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ESA Medical Assessment and the Frustration it brings with the results.

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Hi All

From personal experience the main thing to do is get help, I used the CAB and cannot recommend them enough. They helped me both in original application and appeal. I do have other serious problems as well as an SAH but was succesful.

I was given the impression that it is their intention to refuse at first application. I won't detail what benefits I have only that I have to re apply in 2 years time which obviously causes worry in case they refuse them. Apparently the renewal is in fact a new application form which has to be read by someone not involved in the original. Having had an SAH the worry is increased.

When I was in employment I filled in and checked all types of complicated forms but benefit forms take the biscuit. Please get help from those trained in these matters.



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I echo what Ninja says regarding the CAB. I volunteer at the CAB and we regularly see this situation.

There are usually specialist advisers available who can help you with the process of filling forms and appealing. It is even possible to request representation at the appeal itself.

I used to work as a Solicitor, but resigned recently because I do not think I could cope with the demands of the job after my SAH. (My SAH was in November too, John.)

Since personally experiencing the stress of the welfare benefits system; and after what I've seen clients go through at the CAB, I hope to work into the charity sector so that I can help people with their benefits problems. It's been a real eye opener for me and quite galling too when I think about the amount of tax I've paid to this country; not to mention the tax I will pay in the future.

If I were you, I would not trouble myself anymore with trying to complete the paperwork or deal with the appeal myself. There are people in the CAB who are trained to do this kind of thing.

Your local CAB should be listed online and have a drop in centre.

Take care,


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Hi its me Again

Speaking to people in my area you need to get in touch with CAB as early as possible because like everything else offces are closing in certain areas but as Lynne will no doubt tell you they are always at the end of the phone. Unfortunately there are many who do abuse the system but if you have had an SAH that should be enough.

Hey Lynne you don't live too far away from me perhaps in 2 years you may be my advisor!!!:lol:.



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  • 1 month later...

On the advice of the CAB I requested all the medical paperwork that related to my decision for DLA benefit being declined.

The copies included a report from the Doctor who carried out my ESA Assessment and it stated that this had a bearing on the decision. As I am also appealing against the ESA ruling I was not surprised to find it was not in my favour. I do not challenge most of the content but the omissions. It fails to include any of the facts relating to my Memory loss and my problems with my right arm and hand. It even has my medical condition wrong.

I have according to the CAB good grounds for appeal and have Medical Reports to support my claim. They are frustrated at the level of problems people are having with their claims. I accept that I may still fail to overturn their decisions but I will have a good try. The bottom line is that I want to return to work when the time is right. But do not know to what level I will be able to return.

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  • 1 month later...

Amazing news this morning my ESA Appeal has been won without me being aware it was taking place. I have been awarded arrears and lifted into one of the higher groups. I rang them this morning because a large amount had been paid into my Bank and I was only paid last week. I am now awaiting the written confirmation and explanation. So for anybody having trouble with the system stick with it and go to Appeal if you have too.

The Postman has just bought my letter. I have won the appeal and been placed in the Work Related Group. My Allowance has doubled to £50.04 per week. I feel vindicated that my efforts were worth it and that just because I look okay outwardly I have difficulties that are not so visible but still a problem for me at the moment.


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Congratulations. Thats just great news. Do you know if this has just been a case of them reconsidering their original decision? I ask this because they hadn't asked you to attend appeal hearing. I am expecting mine to come up early in the new year as I have been waiting now since June. They did, at one time send me a letter saying they had looked at it again and were still agreed that I no longer qualified. How great this has happened for you at this time of year when we all need that little bit extra. :biggrin: Yippee!!!:biggrin:

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Jen thank you for your good wishes. My date was supposed to be next March, so I was amazed that it happened already without my knowledge. I had asked to be present to lobby my case in person, but I will take a win any which way.

Keep an eye out because yours may be brought forward.

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Gosh, this is exciting! I have sent off further documents to the Tribunal, with my psychologist's assessment that clearly lays out in detail what my problems are. You never know, eh?! I'm so happy for you though. You can treat your granddaughter for Christmas :D

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i had a missed cal on my mobile the other day from Atos so it los like they want me to do a medical although they didn't leave a message. I now have my neuro phsych appointment for Jan & hopefully an assessment wiht Headway before then. So basically the more info I can provide the better?

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