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Low Pressure.

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It is something we call "barometer head".  The lower the air pressure the worse the head feels.  Mine's banging right now and I'm 15 years into recovery.  It can be worrying but just remember, when the pressure lifts, so will the headache.

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I've not heard the term Barometer Head before, but great description. I suffer a lot from low atmospheric pressure, not headaches as such but a basic inability to concentrate or function normally that I think is related to small changes in shunt pressure - I'm probably wrong about this....


Strangely, while all this is going on I'm slightly less deaf thank usual !


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I was so reassured to read this, I'd noticed in the summer that my head hurt when it was stormy but put this down to the humidity not the air pressure but the last week has been a headache week and I hadn't connected it to the weather until reading this.

Today has been better but still windy here in Norfolk as well as wet/sleety.

Hope everyone else is doing ok?

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 9 months later...

Just wondered how the barometer heads are today I woke up feeling dreadful this morning, I thought a bit fresh air would help so I took the dog for a walk but it got worse, the dog kept stopping and looking back at me she must’ve sensed I wasn’t well, think I’ll put my feet up for the rest of the day.

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It was a really beautiful morning here and we went for a walk, pretty much out of nowhere  it clouded up, the wind picked up and we had a few claps of thunder and a hailstorm. The only warning we had to cut the walk short was the sharp head pain I got out of nowhere - the bbc weather app had only a 5% chance of rain for the day and definitely no warning of a weather front/pressure change.


Definitely an afternoon on the sofa after that.


Here's hoping the weather settles soon, these rapidly changing conditions are not pleasant. They may not be as extreme as the weather many are experiencing but far more immediately & personally unpleasant. 


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Yes. Hydrate! I just had another scare. Stomach bug that resulted in me passing out twice, and hubby called 9-1-1 bc my family thought I was having another hemorrhagic stroke (1st one sept 2022) -but, thankfully, I had a Neg CT. 2 liters of Iv fluid helped. My poor family. They threaten to wrap me in bubble wrap. 

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My wife went out yesterday so I lit the fire and me and the dog lay on the sofa and slept most of the afternoon.

 I felt so good this morning that I’ve been to work for 4 hours.

I don’t think the next ones far away so that’s something to look forward to 😵💫

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