, hope it will all be sorted for you. I remember when I first went out, it is a very weird feeling, I still cant hold the phone to my ear for long, use loud speaker! Things can only get better Take care Tinaxx
  13. Hi Leo Welcome That wasnt much fun New Years Eve!!! So glad you made it through. I am glad that you found this web site as helpful and friendly as I have, it is good to know we are not alone, and others understand how we feel, and we are not going mad. I am learning to be patient and to listen to my body, plenty of rest. Hope you are too!!! Take care, be well, let me know how you are doing, thanks for replying. Tinaxx
  14. Hi Karen No one told me either how painful nerve damage is. I had nerve damage to all down side of face. Now it is just the ones connected to my eye. Have been using the drops, but dont seem to make any difference. My eye now wont close fully from not openeing at all! I was mis diagnosed by my Dr as having a sick bug. If it was not for my friend rushing me to hospital who knows what would have happened. It is only 4 and a half months since my difficult seven hour operation, so I know it is still early days. Dr told me not to patch up my eye as the brain needs to re callibrate eyes together, yet my eye specialist says my nerves have to re grow and re attach so who knows!! I am sorry you are still suffering so long after it all happened. I send you a big hug My balance is still dreadful, not sure if it is the double vision and blurriness or because they cut down through my ear. Had a lot of pain there, but has improved. Time and rest is the healer i know, but we still have to get back to normal life. My head is banging from trying to concentrate and type this, but determind to do it. Take care and hope you will feel better very soon. Lots of love Tina
  15. Hi Karen I think you are amazing, If it was not for your selfless dedication and all the support you and everyone has given me,I would be alot worse off and worried about every ache and pain. The information I got and support when home was nil, if it was not for my husband and best friend I dont know what I would have done in the early stages . This website is has been a life line to me, so thank you from the bottom of my heart to you Karen and everyone who responded and supported me. THANK YOU . I have not been well, suffering the same as you Karen my eye pain is just awful at the moment and my headaches worse I think because of my eyes. My Dr says take paracetamol and ibprofen as required and see how I go , but does not touch it. Dr says it is nerve pain .Cant sleep at night driving me mad. I am going back to see him Monday. I can relate to your pain. Hope everyone else is ok, hope to be back chatting in green room soon, just hurts mys eyes and head so much to use computer. Lots of love Tina xx
  16. Hi Louise Hope you are well, the sun has gone here today, rain rain rain, yuk! Having lazy day today. All those eye tests play havoc with your eyes dont they!!! Hope you have a good day, Take care Love Tinaxx
  17. Hi Louise Thanks, hey the sun is out today, not such a poser!!! Might have to get glasses with normal glass with prisms[spelling?] to help my double vision, might be able to get light activated ones, worth asking. Hope you have a lovely day, Take care, Tinaxx
  18. Hi Sami Thank you for replying and for the reasurance It is still early days I suppose, but the emotional side has really hit me. I am feeling frustrated and guilty at the same time, feeling up one minute and down the next. Time is a healer I know and I must rest and be patient and listen to my body as you have said. It is great to know you are out there, and how I am feeling is normal!!! Catch up soon Take care Love Tinaxx
  19. Hi Louise Thank you for the welcome, I bet you have to wear sunglasses like me alot, roll on summer and I wont feel such a poser!!! Thanks for for encouragement, really appreciated. Take care Tinaxx
  20. Hi Yasmin Thank you Yes you were right! I feel so much better, everyone has been lovely. So nice to know we are not alone and know how we are feeling and what we are going through. Hope you have a great weekend, Take care Lots of love Tina xx
  21. Hi Jess You must have you hands full, I remember it well. Enjoy it , they grow up so quickly. Both mine were fertility babies and both 6 weeks early. Tried 5 years before I fell with my son, went into early labour at 24 weeks but managed to hang on another 10 weeks when he was born. My daughter was more straight forward, but still wanted out early!! I had a 4lb 5ozs and 5lb. Take care Tinaxx
  22. Hi Karen Thanks, it is good to hear I am not going mad!!! I cant believe that so many people have suffered SAH. I just keep hearing more and more, I wonder if it is the stressful world we live in. I was trying to find a local support group, but there is not one at the moment which is a shame. Really glad my husband Mike found your web site. Hope you have a lovely weekend, take care Tinaxx
  23. Hi Jess Thanks for replying. I too have two children,but grown up, Christopher, he is 20 and Sammy she is 18 ! I missed my daughters 18th because i was in hospital, never mind her 21st will come round soon enough. How old are your two? Mine both work, time just flies. My husband Mike has four kids, also quite grown up. Emma 21, David 19 Rachel 16 and last but not least Kathryn 12. When we all get together it is a mad house but really nice as the kids all get on well. A neighbour is having a 40th bash this saturday, and as it is only over the road thought we might pop over, can have a nap in the afternoon to re charge batteries! Hope you have good weekend Take care Tinaxx
  24. Hi Keith You just said exactly how I feel. Because now I more or less look back to normal, my right eye sometimes looks a bit starey , but people think Im back to normal. They dont realize I have double vision, balance problems and bad headaches and of course the fatigue. I put on a brave face always positive, when anyone says 'how are you?' I reply I am fine thanks and smile. They dont want to hear 'Actually I feel quite down and tearful and dont know why' I dont mean to bore you either, but nice to get off my chest. Do you think my emotions are like this as someone else said because it is now all hitting me, or just brain trauma? I can be quite hard on myself, I get cross I cant do things for myself. I have always been independant,driven and organised, now I crumble if I have to try and fill out a form and need help. Maybe I dont like having to ask for help all the time, actually I know I dont !!! Things will get better I know, just reading what you and others are and have gone through helps so much. Thank you for taking the time to reply. Take care Tina xx
  25. Hi Vivien Thank you for replying, I have trouble with my short term memory too!! Really frustrating. The web site is wonderful! Hope to hear from you again soon. Take care Tinax
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