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Everything posted by perrycornish

  1. Hello Cal, First of all I am so sorry to hear about your father, very tough for you, my thoughts are with you. As for the news about Jim, I am sosorry to hear about the uncaring treatment he and you have received. I do hope that he will indeed qualify for the disabilty allowance, and that you will both prosper! Hang on in there and know that you and Jim are honourable, even if the same cannot be said for his company
  2. I have just read what Karen has said You had all better hang until I have a 'ratty day' and I do
  3. Tammy, hello again I am certain that what you are feeling is what happens to most folk who experience something as traumatic as an SAH. I do urge you though to talk about how you feel as you have today on here, but keep talking about it and share it with Neil, maybe you can tell him just what it felt like to witness, my partner and I have found as have other folk on here I know that once these things are talked out they become so much clearer and you will both have an opportunity to understand your emotions. It sounds to me (as a sort of granny figure in your life) that you did what so many would do and hid from the puzzling and scary aspects of the whole thing by being busy. Now you have time to stop and think, don't be scared.....ask! There will certainly not be anyone on this board that thinks you are out of your mind and I will go out on a limb and promise you that your relationship with Neil will get better not worse at all, I will I think shut up now as you don't need me to hassle Wish I could come over for a coffee and a natter
  4. At times I thought the one year 'anni' would never come, but it has and today my partner and I celebrated with dinner in our favorite restaurant, it was truly memorable, not only for the food but just being there Being normal, and once again feeling like 'me'. For much of the time after my SAH I felt that I had lost 'me', as things were so different, one minute a lively senior citizen and then when I came home six weeks later, there was this old woman looking out of the mirror at me! I felt old too, but now the energy is returning, it goes absent for short times, but all in all we progress and life is good again I now intend to show everyone just how well I can do in the next year. Thanks to all friends on this board, for support, inspiration and above all companionship and helping to make me realise that there are others out there who can help, thanks to everyone who has made me welcome and especially to our Karen for Behind the Gray
  5. Hiya! Tammy So glad that you have been able to post, that was probably one of the hardest things to do I have read Neil's blog too and you are surely right he has not lost his sense of humour Throughout the year since my SAH I have so often felt that my partner was having a tougher time than me, after all I know exactly what is happening ( even if I can't remember much at all of the actual SAH ) Alison can only guess at how I feel or the effects the SAH is having, she makes a darn good job of it but it still must be tough! I would rather be me than her,maybe Neil feels the same way? Keep reading, keep asking we all learn about this old thing in fits and starts. Boss him about and don't let him start work again until you have had a chance to spoil him properly, and he you!! Please note Neil
  6. Hi Neil, Now that man is progress You do seem to be doing well, don't push your luck though will you? Tammy is going to need you a lot, please do see if she will join us, I too was for a while a Hampshire hog but now am happy as a bee in clover living in Northern Ireland. I was t'other end of Hampshire from Basingstoke though ( Buriton Nr Petersfield look forward to meeting you more and I have noted your blog
  7. Hello Sharon, So pleased that things are starting to move in the right direction Glenside Manor, looks to be an impressive and comfortable place. Wish your Mum all the best and happiness in her new environment
  8. John, I really do feel for you, it must be so scary and demoralising to have to wait with no immediate hope of being told when you will get your recoil My thoughts are with you, I trust that you will hear soon and that in the mean time they will make up their mighty minds Vivien, it must be awful to know what can happen. Just hang on in there knowing that the powers that be truly will act fast if you are more at risk than you should be. It's easy for me to say ( I don't need a recoil, I don;'t think!) but try not to be scared come on here and shout about it!!
  9. Jac I'm so pleased that you have had your scan and are still here to tell us your story Well done that woman, I bet you can't think of anything nicer than those girls of yours to focus on, now can you? I trust you enjoyed the Galaxy ( you can feel sorry for me, I hate chocolate since my SAH, but I remember how much I loved it before!) Ah well, it could be worse, I could have gone off coffee, or tea or.............
  10. Myra, have the happiest anniversary that you can, that is the worst one over for you ( at least judging from what others say I can't tell yet I have a week to go for my year), but I can agree that this first year is a 'toughie'. I suggest you look back at your progress, which I can certainly see that you have made, you are a different person now, from the Myra who first posted on here! Just hang onto that thought as I can see it's true Good luck for the next year, I think it is an easier road
  11. Paul, I reckon it very much applies to you! Why not,indeed, you are just as much a survivor of SAH as we all are, to hear something supportive like that said of your very dear Lin, must have been a very precious moment
  12. Today I had a real morale booster An old friend and one who was there for both my partner and me when I had the SAH, came to see us and her first words to me were 'Wow you look so much better and really alert' Simple for her to say but what a lot it meant for me If you have had a morale boosting moment do tell us , I bet it will 'lift' us all
  13. Hello Phil and welcome, the time it takes to recover is the one thing which really gets to us all, but after all we have had at the very least a brain injury and maybe surgery too, so it is going to take a while.Conventional wisdom says one to two years and that is what the majority of us find, but we can all promise you that you will improve, gradually, possibly in fits and starts but for sure it will happen. Looking back over the last year, I am so much better now than I was only a short time (months) ago. Your best bet is to accept that it takes a while, rest and spoil yourself, talk to us and generally let yourself be pampered for a while
  14. Hello Jac Don't worry, the MRI itself is not a real problem, good idea to have music if you can, but I'm not sure that Take That is music lol There is only one reason for an MRI for you at this stage, they do indeed want to make sure that there are no hidden, sneaky little problems and if you think about it.....there is only one way to see what is going on in your brain Bet you laugh at yourself for worrying when you come back, but hey I do get annoyed that things are not explained to us more. Just because the medics know what is going on, it does not mean that we do
  15. Welcome, there is not one of us on here who would ever wish you to be feeling 'alone' after SAH, but oh! we do understand that that was how you felt. I use the past tense as with BTG I am sure you will not feel lonely again, or at least if you do you can tell us and we can put a stop to it! That's a promise Do tell us more about yourself, other than, as I suspect you are a gardener ( me too although depressingly have not done any since my SAH nearly a year ago, but I'll get back to it ) Ask for any advice you need or just say Hi! if the lonely bug strikes
  16. Welcome Mandy So glad that you hve found the site useful since youir SAH, it is certainly the best place to go for info about it, I expect like many of us you were not told much and were pretty much 'in the dark' I know I was and so was pleased to find a supportive but also practical and down to earth refuge. I do hope you manage to get help with your prescriptions it must be so difficult to set aside enough for that when you can't work, I am one of the privileged, too old to pay for my medication I am very thankful for that. Do look after you though asmnd as others have said if we can help we will certainly be there.
  17. Dawn, I will have a great way to remind myself to think of you on the 17th, it is St.Patrick's Day so no problems, I will be there in spirit
  18. Hello Jacqui A big welcome, I can't add much to what the others have said except to say how right they are and that yes, fear of every little twinge of headache or feeling wobbly, any old thing really is a big part of the early days, but here we all are, I am nearly a year on, others less, others much more, and we are ready to help in any way we can. The energy levels do start to come back, that's a promise but only if you do care for you, you are a vitally important person for your two girls so take care and keep asking, we will be here
  19. Congratulations and very best wishes Shiree, go girl with your beloved truck. I'm so pleased for you I do understand that battle as we all do, the main thing is we can show just who the tough guys are, but of course only with support like BTG I am very close to my own first anni now just 17 days away, I'll update everyone on my progress then, and it surely is progress. My partner and I are going out for dinner on the actual one year anniversary, we just want to show (it) and ourselves who is boss
  20. Yes Vivienne, there is. Give the editor of your local paper a ring and tell him/her about it, the background story helps with that too, as he/she likes a story with it. They will happily make it public. My paper is running it with a weekly 'Do you Ice 'Reminder and they gave it ( and me ) a great write up
  21. Hello Dawn, Scott in the previous post is spot on, I think others have mentioned it too ,the hospital would indeed have done something (at least an angiogram) before now if they felt there was any urgency. As it is you will be on the list with all the folk who are waiting for an angiogram, I am too, just to ensure that there is nothing going on in my brain that should not be, what a good job they can't read my thoughts One thing that happens almost everywhere in the UK and probably throughout the world, is that nurses and surgeons classify things as routine, because to them they are, but to us, who only know what the SAH and the surgery following that etc was like it is a very big deal indeed, and not routine at all! A tad more explanation would help all round, I reckon. Stay cool and I do hope they do your angio soon to put your mind at rest
  22. Hi Charty I too have some weakness in my legs, it is confirmed by my GP and others who have checked the comparative performance of each of my legs, one is definitely weaker than the other and neither is as it should be, I gather. I have been told that it will improve and that I am most unlikely to be left with any residual weakness when I finally feel I have reached the end of this tunnel
  23. Hah! Just as I thought, Northern Ireland does not seem to be included in this campaign, we are still in the UK and although our Health Service is run differently from that of the mainland we do come under the jurisdiction of the various government departments. Perhaps I have imagined my SAH after all as obviously in NI we don't need to know, perhaps because we don't have SAH!!!! neither do we have a single specialist stroke unit!! Sorry not your faults at all, my friends, but it is going to make it even tougher to get something done here about the process of recovery as our people presumably we be as unaware as ever!
  24. Welcome Vivienne! Wow I bet you are really thankful that at last someone worked out what was really wrong! Look where that has left you, all of us to give you support and no doubt ask questions, share problems etc I look forward to hearing more from you
  25. Hi there, Penny Great to 'meet' you and to share your story. I too had Hydroencephalus and a shunt so we already have something in common Being positive is a real winner isn't it? I try to be too, but there are times when I waver fortunately something usually happens to fetrch me back1 I look forward to hearing more from you
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