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Anyone Here Develop Hydrocephalus?

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I developed hydrocephalus immediately after my SAH. I was in hospital for 5 weeks because of it.

My consultant gave my body the opportunity to try and resolve matters itself despite pressure from other doctors to fit a shunt. In my fifth week, matters started to improve and I was discharged.

A recent CT Scan in July has demonstrated that I have dilated ventricles which I understand to be from the hydrocephalus. I am awaiting an appointment with my consultant to discuss what needs to be done about this, if anything.



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Six months after my SAH I was back in hospital and after a scan they discovered I had hydrocephalus it was mild though and not bad enough to have a shunt fitted, also my ventricles were dilated. I seem to remember them saying that this was quite common after SAH but I'm not absolutely sure of this. I'm fine now, no more hydrocephalus.

Do you have hydrocephalus?

Did you notice any symptoms from your hydrocephalus ? Also, did it just go away on its own ?

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Hi again, i think classic symptoms of hyrdacephalus are loss of peripheral vision ie very much tunneled vision loss of coordination, sometimes what they call sunset eyes where your eyes tend to settle in the lower part of the sockets and generaly not being together if you know what i mean Merrill did'nt speak very much sense at the time either,Rod

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Hi again, i think classic symptoms of hyrdacephalus are loss of peripheral vision ie very much tunneled vision loss of coordination, sometimes what they call sunset eyes where your eyes tend to settle in the lower part of the sockets and generaly not being together if you know what i mean Merrill did'nt speak very much sense at the time either,Rod

Plus headache, nausea and extreme tiredness. That is what I was told by neuro when I asked how I would know if my shunt blocked or stopped working.

This may help, but please do not try to self diagnose, if you are worried seek medical help.


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surfer 34 if you have any concerns talk to your gp it seems as if you are fishing without being sure of what you require there are many signs and symptoms of hydrocephalus which are easily diagnosed and treated very easily please talk to your gp please

Edited by paul99
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Thank you for all the feedback.

I dont think I have hydrocephalus but I have been feeling sick the last 7 days. Nausea and faitgue but I went to the emergency room and they thought I had a stomach bug.

Hydrocephalus crossed my mind because I am only 3 months from my SAH but it seems like I dont have the symptoms of it. I will probably call my neurologists to see what he says. I just didnt feel like getting another CT scan or MRI right now.

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Hi, I had hydrocephalus as a result of my SAH. It affected severely for about five weeks until a Shunt was fitted. I did not know who I was or that I was in hospital. You must seek medical advice if you are worried. It was the best remedy for me and allowed me to recover a lot of my faculties. It turned out to be a very positive outcome to my condition.

My wife monitors me to ensure that I have not developed a blockage.

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Hiya i have three times now since SAH in June had feellings of nausea extreme fatigue and really funny heads when its knocked me off my feet for about tens days at a time , i went to the GP and he thought at first it was a stomach bug as i felt so sick , but when it occured again about month lately he seemed to think it was part of the recovery as he gave me full set of bloods which came back clear and checked the perssure in the eyes which was all ok. These espoides started about four months after the SAH , im six months on now and hopfully won't have another one as bad as they were. Hope that helps RHiann :-D

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