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7 years since it happened.

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Hi all...This was the week of my SAH 7 years ago...the days of that week seem so blurry to me even 7 years later.  I had my SAH and only spent a few days in the hospital.  I was good, thunder struck but no physical issues...then less than 48 hours after getting home, the worst thing happened to me, I had a severe vasospasm...


I was alone, I wasn't even aware it was a possibility, so terribly scary for me and transported by ambulance to a big neuro center in Boston...long story short 7 days in neuro ICU 2 weeks in rehab and lots of PT afterwards, but I survived. 


I am really good considering, only some balance issues and some vertigo.  The emotional toll was big but I am good.  Enjoying my life, seen grandbabies born, son get married and 7 more years with my hubby...oh yes I am good and thankful. 


This site has been a God send to me.  First you know what I am talking about haha...Just love you all and what you do to help others, made such a difference for me. Thank you all...



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Congraulations lovely lady on your 7 year SAH Anniversary :) 


So glad you survived and enjoying life and doing well Jean xx

Thank you so much for all your caring helpful support you give to others, we love you too xx


Hope you can celebrate with your gorgeous family.

Here's to many more Anniversaries :) 


Take care 

Love Tina xx

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Thanks  for your post Jean. Congratulations seven years on. You certainly had a rough start to this SAH journey. 


It's been a pleasure to keep in touch with your recovery since you joined BTG.  You obviously are over the moon with your 'expanding' family. Seeing these kiddies grow can be such a boon more so when trying to recalibrate life post SAH.


Great to have all your news from your side of 'the Pond' 😊 


Keep positive and so thankful you have been able to enjoy all these precious moments with your family. 






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Congratulations on your seventh anniversary.

You seem to have had a lot of enjoyment with your family recently,

hope you have many years to come.

Look after yourself and don’t let the grandchildren tire you out too much.





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  • 1 month later...

Hi Jean,

Sorry I am so late reacting to your Anni-versary 7 years is a great milestone, you have gone through so much, here you are doing so well, those grand babies will help to keep you going, it sounds like you are enjoying your life and family, they are all precious moments.

I just want to wish you good health and lots more happiness as you continue on this journey.

Love & best wishes 

Michelle xx

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