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stress feeling

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when you say a strange feeling in th head especially at evening time or tired, do you mean like a drunk sort of disorientation feeling.

Most of day i feel okay then usually in the afternoon a weird sort of feeling like i have a ball roling in my head or im on a boat. Its very difficult to describe. It mostly happens when i get stressed or worked up over something. I feel like i have to keep calm all the time, which is impossible with children.

Im hoping others have felt this too.

tracy S xx

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Yes I hve had what you are describing, I get feeling like my head turns to sludge or if I'm sufferinf informtion overlaod it feels like a balloon about to pop in my hed because I can't take any more noise or stimulation. I find the best way is to have a rest as often as possibl befoer it gets to tht stage really helps.

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Hi yes i used to suffer that alot, it has started to come back which is why i bought tickets to the haloween party at karate club cause this time I ain't gonna let it get me down I'm just gonna carry on. Jess.xxx

Ps don't let it get you down

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Hi Tracy,

I felt the same in the early years after the SAH .... I still do, but not until late evening now, especially if the fatigue has been with me during the day and I've done too much .... Sounds as though you need to put your feet up and have a rest during these spells or have an early night.

Life really does get better, but hard when you have children about you, as you can't always do, what your brain or body is telling you. xx

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