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I only wanted MRI results....

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Hi Guys

If you remember I last posted regarding the MRI I had. Well Im still waiting for an app as a follow up. MRI took place on 8t June and I have been ringing the hospital the last couple of weeks trying to see what is happening. My surgeons secretary told me at the begining of the week that the Doc who had reviewed the pictures was concerned that there seemed to be a problem with my left temporal lobe, he didnt think this was anything to do with my SAH??? ( just remind you one anni clipped the other wrapped)

I went into panic mode really thinking all sorts doing too much research on the internet ( sometimes a curse not a blessing!!!) I spent a couple of days thinking I might have Parkinsons or dementia or some strange over sex type problem!!!

Eventually ie Yesterday my surgeon rang me and said he thought the radiologist was been over cautious and asked me how I was. I said good and feeling positive up to this week. Dont worry he says you dont have Parkinsons and if you are well then thats good. He promised me an appointment soon

So what do you think guys?

The medics take so long to get back in touch ( bless them anyway) I dont think they understand how the smallest comment can have such a massive impact???


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I know sometimes these weights can't be avoided while tests are checked and double checked but it doesn't do much for our blood pressure or stress levels does it? It is one conversation of many they have in a day for them and a big deal to us!

It sounds to me like they have wanted to be extra cautious and go over your results very carefully and are happy now that all is OK?

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I had MRI .....awaited for telecall or post...no reply either way....ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

My hubby called hospital....Surgeon's sec said " I'll look into it"......now on hols how dare they take a holiday lol

I think if something was up they would get back to me immediately..I hope !!

Try not to worry ...good luck



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Hi Karen

This is similar to what i had. I had a MRI in Nov last year as a follow up from my SAH. Didnt hear anything, then doctors phoned for me to go in to see him. The hospital wanted the doctor to explain that some white dots wer found on my scan and that they wanted to look into it. they kept talking about demilation which i found can be MS. When i asked they said MS looked likely. They did the usual tests touching my nose and finger and walking in straight line. Was left like that for 2 months thinking i hve MS then surgeon phoned to say my scans look ok evidence of the SAH and considerable damage but thats it. He then went on to say how lucky i am with that damage to be walking and talking ok. Have left it that its the aftermath from the bleed but not ruled out MS completely.

Take care

Traci S xx

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They tell us not to get uptight ...remain calm....... Then Leave us waiting for results grrrrrrrr lol

I can imagine I have another berry thing..or another anni thingy.....But to be honest...now I go hydro I feel so much better..

Need to go out every day poor family and I am no lightweight to push in chair lol !!!!...


Winb143 .......alias fatty

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Hi all

Read Win's news today glad to see its good!!

I also got my appointment through on Saturday for the 25th August- GCSE results day. Im always in work that day so after go to work before my appointent!!

Hope news is good at both events. My scan was on 7th June so seems a long time.............................................

I am going to try not to think about it but will ask if they can give me a call in future just to reassure!!!


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Glad to hear you've got the appt. set!!! Good for you :biggrin: Waiting is hard and our minds tend to worry and wonder. It's a shame they can't give you results sooner! Hopefully, the time will pass quickly for you and before you know it, the day will have come and gone and the results will be GOOD! Will keep you in my thoughts for calm days ahead and with no worries.

Hang in there! Big hugs from across the pond,


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That is a long wait Karen and what a day for your appointment to fall. I was only asking someone the other day when GCSE results day was, but she didn't know, so thanks for that information. I think my 16 year old daughter was probably keeping her knowledge of this date from me on purpose!

I am currently waiting the results of an MRI too. I had my scan on 25th July and was told I would get the results in 10 days - I wish they wouldn't tell you this when they obviously can't count!! Joking aside, the waiting period is not nice, I do hope I am not kept waiting that long:shock:.

I wish you well for 25th,


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I truly wish that I could offer some advise when we're playing the waiting game for test results.

It's something my dear hub and I have gone through for many years now. He's waiting on some now.

I just wanted to let you know that I know how you feel.

Hope your results come back soon and that it's all good news.

Big hugs to you all.

SarahLou Xx

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