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Monitoring Blood Pressure

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Hi again when the hospital did Merrills bp the other week it was very high,so i bought a monitor and checked it daily (this was something the doc told me not to do as she said it only causes you worry) the doc put Merrill on Ramipril to bring it down and the first couple of days it was from very high to very low (89/59) last night it went to 192/101 very high, do you think i'm wrong to monitor it myself as i now feel like going back to the gp to talk about it again is this me being a worrier or is this me being sensible, Right come on tell me the truth, Thanks Rod

P.S at the moment i check it 3 times a day and get a low reading in the morning and a high reading at night just before she takes the Ramipril

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Hi Rod,

You are not wrong to monitor Merrill's BP. Even if the results are a bit skewed, which they can be, trends can be noticed which the doc can never see. When I first started on BP meds (ramipril), I checked mine twice a day and showed the results to the doc. It was quite useful, as it showed a lowering trend that indicated to the doc that the meds were working. Incidentally, I take my meds first thing in the morning (I take 2 others besides ramipril), as that's when the doc told me to take them. It seems to me that there's something else that's affecting Merrill's BP as the difference is very high. Record the data and show it to the doc, as there may be other tests that can be done to find out why it is fluctuating so much.


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Hi Rod,

I would ask the Doc, as to why Merrill's BP is lower in the morning, but higher in the evening .....

If Merrill is taking the drug before she goes to bed, than this may explain a lower reading in the morning ....but, I'm not a medic. However, I do know, that when I'm going through a bit of a stressful time, then my BP can be all over the place.

Have you tried to alter the timing when taking her BP, say lunch time and then after dinner, say about 6ish? .... I know that Merrill is feeling pretty stressed at the minute with all that's happened, so would imagine that this isn't helping her BP ....

But totally agree with Keith, to record the data and show it to the Doc.....I would also ask Merrill how she's feeling at the time of taking her BP and record that too. xx

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the bp should be on average 100 plus age of person being taken its called the systolic pressure the lower one should be below 90 diastolic

the reason its normally lower first thing in the morning is because the person has been lying down or incumbent ie resting as the day rolls on the perons bp does rise because the heart and body is having to work just that bit harder to maintain pressure other factors must be taken into consideration sah being one the after affects and what medication you are on all increase the bp but the normal is 100plus age /75 -80 anything outside this range is classed as abnormal but anything can put it up its the systolic which of concern but many factors can attriubute to raised bp its the lower one that the drs want to know about again poss due to drugs being taken or physical condition of person worry is a big factor could go on but i think you have the gist but if concerned always talk to gp or nurse at surgery raised bp does cause headaches take care

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Hi Rod

My blood pressure went up 4 months after my SAH. At it's highest it was 210/115, it's now stable at 130/84. I take Lisinopril in the evening and Bisoprolol (beta blocker) in the morning. My GP told me it would be putting too much into my system to take it together. He chose these as they are less likely to give me headaches but take longer to work. My GP checked my BP 3 times a week when it was at the higher end (at one point he was thinking about doing a 24 hour check) to eventually checking it once a fortnight, which took 3 months.

The reason for the 24 hour monitor was to try and see if there was a reason for it rising. i.e. was I doing too much, was I getting anxious etc. It never happened, thankfully, as I would have had to go into hospital for this.

I was told by my neurologist not to have caffeine and alcohol, so I don't. But I like my chocolate. What I've found is that if I have any more than a few squares, my pulse starts to race, so I have to be careful. Little but often is my motto:)

I agree with Bogbrush, there does seem to be quite a difference. I think you should speak to Merrill's GP about it. He should be able to give you an explanation, I wouldn't worry about what he says to you about buying the monitor. Your only trying to do your best in helping Merrill in her recovery.

Take care


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Hi Rod and Merrill,

I too have high blood pressure and i am on ramipril 5mg and 2.5mg and indapamide 1.mg ( the 2.5mg ramipril has just been added in the last month).

My gp welcomed the fact that we bought a bp monitor but only to take it once a day and the same time each day as it can alter during the day ...mine alters from 117/65 sometimes later afternoon to 155/85 in the morning...i was told that bp can rise during the evening in everyone and the best time to monitor it is 1pm and not when you have had something to eat or drink especially hot food. Hope Merrills comes down soon apparently it takes a couple of weeks for b/p tablets to get into the system. Stress is a major cause for my b/p rising for me and worrying subconsciously, which is something i cannot do anything about...try not to worry too much....you both have been through alot at the moment..take care.

Take care

Michelle c xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Thanks all for your advice spoke to doc this afternoon (not merrills ,who is on hols till 10th) she said not to keep monitoring it, but as i had been recording it, to take that in to merrills own doc next week and let her have a look,so think i will monitor it just once a day till then and hopefully get in on the 10th thanks all very much for your help and now going to follow the link keith sent

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Hi there

I was at the GP this morning and my BP is always up when I go (dont know why) anyway he's gave me a monitor to check it twice a day for a week, I'm on the same but I was told to take my 3 tablets first thing in the morning and not at night this is because it wont work.....

believe high BP is one of the things you get because of the SAH.....

take care

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Hi Louise,hope your's getted sorted,I've now changed merrills back to morning after talking to doc yesterday, you get conflicting advice if you talk to more than one doc the theory behind giving it to her at night was that Ramipril has several side effect at the start of taking and most of those would come while she's asleep but when you sit down and think about it ,it is a bit counter productive so decided to put it back to morning,and see her own gp when she gets back on the 10th

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Hey Rob

My BP has been high for a long time now just never seems to be ok well that is when I get it checked otherwise day to day its usually fine on the whole isnt it weird.....when the doc here took me off the antenolol and I went on something else I got so depressed oh boy it was bad, then I got put on this one its now up to 10mg.....

hope it sorts out when the gp is back on the 10th..

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Hi Louise

Atenolol was the first beta blocker my GP put me on. I couldn't function. It made all my symptoms worse, the forgetfullness, foggy brain and I was back to having two sleeps during the day. Even though it did the trick and my BP came down, it wasn't a good time for me. When he changed it over to Bisoprolol he then explained that Atenolol is a general beta blocker, meaning it goes into your brain! That's why my symptoms got worse. Bisiprolol is heart specific. My symptoms are much better now, even though I'm still not able to be as active as I was before the BP meds. But I returned to work yesterday, on a phased return basis, there was no way I was capable of going back on Atenolol.


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Hi Rod

That's what I was told. My GP said that's why docs do home visits to check BP until it's under control. He said your more relaxed in your own surroundings. Maybe, but I know I would get a little anxious before his visit, hoping that it hadn't risen. This was because I knew that if it had he would increase my meds and this would make me feel more tired etc. I felt it was a bit of a catch 22!

Louise, that's interesting about what you say about coming off Atenolol. I have put on some weight since starting the beta blockers but have noticed a little loss since my GP changed the tabs. I put it down to being less active because I tire more easily on them. I live at the top of a steep hill and until I was started with beta blockers was able to walk up it. I can't now, I get too out of breath. Yet excercise is supposed to be good for BP! Again a bit of a catch 22!

However, since he changed the tabs I am out more (as said before I'm even back at work).

I'm working hard to try and get off the beta blockers. I watch what I eat, I'm even drinking beetroot juice each day (quite expensive) and also take Co-Q10. I just feel that if I can get rid of the beta blocker then I will have much more energy, as I did in June.

My biggest gripe is that I have been told he has no idea why my BP went up. Blood test showed nothing. But something changed 4 months post SAH and suddenly it went up.

Apparently "lots of people" have high BP and docs dont' know why!! I have learned to take a deep breath when I ask a question either of the neuro's or my GP and get told "well we don't really know what caused that"!!

Oh dear rant over.

Liz xx

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No no idea why mines high either, it all started after my Dad died and the neighbours in his stair gave me a very hard time because I needed work done in able to sell, it effected my health badly.....But yes I worry that it will be high and that makes it high:roll:

Rod, yes heard of the 'white coat thing' before infact thats why he gave me a monitor home with me yesterday.....he said just that.

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