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Follow-up appointments

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Hi all,

How soon after aneurysm coiling should I have a follow-up appointment?

My local hospital told me on 24th Dec 09 that I should have an appointment in 2-3 wks time with the hospital who performed the op, however, I was only told that I would need a further angiogram in a years time.

I would have thought I should have a follow-up appointment to cover off any questions I may have - now that the initial shock has worn of - and now that I have been home and am not being checked every few hours.


Kelley x

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Hi Kelley,

I don't think that there is any hard or fast rule with follow-up appointments or scans and it seems to differ with each individual hospital and the individual case history of the patient, as some of us have different outcomes post surgery.

I haven't ever seen the Consultant since my coiling, but have a neck left on my aneurysm, so I will be scanned again in 2010, which will be nearly 5 years since the op. I think that I saw the Subarachnoid Specialist Nurse at about 3 - 4 months post SAH.

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Hi Kelley

I too left hospital with no info.I did ask what happens now and I was told by docs 'go home and heal'! Even my GP was surprised. However, two months after I was discharged I got a letter from the neuro nurse specialist, apologising saying that no one told her I had even been admmitted and that she normally comes to the ward and introduces herself. She also enclosed a lot of information but it was a bit too late. It was then I discovered that I would have a 3 month follow up appointment, which was actually 5 months. I didn't even see a doc from the team that looked after me but the doc I did see told me that he remembered me being on the ward!

I seem to be 2 months behind because of the initial error. I've to have an angiogram after a year, which will be February. So far I haven't heard anything from the hospital, so it could be April before they call for me. It might be a good idea for you to contact your consultant's secretary and ask her what the usual procedure is.


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Hi all,

Thanks for all your replies.

It seems crazy that there is no consistency in the follow-up care and information provided post-op! It is not as though we have just had a bone re-set in an arm or something!!...

I did get through to Charing Cross Neurosurgery dept today, and was advised that I should have a 6-wk post-op follow-up appointment, and I will need to contact my consultants secretary when she is back from holiday 18th Jan.

I also managed to get some answers re.medication, prior to a Dr's appointment at my local surgery next Tues.


Kelley x

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