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Everything posted by myratas

  1. Hi Evelyn I forget things all the time but the worse and not so good is that i forget whether i have taken my medication even if it was only 5 minutes apart so now i write it down with the times and yes many times my boys had burnt offerings too Myra xx
  2. Hi Zolabud Welcome to BTG thanks sharing your story of SAH. I know what you mean about lumbar punctures, very painful I hope we hear from you more on BTG, we are one big happy family here. Myra xx
  3. myratas


    Hi Richard Welcome to BTG, it's a great site for people like us and we are always here for fellow sufferers of SAH Hope to hear from you more in the future. Take care. Myra xx
  4. Hi Karen I am 8 months post SAH I still get fatigue and been told by the neuro surgeon it's something that will have to come to terms with. I get tired doing even the smallest things. Myra xx
  5. Hi Evelyn I often feel like that, even though my boys are with me or family but i feel like an outsider, alone in my thoughts. It's quite sad i know but that's how i feel most days. Soon after my SAH i was afraid being on my own and now i wish to be left alone and people not asking me how i am. Take care Evelyn. Myra xx
  6. Hi Donna I am not working at the moment but i am so happy that you have gone back to work as i know how difficult it was for you in the beginning. Don't overdo it Donna, listen to your body and i hope it all goes well for you. Myra xx
  7. Hi Lauren Firstly i am sending you virtual hugs and xxx. I know it's very hard for you at the moment especially with family problems, it's hard when there are family disputes even with someone without having a SAH but it's so much harder after having a SAH and dealing with family issues. Before i had my SAH my brother and i did not speak to each other for a least a year and i had a very restrained relation with my sister but as soon as i had the SAH they were with me all the way, knowing that they nearly lost me they felt that life is too short for silly misunderstandings. I too had to learn a lot and the first thing that i learnt was to let things go, i don't take things to heart so much now. It was unfair in the way you were treated after SAH and it makes me angry when people think that we are only making it up, we don't. We do have problems both pyhiscally and mentally, it's a major transition for all of us. I sometimes think it's a no win situation because no matter how hard you try to explain to someone the after effects from SAH they will never understand unless you go through it yourself. As Janet as already said you had to rush the recovery process very quickly because of your commitments, you now need to heal yourself within and to make sense of everything that has happened, i know it's easy said than done but i did the same, i tried to focus just what happened to me and i found there are really no answers, it's life, i have accepted this change and now i am going to work with what i have. One answer i did find out myself that God gave us another chance and that in its self is a miracle. I also think that the way you help your mother is great, keep that up. You will find that it is a great therapy for you by helping her. In regard to your sister, it might be a good idea as what Janet mentioned take her to one of the BTG meetings, talk to her and tell her that you would like to try and be a family and i am sure you are missing your nephews and would like to see them too. If that does not work but at least you a better person knowing that you tried. Sorry for the very long answer to your situation but Lauren at the end of the day what really counts is that you have made new friends here and that we are here for you. Take care. Myra xx
  8. Welcome Dee to the BTG Here you will find all the support you need, I have made so many friends here and answers to some of my questions in relation to SAH. I had my SAH in March 2008 and was coiled. Hope to hear from you more Dee. Take care.. Myra xx
  9. Hi everyone I know that i did have seizures in hospital, i was told by the hospital that i might get them again but so far i have been free from them. I do worry about having them especially when i am on my own. Unfortunately the medical staff at my hospital did not give much information on them to me. I too would like more information on this. Myra xx
  10. Hi Janet I also experience pain in around the neck area and sometimes get tingling feelings too, the Doctor feels that the pins and needles feeling i have might be vitamin B deficieny but is looking more into it. I have more pain than before around neck now but i don't know if is arthritis related. Myra xx
  11. Hi Evelyn I also have problems with hearing, i was sent to ENT back in June and there is a slight hearing loss in my left ear. I have problems using telephones too, i cannot hear very well and everything becomes jumbled to me. Do people find that when writing numbers down they forget very quickly, i get confused when i have to write it down from someone on the telephone and i often ask people to write down for me or their address because i know i am going to get all wrong. Myra xx
  12. Hi Shiree I still get those fears too especially when i get pressure headaches but when i see the members on BTG i feel that things will get better, i see Karen and Sami going back to work and i feel there is that hope that i can do that soon. I now do look at life differently and i try to enjoy it more, i find i am doing things that i might not of done before the SAH. I am looking after myself more, especially my BP. I am taking up everyone has said so far on board and i am sure we will be fine. Myra xx
  13. Hi Laura and welcome to BTG I am sorry to hear about your brother and can understand that you are worried too. It is good that your have made an appointment i am sure everything is fine but at least it would put your mind at ease. This site has been very helpful for me and the others so when ever you need some assurance and advice, you will find it here. Take care. Myra xx
  14. Hi Nikki I hope you are keeping well, I love to work but at the moment i don't think i will be until mid next year, i will be going into hospital for coiling for the other aneurysm next week and i know that i will have to take easy. Everytime i mention that i love to go to work part time, my family are shocked, they keep telling me how can i think of going to work, i know that i will not be able to work over 16 hours a week but i feel i might be able to just a few hours a week, i can give it go at least. Don't feel bad, with your work experience in relation to SAH it is also good to know what situations each person encounters with work after SAH. Myra xx
  15. Hi Beth Welcome to BTG you are amongst great friends here, hope to hear from you more. Myra xx
  16. Hi Kelly welcome to BTG We do all understand what you went through and still going through, it's not easy. I do believe that i am not the same person i once was but learning to embrace the new me which is sometimes hard to do. A lot of the questions you ask are answered here on this site, there is no time limit on how we should feel, each person is different. I do not like depending on others too so i try and manage as much as i can on my own. I hope you to hear from you more, we all help each other. Myra xx
  17. Hi John I often forget to take my tablets too but the worse thing is if i take my tablets i would forget i have taken them so i have taken them again. So now i have bought one of the tablet dispensers that gives out the date and time. The most irritating things is when i am talking to people i now forget more often what i wanted to say, this sadly causes me great stress. Take care John. Myra xx
  18. Hi Evelyn The hot weather bothers me a lot, i avoid going out when it's too warm outside, on the other hand the cold does not help either, the other day i went out it was really windy and i was all over the place, i am sure people thought i was drunk or something, i just found the wind and cold made my balance more unbalanced. Anyway, Evelyn i hope it settles down for you. Take care. Myra xx
  19. Hi everyone Thank you for your kind wishes, i am sure everything will be fine. My son Asim will let you all know how i got on, you are all part of my family now that i can share my this part with you. Myra xx
  20. Hi everyone I received a letter from the hospital today and they have given me 20th October to be admitted for the coiling. I am rather surprised that it is so early i don't know if i am ready or not. I will go but it really has scared me. Myra xx
  21. Hi Evelyn Both of my boys have have there with me when i had my SAH but i never realised just how much it had an effect on them until my 21 year old just burst out crying, it was heart wrenching watching him cry when he calmed down he explained that it was hard seeing me like that but the worst was when i did not recongnised him. We now laugh about the SAH and my time in hospital as much as it is hard for us i am sure it was hard for them too. Try telling them that you would like to talk about it and how it was for them. This is quite hard i know because everyone is different and deals with difficult situations in different ways. Myra xx
  22. Hi Dawn It's great news that everything is fine but i am just concerned that your next scan will not be until 3 years time. I think that if you do have any concerns than get in touch with your GP or hospital once again, as Karen said i am sure that you would be seen to because of your condition. Try not to worry and take care. Myra xx
  23. I have found that since my SAH i am prone to colds and coughs, i hardly ever had a cough but now i pick up things like that very quickly. It's a lot worse also, it was not like that before. I am still always tired and still have no energy. Myra xx
  24. Hi Jane, Welcome to BTG, very much in the same boat. I have sent you a pm. Myra xx
  25. Hi Evelyn I sometimes get tingling feeling, well like something is crawling up my skin, nothing painful just irritating. Take care. Myra xx
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