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Hi All,

I have not been on here for quite awhile so here i am seeking some advice.

Hubby Mark had his SAH last November and all is going well except for his memory. It will be easier for me to list the problems i am facing.

1. He cannot remember our wedding which was 15yrs ago.

2. He does not remember much of our marriage.

3. I am like a stranger to him.

4. Does not remember much about our daughter.

Cannot remember things that were a couple of days ago.

The list is endless and it is quite upsetting that i am a stranger and to me it is what is the point being here.

Hope to hear from you soon.xx

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Hi, I am so sorry you and Mark are having these problems. I had my SAH last November and have also been left with memory problems but not as severe as Mark. I forget recent things. If I do something today I will have trouble remembering it from Wednesday onwards for example. I have no recollection of my SAH and the following seven weeks. My wife and daughter have told me things that happened.

I am having sessions with a Clinical Neuropsychologist who is part of a Team attached to the local Primary Care Trust called the Shropshire Enablement Team. She has completed some tests on me to determine the extent of my memory problems and plans some exercises to assist me with remembering. I can only suggest that you check to see if you have a similar facility near you. I do get frustrate some times when I forget things that appear so simple. I cannot speak for Mark but he might be having similar feelings.

I hope you can find some help for you both.

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I agree with what John said. My memory problems aren't as severe as your husband's either, but is he seeing a neuropsychologist? They might be able to help. You sound like you might need help coping too. Can you talk to your GP and see what help is on offer, counselling or whatever? Take care!

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Sorry to hear about Mark's problems, as the others have already said mine is also not as severe as Mark's but I still do have problems with short term memory, it's very frustrating to be in such a situation such as Mark's and as well as yours.

It was my physiotherapist who suggested to me to do some brain training which I do when I can and I think it has helped a little bit, I know each situation is different and the recovery period after a SAH I am still trying to recover and mine was over 2 years ago.

Visit your GP and see what's available for Mark and for you too and don't forget we are also here for you.

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Hi Diane

So sorry to hear that Mark is suffering long term memory problems as the others have said it is more common to have short term memory issues. I also have some issues with long term memory but not as severe as Mark.

I completed a degree in a subject I loved in 2004 and now have no memory of it and can't even comprehend the assignments I wrote, even tried subscribing to a journal but its like double dutch to me now.

I think John is right and maybe Mark needs to see a clinical Neuropsychologist and maybe you yourself may find some couselling helpful as it must be really disheartening for you trying to cope with all the emotional and physical after effects of Marks' SAH.

Really hope that you can both get the help and support that you need.

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Hello Diane, sorry to hear of Mark's memory problems. When I first had my SAH I could not remember my husbands name although I knew who he was. Now 3 years on my memory has improved but is still pretty bad and I have learned how to cope with it, although it is very frustrating at times. I did have counselling and still go twice a year just to help me with ongoing problems. It must be very hard for you, maybe a visit to the gp might help you get some help :)

Vivien x

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Hi Diane...must be so hard for you to cope with....sending you hugs. As the others have already said, i think your GP or as John has said Clinical Neuropsycologist. Dont give up....recovery is sometimes very long. But with the right help Mark should hopefully improve. I wish you both all the best...take care love Tina xx

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Hi Diane

Must be very hard for you, & I so understand it, my husband has the same as you as in

1. I cant remember our wedding day either:(

2. I've been married 25yrs but only remember really the last 10 even thats hazy

you have to remember that with help these memories can return for me after a long while when I looked at pictures I could remember little things.

I totally agree with all the answers dont give up hope there's a lot of point to you being there-honey.....

take care cuddles to you both

Edited by Louise
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Hi Diane

That must be really hard for you.

Just a thought - you could get your daughter to help you make a 'memory album' for your husband? including pictures and wording to explain the pics (who is in them, when and what happened) which you could go through with him on a regular basis, to help trigger some memories of various things that have happened over the years?

Perhaps you could ask a neuro-doctor or nurse if this could help?

I do hope that during his continued recovery his memory will get better for you all

Take care

Kel x

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Hello Diane.

my memory has been badly affected too. I think that with time it should start getting better.

I would offer suggestions to help but I think that a mix of Kel's suggestion of the memory album and a trip to the neuro-psychologist would be the best thing.

I know that things must be a real nightmare for you at the moment. But hang on in there. Finding this site is a step in the right direction.

Good luck.


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Hi Diane, sorry your having to go through this, I think Kels idea is brilliant and am sure it will help him bond again with the family as well as re learn what he has lost. My memory loss wasn't as severe either but I had to re learn alot of things and once i'd re learnt them I felt like i'd remebered them . Hugs Maggiex:redface:

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